Let us continue to turn the camera to the protagonist, and after Erha performed the earthen ninjutsu, after offsetting the weakened tail beast jade, Chen shouted at Erha in surprise: "I wipe, Erha, it turns out Are you good at ninjutsu?"

"Huh! Of course, every member of our poodle clan is not only a natural hunter, but also a natural use of ninjutsu, but we don't bother to use it. Because we think that only the strength of the flesh can reflect it. hunter."

"Okay!" Chen said helplessly, without ninjutsu, but he only likes hand-to-hand combat, which is really stupid.

"Ahaha~~Kill you, kill you!" Just when Chen and Erha were talking about living, the opposite Shouhe roared again, seeing Erha and Chen not being killed by himself. Shouhe continued to maintain that posture again, and began to gain momentum. It seemed that he was planning to hit Chen and Erha again.

"Damn it, do you want to make another shot? Erha, stop it quickly!"

"Huh! I don't need you to tell me!" Erha snorted at Chen, then turned to look at Shouhe: "Let that guy taste the power of my clan's Tu Dun! Tu Dun. Burst your chrysanthemum (harmonious) ) Flower Art!" I saw Erha yelling, his hands were imprinted with an incomprehensible seal, and then his hands were suddenly pressed on the ground.

Just after Erha pressed his hands on the ground, a sharp cone of soil suddenly appeared on the ground under Shouhe's body. Because Shouhe's body was too bloated and his movements were not agile, and at this time It was gathering the tail beast jade, so it couldn't dodge, and it was directly exploded by Erha's soil.

"Damn! What a dick!" After seeing Chen for a moment, Ju Hua shrank unconsciously.

"Boom!" Erha's soil escape not only hit Shouhe's juhua, but also successfully interrupted the tail beast jade released by Shouhe. Shouhe was caught off guard and detonated that he had just condensed and hadn't formed yet. His tail beast jade was directly blown up by half of his body. Fortunately, the tail beast jade hasn't formed yet, and its power is not that strong. Gaara, who is on Shouhe's head, is protected by the sand and is not harmed.

"Hey~ Good job, two ha! The next step is to wake up Gaara!"

"Hey! Whatever you want!"

"Very good, I'm going to go!" I saw Chen suddenly disappeared in place, and instantly appeared on Shouhe's head. Because before, when Chen used the Flying Thunder God to leave Shouhe's head, he casually planted the Flying Thunder God's technique on Shouhe's head, and now it comes in handy! After Chen used that technique to teleport, he continued to rush towards Gaara who had lost consciousness. At this time, Shouhe, who had just been affected by his own tail beast jade, was seriously injured, and was slowly recovering. However, Chen had been prepared early and used Yuebu to volley into the air, and shot a special kunai at Gaara by the way, but Shouhe used sand to form a sand wall to block kunai.

"It's not over yet!" Chen Chen shouted, and quickly condensed a spiral pill with one hand, and once again disappeared in place. When he appeared, he had already appeared in front of the sand wall. The kunai just now was the special kunai of Fei Lei Shen, which was now inserted on the sand wall in front of Gaara. Chen also leaned on the coordinates of Ku Wushang and instantly came to the sand wall.

"Break it for me!" Chen very Zhong Er yelled, and printed the spiral pill in his hand on the sand wall. The sand wall collapsed and turned into quicksand, behind the sand wall is Gaara. The spiral pill in Chen's hand did not lose its momentum. After blasting the sand wall down, he attacked Gaara. This time it was no surprise that the spiral pill in Chen's hand was directly printed on Gaara's body.

"Puff!" Gaara opened his eyes violently and spit out a large mouthful of blood from his mouth, finally gaining a little consciousness.

"Damn it, I finally came out, I will kill you all next time!" Just listened, suddenly there was a roar of unwillingness to Shouhe, and then its huge body seemed to be stopped, and suddenly it stopped moving. (I don’t know if he will wake up after losing consciousness in the middle of the month, and he will be awakened by external force here!)

