The surroundings were silent.

Even the children, who were already covered in wounds, were enduring, fearing that the horrific meteorite would fall again.

At some point, many Kumogakure ninjas looked at the Fourth Raikage, whom they recognized from the bottom of their hearts. No matter what decision Ai made, even if Kumogakure had to fight to the death, the Kumogakure would not refuse.

Before witnessing this horrific natural disaster, the Kumogakure, who should have been so determined, could not help but waver in their inner will.

"Maybe peace isn't such a bad thing......."

"Yes, war is too terrible if you think about it carefully. It is too uncivilized to fight to the death."

"As long as Konoha's conditions are not too harsh, there is nothing wrong with a ceasefire........"

The whispers gradually became more blatant, and the Fourth Raikage's face turned pale, and his dark face became very distorted.

"You are such a loser! As a ninja, you are still afraid of death. Are you still a man of Kumogakure?"

"Don't be so serious. In addition to ninjas, there are also innocent children in the Hidden Cloud Village.......No, if you think about it, those children are not innocent."

Suddenly, someone spoke for them, and the whispering Cloud Hidden Ninjas cast grateful glances.

However, when everyone noticed that the person who spoke came from Yukito's side, their expressions were completely unbearable.

It was the enemy who spoke for them. Who do you think forced us into this state?

The Cloud Hidden Ninjas, who were feeling like they were on a roller coaster, did not notice the second half of Huayue's sentence until he stood up and glanced around, his eyes gradually turning cold. The words that followed made the Cloud Hidden Ninjas pale.

"After all, they are all young shoots that have grown strong using the funds of the Thunder Country to carry out dangerous missions against other major countries."

"Ending their lives early may not be a bad thing. For me, this kind of thing is still a little bit unbearable, but since you want war, I will do my best to satisfy you."

Panic spread like a plague in everyone's heart. No one knows what kind of magic this psychic meteorite will use next.

"No matter what you do, I will......"

"Stop, Xi, Darui, quickly hold the Fourth Hokage, stop fighting, if you continue, both Kumogakure and the Land of Lightning will be in disaster."

Ma Buyi hurriedly stopped them, Xi and Darui hurriedly held the Fourth Hokage.

This is Kumogakure Village, if Uchiha Kagetsu really went on a killing spree in the village, not only would Kumogakure be destroyed, but even the Land of Lightning would most likely fall completely.

"You guys don't want to drag me along, risk everything in the village, and leave this kid behind......."

"You can't do it, even if you bet on the lives of about 10,000 ninjas in Kumogakure, you can't do it, Fourth Raikage, you forgot the Flying Thunder God Technique of the Instant Body Phantom Moon."

Sackcloth's whisper immediately reminded the furious Fourth Raikage of the first time he fought against the Uchiha brat in front of him, which was beyond imagination.

Clap, clap, the applause was crisp, and a clear laugh rang out from under the mask of the three-eyed demon fox.

"Judging from a rational point of view, among the current Kumogakure, the only one who can catch up with me in speed is the Fourth Raikage, and in terms of strength, only the Eight-Tails and the Two-Tails can catch up with me. Do you think I will give you this opportunity?"

"That's why you chose the most rational approach, to capture the leader first, and to take control of Lord Killer Bee and Yukito. You had long anticipated that Yukito would attack secretly."

His brows were furrowed. This guy in front of him was the one who blocked the AB combination's Shunshin Huanyue in the early stage of this Ninja World War. He made the already difficult team gain stronger power. It was troublesome.

"No, it was just an expectation. Although simulating battles in the mind is a necessary quality for ninjas, it is really uninteresting to face an opponent of this level. Except for you, the perfect Jinchūriki."As soon as the voice fell, the Eight-Tails, which was originally suppressed by the Xuanwu, was instantly surrounded by white mist, and the whole body turned into an octopus tentacle.

Strands of black ink seeped from the feet, and in an instant they turned into black Killer Bees, who used joint techniques to imprison the wooden man and the flower moon together.

""Idiot, bastard, you haven't seen my sealing technique yet, right?"

The next moment, all the Yunyin cheered and some even jumped up in excitement, rejoicing that this terrifying guy was about to be sealed and face the punishment of justice.

"Ninja, remember, don't be careless, oh yeah!......"


Everyone, who was in a state of excitement like a roller coaster, responded to Killer Bee's countdown. The Fourth Raikage looked relaxed and had already begun to think about convening a Five Kage meeting and joining the other four major nations to denounce Konoha.

Sackcloth was even more relieved, and his handsome features showed a gentle expression. The devil who wanted to hide in the Clouds was finally coming to an end and heading for destruction.


The devil's whisper echoed in their ears, and everyone stiffened. The pure white mist lingering in front of their eyes quietly dissipated.

In an instant, blue lightning pillars pierced through the tentacles of the Eight-Tails, splashing a sea of fire and silver flowers.

"When did you have the illusion that I was trapped in a seal? Ninjas cannot be careless, nor can they let down their guard because of excitement. Perfect Jinchūriki. Thunder Fire Sword: Hundred-Step Railing!"

How far is the distance from hope to despair? If you ask the ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Village, they will only give one answer, a moment. The white mist covering the Hidden Cloud Village dissipated, the black cloak rustled in the wind, and the figure in black clothes and black robes seemed to have never been trapped by the seal. Everything was just an illusion.

"Seal: Nine seals of the phantom dragon are all gone."

The huge beast in the distance took a step forward, and rushed over from afar like flying. At the tail of the pitch-black basalt, three snake heads opened their snake mouths, and nine phantom dragons emerged from each snake mouth, biting the eight tails.

"Signed him���Your brother's life, the lives of all the ninjas in the Hidden Cloud Village, the lives of all the people in the Land of Lightning, and your life will all be preserved. Make your choice, Fourth Raikage!"The armistice agreement on behalf of Konoha was thrown into the hands of the Fourth Raikage in front of all the villagers in the Hidden Cloud Village.

Silence, deathly silence. The Fourth Raikage had never felt his lips so heavy.

"You can promise that you will not attack everyone in the village and stop entering the Hidden Cloud Village and the Land of Lightning. But I cannot guarantee that I will not agree. If you want to take action, just do it directly and stop dithering."

Hua Yue smiled but said nothing. At this moment, she dared to put forward conditions to him. She was indeed a Raikage who had been trained in the battlefield. Her mind was not as stupid as her appearance.

"I can guarantee that, provided you do not break the armistice agreement, your personal safety will be in my hands."

"You win, Shunshin Huanyue."

Under the gaze of everyone, the Fourth Raikage formally signed a truce agreement with Konoha, and the long Ninja World War ended at the end of the year.

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