The old man was very angry.

Aoba had expected that Orochimaru would have some tricks on Sasuke. It was impossible that he had not made preparations, so he directly prepared a scroll of the evil seal for Sasuke to prevent him from losing his fighting power in the exam.

On the other side, Karin had hung three grass ninjas on the tree and slowly bled them. This action was seen by the Konoha high-level officials who were watching the battle. Suddenly, it felt that this little girl who looked so happy seemed to have a dark heart.

And the third generation didn't know at this time that Aoba was the mother and daughter of Karin who were rescued from the grass ninjas, not a bandit.

But how to say it. At this time, let alone Karin is already a member of Team 7. Even if it's just for Aoba's face, this matter is absolutely unacceptable.

Fortunately, the Kusanagi's foreign policy is definitely not to come to the door for accountability. Therefore, it is best to let this matter go.

The second group exam was bloody. Karin's revenge seemed to be the beginning. The subsequent fighting became more cruel.

When Team 7 arrived at the destination, there were already four teams waiting here.

They were Chino, Hinata and Kiba's three teams. Apart from anything else, this exam was actually a highlight for Chino.

Because he used insects to make traps, he directly killed a Takigakure team that ambushed them at the beginning. And successfully collected the scrolls.

Afterwards, with the assistance of Hinata and Kiba, two perception ninjas, they directly avoided all possible dangers and arrived at the target point in the evening of the first day.

At that time, Gaara's group had not arrived yet.

At this time, it can be seen that the blood limit of the Byakugan in actual combat is different from the eye technique that directly increases combat ability like the Sharingan. Although the Byakugan is mostly used as an auxiliary in actual combat, its effect is still better than the Sharingan in team battles.

In addition to the two groups of Hinata and Gaara, the other two groups are Ningci, Tenten, and Xiao Li's group, and the group of Sound Ninja.

This situation is actually very interesting. Because Orochimaru's original plan was to let the Sound Ninja stimulate Sasuke. As a result, Uchiha Sasuke directly used the Sealing Evil Seal to control the effect of the curse seal.

This made Orochimaru more vigilant against Aoba. He didn't believe that Sasuke would prepare this thing himself. The Sealing Evil Seal is not an ordinary sealing technique. The one engraved on the scroll requires extremely high attainments in sealing techniques.

Sasuke is impossible to do. Unless Kamikawa Aoba prepared it for him in advance.

"Interesting." Orochimaru was not surprised that Aoba knew his plan. Because Aoba can always get all kinds of information, Orochimaru has become somewhat accustomed to it.

What he is really interested in is. Although Aoba knows that he may attack Sasuke. But the other party did not stop him, but only asked him to take a scroll as insurance. Is he so confident in Sasuke, or in himself?

Orochimaru knows the power of the curse seal. This thing is born from an immature fairy technique. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the culmination of his research over the years. He never believes that Aoba can easily crack it.

Aoba really doesn't care about Orochimaru's actions. Because he is now testing the limit of the second version of the chakra battery.

"Continue to inject chakra."

About a minute later, the seal around the meat ball completely collapsed. The flesh and blood itself began to multiply wildly.

Aoba burned this thing to ashes with a fire escape.

"Okay, now make a record. After the compression of chakra and the combination of sealing techniques. The maximum carrying capacity is about one-thirtieth of yours, right?"

"That's right."

"Very good, this is almost enough."

Don't think that Yumi's one-thirtieth chakra is too little. She is targeting Hashirama's fairy body. And when did Hashirama Senju lack chakra in his battle?

Qingye even felt that the other party had reached the level of a congenital master in martial arts novels. Chakra is endless and almost endless.

Even if Yumi is not as good as Hashirama Senju. One-thirtieth of her chakra is at least equivalent to more than ten cards. It is enough to deal with most situations.

"Very good, now let's move on to the second step. Shape this thing."

Qingye can't let someone go out with a meat ball alone. Apart from other things, the style of painting is a bit strange. Secondly, the meat ball is actually not very convenient.

This thing is about the size of a child's fist. It needs to be close to the body when using it.

Not big

, but it would not be comfortable if worn close to the body. And this size is already a bit conspicuous.

"Do you have any other ideas?"

"There are many, but there are also many problems. The best one is that we can make it into a kind of clothing and let people wear it directly. In this way, there will be no such conspicuous problem."

"But the area is too large, and it is easy to be attacked in battle. And once it is injured, the battery may go out of control, right?"

"Yes. The risk is a bit too big. We need to improve the sealing technique of the binding battery. Make it more stable, at least it won't explode at the touch."

In fact, the flesh and blood don't really explode. Instead, it will multiply rapidly, and it may swallow the user along with it.

This risk is indeed a bit high. It is almost impossible to use it in actual combat outside the laboratory. Therefore, it still needs to be improved in the next version.

However, Aoba was not frustrated. Because he has now realized the power of the sealing technique in this world. No wonder the major ninja villages had such a big opinion on the Uzumaki clan back then.

The more you study the sealing technique, the more you understand the incredible power of this kind of power.

Before the five major ninja villages could master the five elements ninjutsu, the Uzumaki clan had already started to think about the death god. This progress is indeed a bit beyond the scope.

However, the fact that it attracted a joint attack from multiple ninja villages at the same time is actually strange. Aoba also realized it before. But he did not choose to investigate it in depth.

One is that there is no time. The other is that he vaguely feels that there may be some dangerous information hidden behind it. Therefore, he did not choose to touch it for the time being.

"Chakra battery, sealing technique enhancement and improvement, first experiment."

"... The experiment failed. Record the data and prepare for the second time."

Aoba's experiment is still going on, but at this time he was startled by the chirping sound above. It was Naruto's loud voice.

"Xiaoying, why are you here?"

"It's Teacher Aoba. She asked me to study here."

"Ah, I forgot. You are also a disciple of Teacher Aoba. Let's go, shall we go eat barbecue together?"

"Ah, but..."

"No buts, we can just put it on Teacher Aoba's account. That guy promised to treat us to barbecue. But now we can't even find him. This time I will make him bankrupt!!!"

Listening to the little brats running away with chattering, Aoba shook his head and continued his experiment.

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