The scope of sealing techniques is very wide. Five elements seal, Bagua seal, and seal of evil are conventional sealing techniques. And unreasonable forbidden techniques such as Diamond seal and Shiki seal are also sealing techniques in theory. At the same time, bird in a cage and tongue disaster root eradication techniques are also various variants derived from sealing techniques. Apart from other things, the five elements seal requires the use of the principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint of five different attributes of chakra to disrupt the chakra of the object of the technique. The requirements for the performance of this technique are already very high. Ninjas who can use the five elements of chakra at the same time are rare in the entire ninja world. The Bagua seal is a step further. Most people can no longer understand the theory.

And these are just changes at the chakra level.

Although the requirements for chakra have been lowered for the caged bird and the tongue-trouble-eliminating technique, it involves the relationship between chakra and the body. Its sophistication and complexity are even more abnormal.

As for Tsunade's Yin Seal and the Hundred Healings Technique, they have been integrated with unique personal colors and have become a school of their own.

"Haruno Sakura, you have to remember one thing. We are civilian ninjas, without secret inheritance and bloodline limits. Ninjas like us need to work harder to achieve something.

It is already very difficult to achieve anything in medical ninjutsu and sealing techniques. But I still require you to do both at the same time. It doesn't matter if you don't understand now, but one day you will understand."

Before the class was over, Aoba suddenly turned his head and looked outside. Then he left a shadow clone to continue teaching.

He disappeared in the laboratory.

In the woods outside the village, Aoba saw Orochimaru again.

"Long time no see, Aoba-kun. You give people a different feeling."

"I have made some progress in my practice recently."

"Haha, that's amazing. Aoba-kun, you are really the most special ninja I have ever seen. Sometimes, I really want to have a deep exchange with you to see what's going on with your magical information?"

"Really? Actually, I have no objection."

Aoba's words made Orochimaru narrow his eyes slightly. He actually regretted it. He regretted not keeping Aoba at all costs when he traded with Aoba for the first time.

But it was Aoba who took the initiative to ask for a trade with him. Therefore, the other party probably had some means to get out of it.

In the subsequent transactions, Aoba was obviously very wary of him at the beginning. But since the last time, the other party's attitude has changed significantly. Kamikawa Aoba no longer cares about his threats.

Orochimaru really wants to know how many cards the other party has. But he didn't do it in the end. After all, this is not the purpose of coming today.

"I wonder what Aoba thinks of Konoha and the Third Hokage?"

Orochimaru's question made Aoba immediately understand the other party's intention. This guy is about to launch the Konoha collapse plan.

It's just that the other party is afraid of him, so he is ready to test his bottom line.

"How should I put it? The Konoha in my mind can probably be described in this sentence. Gold and jade on the outside, rotten cotton on the inside."

"Hahahaha, what a gold and jade on the outside, rotten cotton on the inside. Aoba-kun, you really don't say this like a Konoha ninja."

"Really? What Lord Orochimaru did is not what a disciple of the Hokage should do, right?"

"Hahahaha, you're right. Aoba-kun. In this case, I have a plan here, I think you will be interested."

After finding out Aoba's attitude, Orochimaru actually wanted to pull Aoba in.

"No, I'm not interested."

However, Aoba refused without hesitation. This made Orochimaru a little surprised.

"Why, Aoba-kun. Don't you want to change this rotten Konoha?"

"No, whether this Konoha is rotten or not has nothing to do with my pursuit. Lord Orochimaru, I can roughly guess what you want to do. What I want to say is that you can do whatever you want. I am not interested in this."

Orochimaru licked his lips with his tongue. He understood what Aoba meant. You can do whatever you want, as long as you don't interfere with me, I don't bother to pay attention to you.

Although this made Orochimaru feel despised. But he is not the kind of person who will be swayed by emotions.

"Very good, Aoba-kun. With your attitude, I feel relieved. I think we will see each other again soon."

Orochimaru deeply

He looked at Aoba deeply, and then disappeared instantly. Konoha couldn't help but want to complain about Konoha's barrier class. After so many years, there is still no progress. Orochimaru comes and goes freely, and no news can be found over there. It's really a bit outrageous.

A few days after Orochimaru left, Aoba received the news. This year, Konoha will hold a joint Chunin exam. Invite ninjas from various villages to Konoha to participate. At the same time, daimyo nobles will be invited to watch the game.

The joint Chunin exam is an activity to show one's own strength. Generally speaking, only the five major villages are qualified to hold it. The surrounding small countries will generally give face. However, the five major ninja villages of equal status may not be.

Just like Konoha's joint Chunin exam this time.

The corresponding ninja villages are only Sand Ninja, Rain Ninja, Grass Ninja, Waterfall Ninja, and Sound Ninja. The number of people reported by each village adds up to 153.

This number is considered to be quite satisfactory. After all, Konoha's influence in recent years is not as good as it used to be. Fortunately, it managed to maintain its former glory.

As soon as this order came out, the whole Konoha began to prepare for the Chunin Exam.

The ninja exam is not as simple as sitting in the classroom and doing the test paper. The second round of practical exams requires a super large outdoor venue.

At the same time, logistics, medical rescue, and even live broadcast viewing arrangements need to be fully prepared. You know, the final competition will be attended by a large number of nobles of all classes.

Therefore, the configuration of all aspects needs to be as perfect as possible.

At the same time, due to the large number of people during the Chunin Exam, security issues are actually the most stressful.

Therefore, from the announcement, the barrier class and the sealing class began to run around Konoha non-stop. They repaired and improved the barrier around Konoha everywhere.

All this seemed very interesting in Aoba's eyes. Because the whole Konoha was starting to carry out various infrastructure maintenance and repair construction work.

They even started to do a lot of street sanitation. It felt like the city's sanitation creation in the previous life.

On the Konoha side, Qingye naturally signed up the three little guys under his command. Although these three little guys had just graduated, they were fully qualified to participate in the competition in terms of strength.

Half a month later, candidates from various villages began to enter Konoha Village one after another.

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