The two of them were in a state of panic.

"Why do you have to take this guy with you? Can't we find a place to bury him?"

Yumi didn't understand why Aoba took Hidan with him.

"This guy's ability is very special. He is very useful to me. As long as he is used well, he will be a trump card in my hand."

The ruins of the Uzumaki clan are located on a small island between the Land of Fire and the Land of Water.

At this point, Aoba will once again complain about Konoha's decision to let the Land of Whirlpools fall. It was simply stupid to the extreme.

Because the location of the Land of Whirlpools is right between the Land of Water and the Land of Fire. It can be operated as a front line to defend the Land of Water. Its strategic location is not inferior to the value of Taiwan to China.

But Konoha didn't even say a word and gave up directly. Of course, the performance of the Water Country and other coalition forces on the opposite side was equally stupid. Because they didn't even try to control the island of Whirlpool Country. Instead, they massacred and left...

After arriving at the border, the two rented a boat to go out to sea.

As a result, less than a day after going out to sea, the crew on the boat saw that the two young men were generous and wanted to do a deal without any capital.

Mainly in front of these ordinary people, the two did not show their identity as Konoha ninjas. Yumi looked delicate and weak, while Aoba was a typical pretty boy.

In a rage, Yumi directly skewered a group of crew members and hung them at the stern to feed the fish.

As a result, neither of them could drive the boat. They drifted aimlessly on the sea for several days.

Aoba finally used water escape to control the boat forward. The journey that was originally two days took a full nine days, and finally arrived at the ruins of Whirlpool Country.

This island was chosen by the Uzumaki clan as the place to establish a country. It is conceivable that the environment and climate must be very suitable for living.

Unfortunately, after the fall of the Whirlpool Country, this place was completely abandoned. When Qingye and Yumi went to the island, they found that the Whirlpool Country had been occupied by a group of pirates.

Yumi couldn't control herself anymore. In an outburst, she directly used the technique of inserting a drill to nail the pirates to the ruins of the Whirlpool Country.

Qingye didn't stop him. Anyway, they were just a group of pirates, so they could be killed.

When you are powerless, things like national hatred and family hatred will only add to your troubles. But now, Yumi has the power of revenge. Those originally suppressed emotions were completely released.

Qingye is not worried, and even welcomes this phenomenon. There is basically no such thing as law in this world.

It is a world of pure jungle law. If it weren't for the weirdo Senju Hashirama. This world would have been completely destroyed by civil war or unified.

The result of Senju Hashirama's forced termination of the war was that after his death, the five great powers continued to fight. The hatred between them had broken through the sky.

I don't know how much effect was destroyed by the five great powers' momentary intention. At least some people still remember the hatred of the Whirlpool Country. Those countries covered by history, those lives whose names have been forgotten. Their hatred has even drifted away with the wind.

Aoba has always believed that revenge is the most just thing in the world. As a descendant of the Whirlpool Country, Yumi naturally has the right to avenge this destroyed country.

After slaughtering the pirates, Yumi took Aoba and found the ruins of the former Whirlpool Country based on her memory.

Most of the buildings here have been destroyed by the war and the pirates later.

Yumi took some effort to find the former Whirlpool Country Shrine. This is also one of the few buildings in the Whirlpool Country that are still relatively intact.

Walking into it, the things inside have naturally been looted long ago. Only a simple and hideous mask is still hanging on the wall.

These masks are naturally Qingye's target. This inconspicuous mask is the only thing in the entire shrine that has not been destroyed and taken away. It is also the most important thing in the entire shrine.

After taking out the mask, the goal this time is basically completed. The rest is to accompany Yumi to reminisce about her homeland.

It's a pity that this small country has been completely destroyed long ago. The two walked all over the island and couldn't find many traces of the Whirlpool Country.

Standing on the beach, Yumi looked at the sea in the distance. That direction is the direction of the Water Country. And the Water Country was the main force that destroyed the Whirlpool Country back then.

"Qingye, I want to find the survivors of the Whirlpool Country, gather them together, and try to

The Uzumaki clan cannot be passed on. "

"I support you." As a Chinese in his previous life, inheritance is a mark engraved in his bones. Aoba originally felt sorry for the destruction of the Uzumaki clan. If this powerful clan could be revived, he would also be happy to see it.

A few days later, Aoba calculated that there was not much left in the one-month vacation.

Although he never took this time to heart. But if there were no special circumstances, he didn't mind giving some face to the top leaders of Konoha. After all, it was not the time to turn against each other.

The return journey was much faster. The two of them went straight all the way and rushed to Konoha quickly.

When they returned to Konoha, it was exactly one month.

For Aoba's behavior of returning on time, the third generation just smiled. But Danzo's expression was a little strange.

After Aoba left. Danzo spoke.

"Hiruzen, I found a good seedling in the ninja school. I need her to join the root."

"Good seedling? ”

“That’s right, that kid named Uzumaki Karin. She has shown the characteristics of the Uzumaki clan. Her chakra is five to ten times higher than that of children of the same age. And her chakra control and ninjutsu learning ability are both top-notch. Such a good seedling can only maximize its value in the Root. ”

It must be that Aoba just left. Otherwise, if he heard that Danzo actually started to have ideas about Karin, he would have to turn against him on the spot.

After all, he slept with Karin’s mother. Now he also regards Karin as his half-daughter in his bones. A guy like Danzo dared to have ideas about Karin, and he could tolerate it.

“Impossible, Danzo. Give up this idea. I have other arrangements for that little girl. I won’t let her join the Root.”

“Huruzen, such a good seedling will only waste her qualifications if she is placed in the ninja school.”

“I have decided on Danzo, so let’s leave it at that.”

“Huruzen, you will regret it.”

“Danzo, I am the Hokage. "

If Aoba was there, he would have laughed out loud after hearing this classic dialogue.

But after returning home, he really couldn't laugh anymore.

"Karin, you said there were people with masks following you? They should be ANBU."

"No, they are different. They are different from the people around our house before. These people also wear masks, but they give me the feeling of... being dangerous."

The relaxed look on Aoba's face disappeared, replaced by a trace of solemnity.

"Shimura Danzo! !"

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