The enemy is in danger, but the enemy is still alive.

Shimura Danzo can be said to be the first on Aoba's must-kill list. But this guy is really hard to kill.

Aoba's current frontal combat power can easily defeat Danzo.

But the problem is that Danzo is not a lone wolf like Hidan, he is the leader of the root of Konoha. Not to mention that he has a large group of subordinates, under normal circumstances, it is difficult for Aoba to grasp his whereabouts.

Even if the opponent's whereabouts are grasped. It takes a lot of time to kill him head-on, and Konoha can't watch Danzo being killed. By then, the confrontation will almost be the entire Konoha.

Even if all the above problems are solved, Aoba finds an opportunity to fight Danzo one-on-one.

This guy can't be killed at all.

Others don't know, but Aoba knows. On this guy's bandaged right hand, there are ten three-magatama Sharingan.

Danzo knows Izanagi. Ten three-magatama Sharingan means ten chances to revive. And more than that.

Izanagi can last for a period of time. Strictly speaking, it should give Danzo about thirty minutes of invincibility.

What's more, the opponent has a Mangekyo in his right eye. The Mangekyo of Shisui contains the Kotoamatsukami. It is a means that Aoba cannot deal with at present.

Therefore, conventional means are temporarily impossible to deal with Danzo.

Fortunately, Aoba started preparing to deal with Danzo a long time ago. When he first traded with Orochimaru, he got Danzo's blood. It was for this time.

And now, Hidan is also in hand. It is time to start thinking about killing Danzo.

With Hidan in hand, killing Danzo is no longer a problem. But Aoba wants more. First, he needs to get the Mangekyō in Danzo's eyes. Kotoamatsukami, this thing is really useful.

In addition, he also wants the ten three-magatama Sharingan on the opponent's arm. And if that's the case, some small problems need to be solved before taking action.

Originally, Aoba planned to take it slowly. But the opponent has already set his sights on Karin. Aoba will naturally not wait any longer.

After rebuilding half of the underground laboratory, Aoba took out Hidan's head and placed it on the table.

Then he pulled out the kunai on the head so that Hidan could speak.

"You bastard, let me go quickly, Lord Evil God..."

As soon as Hidan's mouth was free, he started to output crazily.

"..." Aoba didn't say anything, just looked at the other party quietly. Until he looked at Hidan all over...uncomfortable.

"Are you done? If you're done, answer me a few questions."

"Asshole, who do you think you are, I..."

The irritable Hidan complained again. Aoba still watched his performance without saying a word. Until Feiduan was dry-mouthed and panting. He spoke again.

"Are you done?"

"......What on earth do you want to do, you guy?"

"It looks like it's almost done. In that case, let's get started. Feiduan, I want to make a deal with you. Use your power to help me kill someone. After success, you will be free. What do you think?"

"Killing people is no problem at all. Tell me who to kill, and I will kill him right away."

"Hehe. I said Feiduan, what I need is your ability, the ability called Death by Blood."

Feidan, whose secret was revealed, was silent for a while. Although he was crazy, he was not stupid. The other party obviously knew his biggest trump card. And he was still controlled by others. This meant that he had little chance of turning the tables.

"Who are you going to kill?"

"You don't need to know who he is. You just need to know that I have his blood. But we still have a few small problems to solve."

About half an hour later. Aoba walked out of the laboratory.

If you want to kill Danzo and keep those Sharingan, you need to determine one issue first. That is, whether the Izanagi on Danzo's body is active or automatically released after encountering a fatal attack.

This is not clearly described in the original plot. But Aoba must be fully prepared.

In the original plot, all ten Sharingan were wasted by Danzo. It's really a waste of resources.

Since it's uncertain, everything must be considered according to the worst plan. Aoba refers to both.

That is, Danzo can be activated actively. And he can also be released automatically after encountering a fatal attack.

After the attack, it is activated passively. This is in line with Danzo's cautious and fearful character.

And if this is the case, Feidan's Death Master cannot be used casually.

Aoba needs to find a way to limit the opponent's use of Izanagi in advance.

If it is a real Uchiha clan. This thing is probably difficult to do. But Danzo forcibly transplanted the Sharingan. Used to suppress the cells of Hashirama in the right hand. The ten eyeballs are only used as resurrection coins. So, it is not impossible to do this.

At this time, Orochimaru delivered the key main attack. Aoba got the pair of three-magatama Sharingan he wanted.

Aoba wanted the Sharingan originally to prepare for the transplant of Shisui's Mangekyō for himself. But now, it is just in time. It is just right to use this pair of Sharingan for targeted research.

I don't know what chips Orochimaru paid. Only then did he get this pair of three-magatama from Danzo.

In Aoba's deduction, there may not be many extra Sharingan left in Danzo's hands.

Mainly because that night, those who attacked the Sharingan should be Danzo's root, Obito, and Uchiha Itachi.

Among them, Obito should have gotten the most, followed by the root. It is unknown whether Uchiha Itachi did it. But Aoba estimates that the Sharingan of several key figures of Uchiha may be in his hands.

Danzo's experiment should have consumed a lot. It is not bad to have a pair left.

Although this pair of Sharingan is not damaged, it is obviously not in good condition. It is probably left over from the experiment. The pupil power loss is quite large.

Fortunately, Aoba is not going to replace the eyes, but just to do experiments.

Assuming that Danzo's resurrection coins are caused by fatal injuries and passively cast, then Aoba needs to seal these resurrection coins before the killing move.

He has communicated with Feidan. Feidan said that once the ritual of the death of the blood is completed, all the negative effects on himself will be fed back to the recipient.

Therefore, what Qingye had to do was to use the sealing technique to completely seal the activity of Danzo's right arm and right eye after the death of the blood, and then kill the opponent instantly. Without giving him any chance to react.

There are many similar sealing techniques. But in order to achieve the kind of efficient results that Qingye needs. Some modifications are still needed.

For a while, Flying Thunder God, Wind Style Rasengan, and sealing techniques all needed to be practiced. Qingye was busy again.

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