Two days later, Kakashi found Aoba and handed him a scroll. But he did not respond to the question Aoba had asked before, but turned away silently. It seems that he understood the deep meaning of Aoba's question. In this way, the question became more difficult to answer. Aoba was not in a hurry, he needed help in Konoha. Kakashi was not the most reliable person. But overall, he was a very good choice. In this world, there are many ways for a person to become stronger. At least in this period of time, power is also part of strength. Konoha White Fang was strong enough back then. Just a few rumors could easily force him to death. In addition to his lack of mental strength, there is another key factor, that is, he has no power. Two useless advisors in Konoha F4. They were considered top figures in their early years. Now they are so fat that Kakashi can probably beat them both.

But they are still very powerful in Konoha. One sentence can order Kakashi to go out and fight for his life. This is the power of power.

Before the era of Gundam per capita, power is also a part of strength. While strengthening his own strength, Aoba is also trying to cultivate his own power.

He is not interested in the position of Hokage. But how does that sentence go? I can give it up, but you can't give it up.

He will never allow himself to fall into the situation of White Fang back then. The position of Hokage can be given up. But you must have the strength and power to ascend to the position of Hokage at any time.

Not having a sword in your hand is different from having a sword in your hand and not using it.

Kakashi went home to be entangled by Aoba's question. Aoba began to study the shackles that Kakashi sent.

The technique on the shackles is much simpler than expected. The key issue lies in the material. These shackles are mixed with expensive chakra-conducting metal. So they can maximize the effect of the spell.

But Qingye has no chakra metal, not even a gram. So he still needs to make changes.

Qingye does not need expensive props like shackles. His plan is to get a set of disposable ones.

Anyway, if the time comes, there is only one chance to attack. If the attack misses, there is basically no follow-up.

And if it succeeds, the effect only needs to last for a short time, and he can kill White Zetsu directly. At that time, there is no need for this thing.

After lowering the requirements, the problem really became simple.

Qingye found some ordinary kunai shuriken and engraved the sealing spell on them. Then injected chakra and threw it out.

He expected that the spell would take effect after hitting the target. It only needs to last about thirty seconds.

But the actual problem is that the shuriken directly broke during the flight...

Qingye only felt the reason why chakra metal is expensive at this time. Because the chakra conduction process causes too much damage to metal.

Aoba had no choice but to go to the ninja tool shop in Konoha.

A little girl with a bun was watching the shop. Aoba looked and saw that it was Tenten. It seemed that her family was a famous ninja tool merchant in Konoha.

"Hello, what do you need?"

Seeing the forehead protector on Aoba's forehead, Tenten hurriedly greeted him warmly. There was no other way, her pocket money came from today's income. Naturally, she had to greet the guests well.

"Um, I need some ninja tools. I want to ask, do you have kunai and shuriken mixed with chakra metal here?"

"..." Tenten was stunned for a moment, as if she was stumped by Aoba's question. Because this is a question that all ninjas know the answer to, no.

In fact, except for the Flying Thunder God Kunai of the fourth generation, basically no one would use shuriken and kunai with added chakra metal.

Because these two are throwing ninja tools. Although kunai can be used in close combat, it is more often thrown. Although it can be recycled, in actual combat, there is actually very little time and opportunity to recycle it.

And any ninja tool with chakra metal added is expensive. Even the rich can't afford such consumption.

"I'm sorry, we don't have that kind of ninja tool."

"..." Qingye was silent for a while. Although I had expected it. But I still felt helpless when I heard the answer. But this is not all bad.

Because if there really is, I

The wallet is about to bleed. That's not really good news.

He thought for a moment and asked again.

"Which shuriken and kunai do you have here with the highest strength? I need a ninja tool that can withstand chakra conduction. As long as it can last for about a minute without breaking, it's fine."

"Ah..." Tiantian was really shocked by the strange request of the man in front of her. But she thought about it and seemed to remember something.

"Please wait a moment."

Then Tiantian ran to the warehouse and searched for a while, and ran out with a box.

"Sir, take a look at this."

Tiantian opened the box, which contained a row of kunai and a row of shuriken.

Qingye picked up one and immediately felt the difference. These two most commonly used ninja tools have been learned since the ninja school.

Qingye didn't know how many times he had used this thing. But how to say it, the kunai in front of him, as soon as he got it in his hand, he felt something special.

Especially comfortable.

The overall shape of the kunai is no different from other kunai. But there are differences in subtle places.

It's hard to describe it in words. The general idea is that this kunai has achieved perfection in every subtle aspect, such as the texture, weight, center of gravity, etc. of the handle. Only in this way can an old hand like him feel the difference as soon as he gets started.

"This is..."

"This is a super deluxe version of ninja tool launched by our store in the early years. The whole set of ninja tools, whether it is the material or the craftsmanship, is purely handmade by masters, and the details are done to the extreme."

"......Will anyone buy this kind of ninja tool?"

Although this thing does not add chakra metal. But if you spend so much effort on a consumable, the cost will naturally rise. By the way, the price is estimated to be very shocking.

"Uh... It's a pity. This product failed that year. So there is no follow-up. This is the last box. The materials of these ninja tools are the best ones other than chakra metal, which are enough to withstand chakra conduction for a period of time. But I'm not sure about the specific time."

Aoba looked at the kunai in his hand and injected chakra directly. About a minute and a half later, the kunai shattered.

It was much better than he thought. A hint of joy flashed across Qingye's face. But then he realized something was wrong.

As expected, Tiantian saw the expression on his face and immediately knew that a big deal was coming.

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