"Wait a minute Sarutobi, no matter what, 5 million ryo and the Kusanagi sword are too much. Are we going to give this Genin such a huge expense?"

Genin? The Senbon in Shiranui Genma's mouth fell to the ground without him noticing. Behind him, Bizuku Reito and Die Iwashi even wondered if there was something wrong with their ears.

When can Genin perform S-level missions? And the mission was completed. The three of them had gone through so much hardship and effort to complete the A-level mission of battlefield support. What is the origin of this Uchiha clan kid?

"What do you mean? This is my mission reward. Whether I use the money to repair the garden or take a hot spring bath is none of your business, damn old woman!"

"You damned Uchiha brat, how dare you openly insult the Hokage advisor?......"

The mission release hall was tense, the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen slammed the table and glared at each other.

"Shut up, Xiaochun, what nonsense are you saying in front of the juniors? The compatriots of Konoha are fighting on the front line, how can you deduct the mission reward just because the reward amount is huge!"

"Uchiha Kagetsu, this is your reward. As for the Kusanagi sword and the materials for making it, let Orochimaru take care of it."

"Compared to this, are you interested in leading the Chunin team to continue the mission, or are you planning to join the Anbu?"

With a kind and gentle smile, the Third Hokage in front of him seemed to be just an ordinary kind old man, talking about family matters with the people in front of him.

"I refuse. Orochimaru will take me to practice for a while. I don't have time to do the mission. I'm leaving."

Grabbing the Konoha check that started with 5 and ended with several zeros, Huayue left quickly, not giving the Third Hokage and the two Hokage advisors time to react, and disappeared in an instant.

""Ahem, ahem, okay, you guys go down too, keep working hard, aim to grow into a towering tree, and one day you will become the pillars of Konoha."

At this time, Shiranui Genma raised his right hand, unable to resist his curiosity, and asked

"Who is that Uchiha child?"

"Humph, he is just a kid who got lucky enough to learn the Flying Thunder God Technique. He doesn't know how to respect his elders and is arrogant because of his talent. He is just like Orochimaru!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned, feeling very dissatisfied. Even though he couldn't see Orochimaru's mind clearly, he was still his most proud disciple after all.

"Okay, okay, he is this year's ninja school graduate and a rare genius. He has mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique at such a young age. This is not the result of hard work that can be made up by luck alone."

"The battle of Kikyo Mountain was over and the village was safe again, but the Third Ninja World War was not over yet, so it was not the time to let down our guard.

The three looked at each other, thinking of Uchiha Kagetsu's instant disappearance ninjutsu just now, and they all saw each other's seriousness.

After the three left, Sarutobi Hiruzen remained silent, but his eyes turned to the old friend who pushed the door and walked in, and his tone was low.

"Was it your suggestion that Orochimaru accept Uchiha Kagetsu as his apprentice?"

"What's wrong with that? Orochimaru is not the most talented of your many disciples. Let Uchiha Kagetsu accept his teachings. He should be closer to your side and the will of fire. Hiruzen"

"The battle report came back from the front. Orochimaru also prepared something in advance. Do you want to see how Chiyo, the Kazekage's advisor, who is known as the puppet master left behind, was defeated by a Genin?"

Danzo waved his hand, and two Anbu pushed the TV in. After a burst of snow, only the picture and the sound were faint on the TV, showing the scene of the battle without reservation.

After a brief silence, even Utatane Koharu, who had a great opinion of Uchiha Kagetsu, remained silent.

"The puppet master Monzaemon's strongest masterpiece, the puppet old woman's killer move, was restrained by the summoned beast in an instant. Can the summoned beast of the god of death seize the chakra?"

"Excellent taijutsu and ninjutsu, timely teleportation and a good grasp of the situation, he is indeed a genius, but why is he Uchiha?"

Utatane Koharu and Mitomon En gave their own evaluations, and Danzo smiled, which was rare.

"Because he is a genius of the Uchiha clan, if he betrays Konoha, Orochimaru will get rid of him without hesitation. With such a result, are you dissatisfied with it?"

Danzo's smile made Sarutobi Hiruzen silent for a moment, and the pipe in his mouth lit up, and wisps of smoke lingered, and finally turned into invisible smoke.

"However, when Konoha Village is in danger, Uchiha Kagetsu, as a ninja of the village, must help as much as possible. This is an unshakable bottom line."

Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen give in, Danzo also smiled and turned away.

As the figure walked away, Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was slightly worried.

‘Orochimaru, have you chosen to join forces with Danzo? '

Late at night, at the headquarters of the Root, where the Konoha Anbu was training troops.

Danzo was leaning on a cane, expressionless, with steady footsteps echoing in the corridor. His half-smiley face was filled with joy.

"It seems that the negotiation conditions have been met. Uchiha Kagetsu will be taught by me. In addition to her personality, the child's inherent talents may be beyond imagination."

"It doesn't matter, as long as he doesn't come into contact with the corrupt Third Hokage. Now is a time of war, and when the war is over, he should step down and become the Fourth Hokage. Are you ready?"

Not far away, two members of the Root were carrying a body bag in front of Orochimaru, dripping with blood, which made Orochimaru look dissatisfied.

"When would Gen make such a low-level mistake, not even cleaning the blood, or......"

"This guy's bloodline limit is somewhat special. If his blood is completely drained, his bloodline limit will disappear.���The giant python swallowed the body into its body. Orochimaru turned and left.

Just as he was about to disappear, he was suddenly stopped by Danzo.

"Wait, Orochimaru, don't forget your mission, confirm whether Uchiha Kagetsu has opened the Sharingan"

"Did he open his Sharingan? I can give you the answer right now. There is no doubt that he did open his Sharingan. That kid's illusion is so powerful that even I will fall into it if I am not careful."

"Do you think his eyes can replace the treasure in your right eye?"

His expression was gloomy, and his dark face became even more ferocious. Danzo snorted coldly.

"Don't forget, the first Hokage's cell research rights are still in my hands."

"I really want the Wood Release Ninjutsu of the First Hokage, the power to control the Tailed Beasts, but unfortunately that is not my current goal."

"My current goal is to be that lovely disciple who can always surprise me, hehehe......"

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