The ephemeral technique is a special ninjutsu of Zetsu. It is difficult to define which system this ninjutsu belongs to. Because once this technique is activated, it can freely shuttle through the network of earth, plants, and even underground rivers. In total, earth, wood, and water are all involved. In essence, it is an extremely high-end infiltration technique. And when White Zetsu activates it, it is silent. There is no need to make hand seals like ordinary ninjas. It is almost an instinct or blood limit. In this way, it is almost impossible to restrain this technique from the attribute. Therefore, it can only be played unexpectedly. And even if it is unexpected, it is not a simple thing. You know, although most White Zetsu are not strong in combat. But there are too many of them. Among the 100,000 White Zetsu, there are always quite a few powerful ones.

And those who monitor Konoha cannot be ordinary people. Qingye is considering that the other party should at least have the strength of a jonin.

At the same time, White Zetsu has another powerful characteristic. The vitality is extremely strong. It is difficult to kill by conventional means.

These things are actually no longer human. Their essence is actually closer to plants. And plants cannot be killed by a sword.

Therefore, if you want to sneak attack and subdue this thing in the first time, you still have to return to Qingye’s current learning progress, the sealing technique.

Qingye needs to develop a convenient sealing technique to block all the chakra and mobility of White Zetsu in the first time.

How to say this problem, it is difficult. After studying for a few days, he basically has no clue.

It’s not that there is no similar sealing technique, but this kind of sealing technique is basically not fast enough. It is slower than ordinary ninjutsu.

This thing is usually used after subduing the enemy. Make sure that the opponent will not recover chakra to escape, or kill in return. In short, the ninja world currently does not have the kind of sealing technique that Aoba expected, which can instantly seal all the enemy's chakra.

If there is such a sealing technique, it would be more powerful than 99% of ninjutsu.

However, one day when he was having dinner with Kakashi, he casually mentioned this idea. As a result, Kakashi gave him an unexpected reply.

"Are you talking about the shackles of the torture class?"

Aoba realized that he had made an empirical mistake.

Before, he studied the technique of sealing vitality, because it was from scratch, he developed it little by little. When it came to the technique of sealing chakra, he subconsciously wanted to do the same.

But he forgot that this is a world of chakra. There are countless sealing techniques for chakra. Although using these techniques directly is not practical enough, they can be used in conjunction with props.

The torture class has more than one set of such special devices. As long as the prisoner is locked up, no matter how powerful the enemy is, he can't use a little chakra. It can even make the locked person limp and powerless. It is a tool specifically for ninjas.

This thing is generally not very effective in actual combat. Because in actual combat, you are facing a person. The time you can lock the opponent with shackles is enough to stab him three times. Besides, that thing is not easy to use at all. The shape is not suitable for combat.

But Aoba has to face White Zetsu. A creature that is extremely difficult to kill. This thing is a typical character that cannot be killed by stabbing it three times, and can only be controlled by restraining means.

"Kakashi, are you familiar with Ibiki?"

"It's okay. I used to deal with him when I was in the Anbu."

"Then I have something to trouble you. Can you help me borrow a set of shackles from the interrogation class so that I can study it?"

The tool used exclusively for the interrogation class uses a sealing technique that is not included in the information of Orochimaru. It is estimated that Uncle Snake did not expect that Aoba would have such a strange demand.

In fact, using the information of Orochimaru, it should be enough to deduce similar techniques. But since there is a ready-made one, Aoba decided to use it directly. There are too many things to study and not enough time.

"What do you want that thing for?"

"I've been researching a special kunai recently. The kind that can limit the enemy's chakra after it hits."

"Limiting chakra is obviously a thankless idea. If you want to increase the lethality of the kunai, you can directly apply poison. The Aburame family sells similar toxins, or you can go to the jungle to extract some snake venom yourself."

"..." This is the point that it's too troublesome to discuss this kind of problem with such a professional. It's impossible to fool around.

Aoba sighed helplessly.

"Well, it's actually related to a special research of mine.

Research. Very special kind. "

Kakashi knew as soon as he heard it that it was the kind that was not convenient to talk about in public. But he did not continue to ask. The main thing was that the shackles of the torture class were very troublesome.

Because this thing was made of special chakra metal. It was expensive and the quantity was limited.

And it was not troublesome because even the people in the torture class rarely paid attention to the quantity of this thing.

Because only powerful and valuable captives would use this thing. Under normal circumstances, these members of the torture class can completely destroy a ninja with just a little conventional means. There is no need to use such expensive props.

Kakashi said after thinking for a while.

"Aoba, I can help you with this. You can also not ask the reason. But I need you to promise me that your research will not harm Konoha."

Aoba did not answer directly. Instead, he asked back.

"Kakashi, why do you think I will hurt Konoha? I have never done anything to let Konoha down. "

"But you think in your heart, Aoba. I can see that you have resentment in your heart for marginalizing you in Konoha. No, it's not just resentment, you resent them."

This is the first time that Aoba discovered that not only did he understand Kakashi, but Kakashi also understood him so well. He thought he had concealed it very well, but Kakashi, one of his few friends in Konoha, actually saw through something he had hidden.

Although, it is not very accurate. Because Aoba did not resent the top leaders of Konoha, but hated them. Being marginalized actually had its own deliberate operation. But the disgust for the top leaders of Konoha was real.

And this hidden emotion was interpreted by Kakashi as his resentment of Konoha.

"I have to say, Kakashi. Your cold appearance always makes people ignore your delicate heart. However, before answering this question, I need to ask you a question in return. If you can answer me, then I will answer you. "

"......Okay, ask it. "

"Very good, Kakashi. Tell me, what is Konoha?"

After saying this, Aoba didn't wait for Kakashi to respond, but got up, paid the bill and left.

"Think about it carefully, and then answer."

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