"Hoo~~~" Soon, the movement in the woods soon came to them, and it turned out to be a strong shock wave that blew the entire woods into a mess.

The impact came and went fast, and in just a few seconds, the woods returned to the original quietness. And Naruto and them were all embarrassed by the hurricane, and their bodies were covered with dust and withered branches and leaves.

"Ms. Kakashi, what's going on? Why is this strange wind suddenly hung up!" Naruto asked suspiciously.

"The hurricane just now should be the shock wave formed by someone using a super attack!" Kakashi explained to Naruto.

"Na...Nani? Just the aftermath of the attack formed such a big movement, what level of battle is this? Is this really made by Gaara and Sasuke?" Hearing Kakashi's explanation , Not only Naruto, Shikamaru and the others were also stunned.

"Don't worry about this, since there is a battle, it means that we are not too late, we now go to Gaara and the others." Kakashi said to the small strong, and then rushed into the woods first. The Xiaoqiangs didn't think much, and entered the woods behind Kakashi, rushing in the direction of the three giant gates just now.

Just when they were approaching their destination, Ino suddenly discovered a new situation, stopped and shouted to the Shinobu group: "Wait, look, what is that!" Then he stretched out his finger to a bush. After hearing Ino's words, Kakashi and others also listened to their footsteps and looked in the direction that Ino had caused. They found that there was a black mass in the grass that Ino was referring to. Since the mass was covered by the grass, only a black mass could be seen vaguely, so they didn't see what it was for a while.

"That seems to be a person!"

"Let's take a look!"

Then everyone jumped a few times, and they came to the bush, and they finally saw clearly what the black thing was. It turned out to be a person, wearing black underwear, and he was lying on the ground at this time, not knowing whether it was alive or dead. This person was Kankuro who was fainted by Tatsuru's use of monthly reading, and then was shaken by the shock wave when Morizuru appeared.

At a glance, Temari saw that the person lying on the ground was Kankuro, and exclaimed: "How come? It turned out to be Kankuro!" Then immediately squatted down, checked Kankuro's situation, and swayed his body to try to wake him up. he. "Kannakuro, wake up soon, what is going on?" But after being swayed a few times, Kannakuro still didn't wake up and was still in a coma.

"I have learned medical ninjutsu, let me take a look!" At this time, Haruno Sakura stepped forward and squatted next to Kankuro, with both palms flat on Kankuro's chest, facing Kankuro from both palms. His body outputs a green chakra.

Soon, there was movement in Kankuro. Kankuro frowned, then slowly opened his eyes, looked around in confusion, and said in confusion, "I... why am I here?" The voice sounded very weak.

"Kankuro, you wake up, this should be you! Why are you here? Hurry up and tell me what happened, and Gaara and Sasuke Uchiha?" Seeing Kankuro wake up , Temari hurriedly asked him.

Hearing Temari's words, Kankuro, who was still confused, immediately came to his senses: "Temari? You are finally here. Gaara is in danger. Go and save him!" He tried to get up, but he didn't. Can succeed. At this time, he was very weak and had no strength at all.

"You don't move, your spirit has been severely traumatized, so you will be very weak. Sorry, my current medical ninjutsu can't help you heal you, you just stay right!"

"But... damn! I was so useless, I couldn't help Gaara at all!" Kankuro said in pain.

"Did you fight Uchiha Sasuke? What's the matter? Is Gaara still fighting Uchiha Sasuke? Hurry up and tell us everything." Temari asked anxiously.

"Damn... When you were sending information to Konoha, Gaara and I also came to see Uchiha Sasuke the next morning. At noon, you didn't show up because it was already the appointed time, in order to save it. For the ninja who was captured, we had no choice but to meet Uchiha Sasuke first."

"What then? Did Sasuke Uchiha say his purpose? Why did he spend so much time looking for Gaara?"

"Huh? After we met with Uchiha Sasuke, he also fulfilled his promise to release all of us, and then said his purpose. His purpose turned out to be a chakra in Gaara's body, but Since the battle with Naruto, Gaara has changed a lot, and no longer intends to use Morizuru’s power to fight, so he rejected Sasuke Uchiha. After Gaara rejected Sasuke Uchiha’s request, He did it on us. However, this was also what we expected, but what we didn't expect was that at the moment of doing it, Sasuke Uchiha performed a terrible illusion on us, and we all fell into that illusion under our care. That illusion... that illusion is really terrifying!" Kankuro felt a bit of fear after saying this, and his body was trembling slightly.


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Chapter 63: How to crack the monthly reading

In the woods, everyone was listening to Kankuro's narration.

"Illusion? What kind of illusion? Can't even you and Gaara solve the illusion on their own?"

"Yes, the terrible thing about that illusion is that there is no way to unravel it, because that illusion will pull people into a strange space in which I can't control my body at all. I was caught by Uchiha there. Sasuke tortured for a full 72 hours until the illusion was lifted. After the illusion was lifted, my eyes went dark and I lost consciousness. I saw you when I woke up, and I don't know why I was here."

"72 hours? How is this possible? It has only been 20 hours since I rushed to Konoha, and you also said that you only met Uchiha Sasuke at noon, and the distance is the longest now. It’s only an hour, how could it be that 72 hours have passed? Is it because you were caught in an illusion, so your memory is messed up?" Temari heard Kankuro's words and questioned. Not only her, but even the other Xiaoqiang felt that Kankuro was wrong. After all, this is too mysterious, because they don't even know Yuedu, the strongest illusion technique.