"Huh? What...what's going on? This is...Shouhe?" Gaara, who had just regained a little consciousness, looked around in confusion, and was surprised to find that I didn't know when Shouhe was released.

"But... damn! I... my body... can't move, so... tired!" Suddenly, Gaara finally noticed Chen standing not far in front of him.

"Uchiha... Sasuke?" Gaara said suspiciously, and suddenly a flash of memory appeared, reminding Gaara.

"Where is Kankuro?" Gaara thought of Kankuro who was coming with him for the first time. At this time, Kankuro was not found, and said with some worry.

"Are you asking me? Sorry, I don't know where that guy was dumped!" Chen spread his hands, saying that he didn't know.

After hearing Chen's words, Gaara frowned, trying to control his body to move, but it was in vain. Now he can't even do a simple gesture of raising his hand.

"Uchiha Sasuke, is this your purpose?"

"Yes, my purpose is very simple. It is the Chakra of Shouhe. Now that I have done what I want, then I should leave too. As for you..." Chen said this with a playful smile on his face. "Forget it. After all, in a few years, you will also be the commander-in-chief of the Ninja Allied Forces. If you can still play a role, let's save your life first!"

"What do you mean?" Gaara did not understand Chen's words.

"Haha~~ It doesn’t mean anything! Okay, now that my purpose has been achieved, I will take a step forward. We will definitely meet again in the future. I will re-introduce myself to you at that time. Now, you Just stay here quietly and wait for others to save you, I'll go first!" Chen said with a light smile, then turned and jumped from Shouhe's huge body to the ground. Gaara did not speak out to stop him, because he knew it was useless, and the person in front of him couldn't pay attention to him. He is now at the end of the battle, unable to do anything.

Looking at Chen's back, Gaara thoughtfully secretly said: "Re-introducing myself? Is it my illusion? Why do I feel that Uchiha Sasuke is different from the previous one, not only his strength, but also With his character, it seems to be a completely different person. However, there can be no falsehoods in the writing wheel, what is going on?"

"Huh? Erha has already left, he didn't even say hello!" Chen jumped to the ground and found that Erha didn't know when he was young, and shook his head helplessly. It turned out that after Shouhe was sealed again, Erha saw that there was nothing wrong with him, and went back to the psychic world on his own.

Just when Chen was about to leave, after walking a few steps with his head down, he suddenly felt a few glances, which made him hold his footsteps, and then raised his head to find that several people appeared in front of him, blocking his way. After seeing the faces of several people, Chen's heart was full of surprise, and it was still displayed on his face.

"It turned out to be them!"

At this time, the person on the other side also spoke!

"Finally found you, Sasuke!"

They are all acquaintances, and the people in front of Chen are the reinforcements sent by Konoha. They are the leading Shinnin, Hagi Kakashi, and the seventh class members, Naruto Uzumaki, and Sakura Haruno. There are also six members of the tenth class, Nara Shikamaru, Akuma Dingji, and Yamanaka Ino. What I said just now is leading the team to Shinobu, Kakashi Hagi!

After leaving Konoha, Chen finally saw Konoha's ninja again, this time as an enemy.

Because I also thought it was too watery, I rushed to this chapter overnight, but I was too sleepy in the middle of the code, so I had to go to bed first. When I woke up at six o'clock, there was exactly two hours left. So I finished this code in a hurry, upload it to you first, and I’ll watch it, I’m going to work, and I’ll continue the code at night. …

Chapter 65: Questioning

After Chen Laichen collected the Chakra from Shouhe, he planned to leave, but unexpectedly ran into Konoha's chasing soldiers. Seeing the chasing group of six in front of him, Chen couldn't help but was taken aback, and his surprise at the appearance of Kakashi and others completely exceeded his expectations.

The six members of the Konoha chasing team in front of them all had different expressions after seeing Tatsun. Kakashi was calmer, Shikamaru and Dingji looked indifferent, and Ino's face was very ugly, staring at Tatsun. , As if Chen owed her something. Only Naruto and Haruno Sakura showed a very excited look, especially Bitike Sakura, oh no, it should be Haruno Sakura that was even more exaggerated, and they both cried bitterly.

