The unbelievable scene before them had already shocked the Kumo Ninjas to the point of numbness. Yukito, who was lying in the arms of the Crow Tengu giant, was even more pale.

"What's going on? Nekomata, what happened?"

"How should I know? Some strange things have mixed into the demon fire, and now I can't control it freely to retract and release the tailed beast. Do you think I like being forcibly masturbated?"

Despair was written all over the Nekomata's face. He failed to launch a sneak attack and was masturbated instead. How could this cat have any face!

"Curse seal, this is a curse seal, a curse seal that binds the tailed beasts, and it also summoned a summoned beast that can fight the eight-tailed beast. How much chakra does this guy have? Is his chakra even greater than that of the tailed beasts?"

At this time, Yukito has deeply realized the seriousness of the matter. Looking back, he hopes that the Fourth Raikage can take action for a moment to break the deadlock.

The Fourth Raikage's lightning flashed violently, and his palm became a knife, piercing into Susanoo like the sharpest blade.

The next moment, Susanoo, which had originally developed spider web cracks, returned to its original state in an instant, as if the previous attack was just an illusion under the mirror flower and water moon.

"One or two, at least wait until I finish speaking before you act. But it's okay this way. Recognizing the differences between each other will help you make the most appropriate choice."

"Make your choice! Either agree to sign an armistice agreement, or the Hidden Cloud Village will be destroyed. Don't say that the Hidden Cloud messenger died first. I am not interested in listening to your excuses."

His right hand stroked the Nekomata's back, and the chakra burst out like a storm, blowing away the arrogance of the Hidden Cloud Ninjas in an instant.

Unprecedented complex emotions were suppressed in the hearts of the Hidden Cloud. They were obviously the strong force, so why did the roles reverse in the end?

Frustrated, complicated, and powerless, the rumbling battle in the distance has not stopped, and the Fourth Raikage has been waving his iron fists again and again, but unfortunately, with the almost abnormal chakra recovery ability, all attacks have been in vain.

Seeing that the Fourth Raikage was persevering, Huayue smiled but did not fight, and there was no imperial escape, cough cough......Without the strongest attack of Dust Release, it is simply a dream to try to tear through Susanoo with speed and strength.

‘Next up......’

【You have touched the limited Tsukuyomi Ninja World character, the Fourth Raikage, and the character is signing in.......】

【Character Sign-in: The Fourth Raikage Ai】

【Abilities: Lightning Armor, Lightning Chakra Mode, Lightning Release: Thunder Bomb......】

【Randomly selected......Successfully signed in, and obtained the Lightning Chakra Mode today! 】

Slightly surprised, Huayue already knew the ninjutsu of using Lightning Chakra to stimulate the body's state and increase speed and defense, and what he got now was just a small toy that was better than nothing.

"You bastard, do you think I will give in? Don't dream, there are only ninjas who die standing in the Hidden Cloud Village, no cowards who live in shameless ways!"

As soon as these words came out, the gentle smile on Huayue's face disappeared quietly, replaced by a little impatience.

"It's a pity that the Hidden Cloud Village is destroyed and everything ends here."

The wind whistled, and black shadows covered the sky. A dark streak passed through the distant clouds, blocking the blue sky.

The next moment, many Hidden Cloud Village stared at the sky blankly, numb and speechless for a while.

Cold sweat soaked their clothes, and some weak-willed ninjas even fell to the ground with crazy smiles on their faces.

"They are not on the same level at all. I am dreaming. I must be dreaming. Hahahaha. I am dreaming......."

"This guy, is he planning to kill himself? This lunatic!"

Fragments of stars fell from the sky, breaking through the clouds. A meteorite that was pulled from nowhere fell from the sky, completely breaking the remaining tenacity of the Yunyin people.

"What are you going to do? The Fourth Raikage......"

Not far away, Ma Buyi was already shocked beyond measure. The Hidden Cloud Village might really be destroyed at this moment, and the balance of power among the five great nations would also be rewritten.

‘Did I make a wrong judgment? What on earth is going on? Isn't it said that the rift between Uchiha and Konoha......Damn, I was tricked, that spy......’

Ma Buyi's face was grim, and the violent chakra that suddenly emerged suddenly shot towards the meteorite. Many of the long-desperate Kumogakure looked back, only to see the Eight-Tails entangled by the Black Tortoise, after shooting the last Tailed Beast Ball, was suppressed powerlessly on the spot.

The blood-red, terrifying and intense light was like a dazzling sun, and after touching the meteorite, it blew it into pieces.

The debris was like a violent storm, smashing the entire Kumogakure Village into pieces, but compared to falling directly into the territory of the Kumogakure Village, this kind of loss was already within the acceptable range of the Kumogakure.

"Tenacious fighting spirit, there is no point in using the technique that has been used again. Why do you still have to fight stubbornly? Don’t you think about the young buds that have not yet grown in your village?"

The wisps of white flames dissipated, and the figure of Susanoo disappeared completely, along with the two tails, which were also gathered into Yukito's body, hanging on Huayue's body.

His fingertips brushed past, and the soft golden hair passed through his fingertips. Yukito's proud and cold delicate face turned into a shameful one.

‘What is this bastard doing? What is this? I can't see his face clearly. This bastard, sooner or later, I will bite him to death with my own mouth! '

If looks could kill, Kagetsu would have been cut into pieces by now. The Fourth Raikage was furious. When he was about to refuse firmly, a series of wailing interrupted his words.

Looking back, there were wailings everywhere. They were children in swaddling clothes, being protected in the arms of their seriously injured parents. They were companions who were as close as brothers in normal times, but today they were almost separated from the Yin and Yang.

Wailing and crying, even a determined ninja would inevitably have a flash of pity in his eyes.

"Uchiha Kagetsu, do you know what you have done? You know this. Once I convene the Five Kage Conference, Konoha will be targeted by the other four major countries. You,......"

"Don't use the tone of a victim and cry about your incompetence. This expression is so ugly, the Fourth Raikage"

"Besides, isn't this your choice? If you want war, you must understand that it will happen.���The consequences, sign him and hand over the mastermind, otherwise Yunyin will be destroyed!"The exquisite and complex eyes instantly made everyone feel stressed, and the veins of the Fourth Raikage bulged, and he immediately refuted

"Impossible, we in Yunyin will never do something like handing over our companions!"

"You have no choice, in front of the power of God, or do you want to start with the Eight-Tails first, and then you will face the facts?"

The ominous chakra fluctuations reappeared, and everyone, including the Fourth Raikage, was once again shrouded in despair and fear.

At this moment, even the idea of resistance was gone, and they lost their previous spirit.

"This is......The power of the ninja god?......"

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