Only after Kakashi listened to Kankuro's words, his face changed and he blurted out: "Moonreading!"

"Monthly reading? Yes, Sasuke Uchiha did say these two words when he released the illusion to us, and when I was tortured in that mysterious space, Sasuke Uchiha told me many times that it was monthly reading. Space." Kankuro said quickly.

"Moonreading? Is that the name of the illusion? I have never heard of it, Teacher Kakashi, do you know something? Can you tell us what Moonreading is? You may have to do it with Sasuke later, since Sasuke did it. That illusion is so powerful, so we must first understand, and then find a way to deal with it." Shikamaru walked to Kakashi's side and asked Kakashi.

Hearing Shikamaru's question, all Xiaoqiang also looked at Kakashi, waiting for his answer.

"Well, I do know the monthly reading, and I have been in that illusion before." Kakashi said solemnly.

"What? Even Teacher Kakashi..."

"Yes, not long ago. Naruto, do you remember when you and Jiraiya-sama went looking for Tsunade-sama, those two people who wanted to arrest you?"

"Of course I will remember, and one of those two people is Sasuke's brother, the brother that Sasuke has always wanted to avenge him, Uchiha Itachi!"

"Yes, Uchiha Itachi, I was used by that Uchiha Itachi to perform monthly reading. The experience is the same as Kankuro. I suffered 72 hours in the monthly reading space, and my mental power was also greatly damaged. , Can only be paralyzed in the hospital until you and Master Jiraiya brought our fifth generation of Hokage Tsunade back to Konoha, and were cured by Master Tsunade."

"That Yuexue was so amazing? Doesn't even Teacher Kakashi have a way to crack that illusion?"

"No, because that is not an ordinary illusion. It is a high-level illusion that can only be used by the writing wheel eyes. Except for the writing wheel eyes of the Uchiha clan, no one can resist it. This technique will move the opponent's spirit to another world. , The time and quality of this world is completely controlled by the caster himself. The time in the fictional world is only an instant for the real world. This technique may cause the opponent to mentally collapse, and the degree of damage caused can also be controlled by the caster , Is a very dangerous illusion. Because no matter how much time has passed in the moon reading space, it is only a moment in the real world. No one can dispel the illusion in that short moment. Therefore, the moon reading is also It is called the unbreakable illusion, or the strongest illusion."

"This... there is such a strong illusion, isn't that invincible?"

"No, that's not the case. Although monthly reading is called the strongest illusion technique that cannot be cracked, this month reading also has its drawbacks. Because after the other party initiates the monthly reading, it will only work if the eyes are facing each other. On the contrary, as long as the other party initiates the monthly reading, do not let your own eyes and the other's eyes look at each other, then the monthly reading will be useless."

"That's the case, but if you close your eyes when you work with the other party, wouldn't you let the other party slaughter?" Shikamaru frowned and raised a question.

"You don't need to close your eyes, as long as you don't look at each other's eyes, focus your attention on the opponent's hands and feet, and understand his actions to deal with it."

"How is this possible? No one can do this!"

"It's not like that. Someone has already done it. It's Matt Kay, the third class instructor!"

"Ms. Thick Eyebrows?" Naruto exclaimed, the classic posture of Kai with his thumbs up showing his teeth appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help but feel a chill!

"Yes! That's the guy, he thought of this method too. That's how he fought Itachi Uchiha at the time."

"Really, this kind of method is not suitable for everyone!" Shikamaru said helplessly.

"It's true. It takes skill to master the opponent's actions only by looking at the opponent's hands and feet. The situation is urgent now, and there is no other way to do this. However, you can rest assured that monthly reading is not always releaseable. There will be some signs before the opponent is released to the capital. As long as the signs appear and look at the opponent's eyes unyieldingly, they won't be sucked into the space of the moon reading."

"There will be signs? What signs? Teacher Kakashi, tell us!" Naruto asked quickly.

"That is, the shape of the writing wheel will be changed! In fact, the highest grade of writing wheel eyes is not the three-gou jade writing wheel eyes. There is a more advanced form above it, that is, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes. This belongs to the Uchiha family. Even the Uchiha clan, very few people know this secret. I also mentioned it to me when Tsunade-sama treated me after I read it in the middle of the month. Only then did I know this secret." Card Cassie explained.

"Because Moon Reading is an advanced illusion of writing round eyes, only more advanced writing round eyes can be used, right? So Sasuke’s writing round eyes have evolved into the kaleidoscope writing round eyes, since the kaleidoscope writing round eyes Eyes are more advanced writing round eyes, so it must be more than just releasing monthly reading, right?" Shikamaru asked again.

"Yes, it's really not that simple. It's just that I don't know much about kaleidoscope writing round eyes. I only heard a little information from Tsunade-sama. Now Sasuke is different from the past. He is very dangerous now. , So when you face Sasuke again later, you have to be more careful. You must not be arrogant, understand?"

"Understood!" Zhong Xiaoqiang also knew the importance of the matter, and replied solemnly.

"Yoshi, we can't waste any more time. We must rush to Gaara as soon as possible. However, Kankuro's words... Temari, please take Kankuro back to Sagakura village first! Gaara's side, just leave it to us All right."

"I see, be careful yourself, Gaara will ask you!"

"Don't worry, let's take a step!" Kakashi said, and then greeted Konoha's Xiaoqiang, a flash, and Konoha's Xiaoqiang also set off to keep up. Konoha's people were all hours in an instant, leaving only the worried Temari and the paralyzed Kankuro.

"I hope nothing will happen to them!"

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Chapter 64: Finally Meet

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