"Sasuke!" I saw Naruto Haruno Sakura excitedly shouting to Chen at the same time, and then Haruno Sakura ran towards Chen with tears, and wanted to plunge into Chen's arms, holding Chen tightly, for fear of her eyes. The person suddenly disappeared.

"Huh?" Looking at Haruno Sakura who was leaping towards him, Chen frowned in disgust, then stretched out his left hand and instantly transformed into a giant snake, attacking Haruno Sakura with his mouth wide open.

"Be careful!" The rest of Konoha suddenly reminded everyone.

However, it was too late, even though they had thought about going with "Sasuke" before. But what they didn't expect was that "Sasuke" immediately acted upon them after seeing them, and there was no opportunity for them to say a word. When the incident happened suddenly, they had no time to stop, so they could only subconsciously shout "Be careful!"

In an instant, the giant snake that Chen transformed into attacked Haruno Sakura. Fortunately, Chen did not intend to kill her. The giant snake just rushed to Haruno Sakura and stopped and did not attack. Instead, he opened a huge mouth to Haruno Sakura's face and made a hissing sound. Although the giant snake did not attack, Haruno Sakura was still frightened and sat paralyzed on the ground.

"Don't get close to me, or you will be killed!" Chen said with an indifferent expression on his face.

"Sasuke...why?" Looking at the hideous snake head in front of her, and then at the indifferent "Sasuke", Haruno Sakura suddenly slumped on the ground with a dull expression, unable to believe that "Sasuke" would be so ruthless to herself.

This change caused Konoha's everyone to put away their expressions just now and became vigilant. Pay attention to Chen's every move, in case Chen suddenly does dangerous things. Only Naruto, seeing that "Sasuke" treats Sakura that way and his former companions, Naruto is really furious, and angrily asks Sasuke, "Sasuke, what are you doing? She is Sakura and belongs to us. My companion, how can you do such an excessive thing to Sakura like this?"

"Hey! Correct, she is your companion, not mine. I am just a person from the beginning to the end. I have never had a companion! No matter who it is, if you dare to approach me casually, you will be treated as me. Kill the enemy. For the classmates who used to be in the same class, I will let her go this time. If you still hinder me, there will be no way." Facing Naruto’s questioning, Chen sneered. Said disdainfully.

"Damn... what do you think of Konoha's companion?" After hearing the cold words of "Sasuke" and the disdainful expression, Naruto felt extremely angry in his heart, holding his fist and yelling at "Sasuke" Go, want to punch "Sasuke" to wake up.

"Naruto, don't!" Seeing that Naruto was about to attack "Sasuke" who had been slumped on the ground with a sluggish face, Kozakura immediately recovered, then stood up and opened his hands to stop Naruto. He cried and stopped Naruto: "Naruto, please, don't..."

"Sakura? Get out of here quickly. I'm going to beat him up until he wakes up."

"No, Naruto! I beg you, don't hurt Sasuke..."


"Really, it's like that?" Shikamaru couldn't help but vomit.

At this moment, Kakashi stepped forward, put his hand on Naruto's shoulder, and said to him: "Okay, Naruto, don't be impulsive, calm down." Then he said to Sakura, "Sakura, you Come back first."

"Yes, Kakashi-sensei! Naruto calmed down after seeing Kakashi's words, and then walked back to Kakashi's back with Sakura. Then I saw Kakashi walked towards Tatsun, and then in the distance Tatsuzo Stopped at the meter.

"Sasuke, haven't you left Oshemaru now? Then, come back with us!"

"Heh~ go back with you? Go back to Konoha?" Chen sneered and said: "Huh~ I tried my best to escape from that place. Do you want me to go back obediently with just a few words from you? Tell you, this is impossible!"

"Then what do you want to do? Do you want to get revenge on Uchiha Itachi?"

"Shut up! Don't pretend that person's name in front of me!" Chen shouted angrily.

"Then tell me, did you do the thing in Xingyin Village?" Kakashi asked Chen.

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