The two sides of the border were in chaos.

Aoba also participated in some work. He cleaned up the examination room for the second exam and arrested several Iwagakure spies.

Among the five major villages, Konoha and Kumogakure are the strongest on paper, and Sandgakure is the weakest. Kirigakure is a closed-door country, and Iwagakure is a pure troublemaker.

Currently, most of the outstanding newcomer rewards for major ninja villages on the black market are made by Iwagakure.

Iwagakure rarely takes the initiative to start a full-scale war. But as long as there is a chance, this group of bastards will come up and take a bite.

The Kumogakure has been very inflated over the years. But they never dare to start a full-scale war easily. That is because as long as Kumogakure fights Konoha, Iwagakure will definitely poke its ass from behind.

Ohnoki is an old man who has become very cunning. As long as he can take advantage, his face doesn't matter at all.

Iwagakure did not participate in this Chunin Exam. But there are more spies than candidates from the major ninja villages.

The key is that they are not just here to gather intelligence. They even want to poison candidates from the major ninja villages, want to kill a few of them, damage Konoha's reputation, and provoke conflicts between Konoha and other ninja villages.

The attribute of a troublemaker can be said to have been brought to the extreme.

Fortunately, Konoha was well prepared and finally failed to cause a big disaster.

In order to cope with the Chunin Exam, Aoba also conducted a targeted practical training for the three children.

The three children are all very talented seedlings. The brief fight with Zabuza before made them realize their shortcomings. These days, they have been repeatedly practicing various coordinated tactics.

However, the Chunin Exam cannot be passed by cooperation alone.

When it comes to the third game, one-on-one. You still have to have your own trump card to get enough results.

Among the three, Naruto is the simplest. His trump card is the endless chakra and amazing physical strength.

After Aoba returned from the mission in the Land of Waves, he began to teach him the Rasengan. But the difficulty coefficient of this move is really a bit high. Naruto cannot use it in actual combat for the time being.

But under Aoba's training, Naruto's physical skills have made great progress. He began to have his own style.

Naruto is a guy with a different style from others. It is difficult for this guy to grow up through pure training.

He is a practical ninja. This is also the reason why Aoba complained about his cheating before. Let alone other things, just the one in the plot, the Chunin Exam, where he fought against Neji.

How many times has he been hit by Neji. If Neji had stabbed him a few times with the kunai in his hand, Naruto would have died long ago.

In the original plot, this is very outrageous. Anyone who fought with Naruto would have hit him with fists or kicks. No matter how many times Naruto could be hit. Those people don't know how to use sharp weapons, and they hit him in the vitals, which is really unbearable.

Reality is not a comic, and Aoba will not take such a risk. When practicing with Naruto, he really abused him countless times.

In the plot, when Naruto was practicing, he let the shadow clone fight by himself. This kind of practical training is most suitable for his characteristics.

After being abused every day, this kid's actual combat ability is more than a little stronger than the original plot.

Aoba doesn't like the kind of explosive comeback under extreme conditions. If possible, he hopes that every battle will be a crushing victory. Minimize the variables.

Sasuke's style is different from Naruto. He is more offensive and more ruthless. Aoba asked him to assist in practicing swordsmanship based on his characteristics.

Although he can't practice Aoba's wind-based ninjutsu. But the lightning-based chakra changes are very skilled. This trick is applied to swordsmanship, which is a weakened version of the thunder knife, or the thunder knife.

However, the latter two require extremely compressed high-energy lightning. Sasuke can do it, but he is not proficient enough. It is still a little bit lacking in actual combat.

As for Karin, it goes without saying. With the relationship with Yumi, Aoba can be said to treat Karin as his own daughter.

Her attributes are earth and water. Her talent is somewhat similar to Naruto, and she has an amazing amount of chakra.

Therefore, the development direction customized by Aoba for her is a ninjutsu-type map cannon ninja. Her special training content is to release these two attributes of ninjutsu as quickly as possible. And try to combine attack and defense.

At the same time, she has been able to initially manipulate the Uzumaki clan's diamond blockade. This is the last trump card.

Sakura did not sign up for the Chunin Exam because she did not form a team. She has just finished the initial theoretical learning stage and is still far from actual combat. For Sakura, this Chunin Exam is

It is dangerous and a waste of time.

Ninja promotion is not just about taking exams. As long as her strength is up, Aoba has plenty of ways to get her promoted.

In fact, Sakura has always had a doubt in her heart.

Teacher Aoba and herself are obviously civilian ninjas. But the information he took out and the various valuable equipment in the laboratory far exceed the upper limit of civilian ninjas.

This teacher of hers seems to have some huge secret.

Aoba naturally knows Sakura's doubts. But he did not take the initiative to solve the doubts for her. Some things are better for her to see for herself.

During this period, another achievement of Aoba's laboratory was finally completed. Because of Sakura's joining, Aoba built another small laboratory to house Feiduan.

And now, Feiduan has finally completed the fusion of the first generation of cells.

Feiduan, who was originally immortal, has reached a level that is difficult to describe after completing the fusion of the first generation of cells.

The amount of chakra increased dramatically, and Wood Release was successfully awakened. Hidan, who originally only knew how to use physical skills, now made up for his weaknesses in ninjutsu.

This guy is different from Yumi, who has not received ninjutsu training. Hidan has a lot of practical experience. So he is much faster than Yumi in adapting to the new body and wood escape.

And under Aoba's order, Hidan desperately learned various wood escape ninjutsu. The effect of Kotoamatsukami is incredibly strong.

Hidan's learning ability is not strong. But as long as Aoba opens his mouth, he simply treats it as an oracle. Relying on his immortal body and the recovery ability of Hashirama's cells, he studies hard day and night.

Aoba sometimes thinks that maybe this is the real use of Kotoamatsukami. As long as you fire Kotoamatsukami, you can directly create a hard-working genius.

If I had the same learning attitude as Hidan in my previous life, I wouldn't have ended up like that.

But Aoba's requirements for Hidan are far from over. Physical skills and ninjutsu are completed. Aoba also needs to make up for the last shortcoming of Hidan, illusion.

As for how to make up for it, Aoba has already prepared it. The only intact Sharingan in his hand is prepared for Hidan.

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