The old man was very happy.

"Sakura, why didn't you take the Chunin Exam?"

"Well, I didn't have a suitable teammate. And Aoba-sensei said that I don't have to take the Chunin Exam and can take other paths."

"Is it a medical ninja?"

Sasuke is from a big family after all, and he knows more than Naruto and Karin, two half-baked people.

"Medical ninjas don't have to pass the Chunin Exam. As long as you can learn specific medical ninjutsu and accumulate enough practical experience, you can directly advance, right?"

"That's right."

"What? Why don't you have to take the exam?" Naruto suddenly felt unfair.

"Idiot, because medical ninjas are for saving people. Ninjas are for killing people. So, our assessment is about fighting. And Sakura and the others are naturally assessed for saving people."

This was said by Karin. Although it is a bit biased, it can be said to be directly pointing to the root of the problem. No matter how to cover it up, ninjas are indeed a profession of killing.

Just now, a group of children with an average age of less than fourteen years old just experienced a tragic fight in the jungle, which is the best proof.

The four children ate a big meal without paying attention to others. At this time, the other two teams also came in. It was the group of Shikamaru led by Asuma, and the group of Hinata led by Yuhi Kurenai.

"Hey, Choji, Shikamaru, this way." Naruto shouted again. Fortunately, Shikamaru and the others were also familiar with Naruto's style and didn't care too much. If they cared about this kind of thing all day, they would have been pissed off by Naruto.

A group of people shared a table and sat together.

"Why don't you see your team leader?" Asuma asked casually.

"Who knows? I don't know what Mr. Aoba is busy with recently. He promised to have barbecue with us. But we can't even find him."

Sakura actually knows about this problem. Or guessed it. So far, Aoba has not let her enter his laboratory. But Haruno Sakura studies at Aoba's house every day.

She had noticed that Aoba's house should have a very large basement, which might even be a secret laboratory. Although she didn't go in, the teacher didn't hide it from her. So, Haruno Sakura knew that she would go in one day.

But no one else knew, and she also knew that this matter shouldn't be said casually. So, she restrained her desire to express herself.

On the other side, Ino pushed Naruto away and sat next to Sasuke. According to usual experience, Sakura should have squeezed to the other side of Sasuke at this time.

But strangely, Sakura didn't move this time. Instead, she seemed to be thinking about something.

"What are you thinking about, Sakura? I feel like you're always distracted."

"Nothing, I was just thinking about how to save chakra to the maximum extent while ensuring the wounds are healed if I use my left and right hands to perform palm magic on two different wounds at the same time."


Sakura didn't realize that the whole table had fallen silent after she finished saying this. She was still explaining.

"I can perform two palm magics with both hands at the same time. But if the wounds are different, I need to divert different amounts of chakra with my left and right hands. Palm magic requires precise control of chakra, which is a bit difficult. It's much more difficult than drawing a circle with one hand and a square with the other hand."


The table continued to be silent. Sakura finally realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere at the scene.

"Ah, sorry, I shouldn't say this. Let's eat."

"......Sakura, is this......the homework that Aoba gave you?" Yuhi Kurenai hesitated for a moment, then asked carefully.

"Yes, the teacher requires a very high level of chakra control. It took me a long time to perform two palm magics with both hands at the same time. Then the teacher added this new topic. I can't do it yet, and I need more practice."

Yuhi Kurenai was silent for a while. He had some friendship with Aoba Kakashi and others. She also knew that Aoba accepted Sakura as his disciple.

"If I remember correctly, you should have been his disciple for more than two months, right? More than two months, is it a long time to do this?"

Yuhi Kurenai's question represented the question of everyone present. Everyone present was a ninja, and no one had not seen the palm magic.

But the palm magic thing is not that after performing it, the chakra gathers in the hands. Then he covered his hands with his hands.

Is the wound starting to release? What is the situation of performing two palm magic techniques with two hands?

You have to heal different wounds and consider the conservation of chakra. Is this really a subject for Genin? I feel that this is a problem that Tsunade-sama needs to consider, right?

"Wait a minute, let me slow down. Why do you think this is true? Doesn't the palm magic technique require hand seals? How can you continue to make hand seals to perform the second palm magic technique after performing a palm magic technique?"

Asuma felt something was wrong at the beginning, and now he finally thought of the flaw. Ninjutsu requires hand seals. You can't perform a second technique while performing a continuous ninjutsu. Because you can't make hand seals.

However, after hearing this, Sakura showed a strange expression on her face.

"Um...Does the Palm Magic Technique require hand seals?"

"...Are you kidding me? Do you think that any ninjutsu doesn't require hand seals like Kamikawa Aoba's ninjutsu? Palm Magic Techniques require extremely precise control of chakras and the transformation of yang-attribute chakras. How is it possible..."

Asuma complained a little irritably, but he was stunned before he finished. Because Sakura's two hands were flashing a faint green light.

"...This is..." Shikamaru, who had been silent, was alert. As the young patriarch of the Nara family, he looked lazy. But his knowledge was definitely top-notch.

Palm Magic Techniques were not a great ninjutsu. More than half of the medical ninjas in the hospital could perform it. But performing different Palm Magic Techniques with two hands was a bit outrageous.

Asuma's question, don't ninjutsu require hand seals? It can be said that it touched his heart. But Haruno Sakura's question about whether the palm magic technique still requires seals really silenced everyone at the scene.

The most outrageous thing is that she directly demonstrated the actual operation in the next second. The people around her wanted to refute, but they just held back.

Naruto next to him poked Sasuke and asked in a low voice.

"Um... Sasuke, is Sakura's this powerful? Doesn't it look good? It's not as powerful as my Rasengan. My Rasengan doesn't require seals either."

"... Idiot." Sasuke directly made an expression that he didn't know this idiot and moved aside.

Asuma and Hong understood the difficulty of this the most. Naturally, they also understood how difficult it was for Sakura to show this inconspicuous skill.

"... Now I understand why Aoba chose her among so many people.

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