
Huayue, lazily lying on the sofa with a bottle of fat house happy water in her left hand and French fries and potato chips in her right hand, looked around

"Did you catch a cold? No, it felt like I was being stared at by a snake, and it was a snake that was obsessed with science."

In the inner world full of vitality and lush vegetation, Black Ninetail stretched comfortably, glanced at the pile of snacks that was almost empty, and couldn't help shouting

"Hey, kid, the snacks are almost gone, hurry up and make some more for me."

"You are so long-winded. All you do is eat. Why don't you just stop calling yourself Jiu Lama and change your name to Ju Lama? Anyway, all you do is eat and sleep. You can also change your species from fox to pig......."

Before he finished speaking, the black nine-tailed fox raised its tail, and its blood-red eyes could not help but stare at the red eyes of the flower moon in front of it.

"Didn't I lend you my chakra? If I hadn't worked so hard to convert your chakra, would you be able to use Fire Style: Rasengan?"

"Didn't I already pay for half a year's worth of snacks in advance? You ate them all in ten days, and you're still complaining when I say you're a pig!"

In the entire forest courtyard, half of the yard was filled with packaging bags and empty bottles, soaking in the light blue heart lake, gradually decomposing into chakra.

The originally warm breeze was now mixed with the smell of various potato chips. A light sniff at the tip of the nose also made Hua Yue's face change slightly.

"Tomato flavor. I didn't realize you have such good taste."

"Those who eat tomatoes with potato chips are heretics"

"Are you here to cause trouble? Orange Pig!"

After a brief silence, countless packaging bags and empty bottles suddenly disappeared, and groups of light blue chakra floated. The pair of scarlet eyes that implied restraint became inexplicably cold at this moment.

At this time, Black Nine-Tail also put away his playful mentality, as if he could see Huayue's mood, and leaned against a tree taller than himself, with a smile on his face.

"What's wrong? Are you in a bad mood?"

"I just met a respectable ninja on the battlefield, and I felt a little emotional for a moment."

"Compared to her, these old guys who only know how to eat up all the money, send those children who should be playing to the battlefield, talk about the will of fire all the time, and hold power firmly in their hands, are really annoying the more you look at them."

The corners of his mouth rose, and the gleaming fangs became more and more obvious, and finally turned into a wild laugh towards the sky.

"Hahahaha! Is this why you let that old woman go? I was wondering why you let the enemy live. It turns out that you were inspired."

"Hey, little brat from the Uchiha family, why are you so patient? With your Mangekyō Sharingan and my chakra, what can't we do together?"The blood-red fox's vertical pupils carried an inexplicable temptation. It was really hard to imagine why Huayue, who clearly had the ability to overturn the entire ninja world in a short period of time, still chose to live in seclusion in the dark.

"Stupid, what's the point of a short-term rule? Only those who can withstand the erosion of time, who can carve their own marks on the wheel of history and control the direction of history, are truly powerful."

"You are the most powerful among the tailed beasts, and I am superior to the Sharingan. The combined power of the two is certainly powerful, but it is not absolutely invincible."

"Don't tell me you didn't sense the strong malice hidden in the forest. That's what the so-called natural enemy is like."

In the exquisite and complex blood-red eyes, a cold light flickered slightly. The direction of the malice was exactly the home of Uchiha Obito.

‘Can't wait to see your successor?......’

At this time, on the border of the Kingdom of Wind, the white moonlight shines on the dazzling gold sand, and the endless fog is blocked by the strong wind and poisonous smoke.

"Luosha and Chiyo, the third Kazekage disappeared, and the successive failures of the Sand Village caused great damage to the Sand Village. Even the only fighting force had to be stationed at the border of the Wind Country."

"Will there be any moments of regret for the blood mist that has spread the flames of war to the entire ninja world and indirectly provoked the Third Ninja World War?"

In the thick fog, seeing that they could not get any advantage, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist Village in the Land of Water, who were carefully selected for this Ninja World War, all retreated, leaving behind only a few corpses of the Hidden Mist Village and the Sand Village.

"A group of blood-thirsty sharks will not hesitate to take a bite of flesh and blood wherever there is an opportunity."

The old man's face was full of worry. The Third Kazekage had been missing for so long that he could probably be declared dead. The leaderless Sand Ninja should also elect a new Kazekage who could stabilize the situation.

"Compared with other big countries, the Sand Village has too few people. Even if they have puppets to make up for the lack of numbers, there are very few top-notch combat forces that can really make other big countries retreat."

Standing on the fortress, Luo Sha looked back with a sad face. The Sand Village where he was born and raised seemed to be crumbling in the breeze and on the verge of destruction.

"Top fighting power? If we want to protect the village, we have to use that monster now, the One-Tailed Sand Shukaku."

Yakura kept silent. Since the death of the previous Jinchūriki of Sand Village, the demon with huge chakra has been sealed in the Wind Temple in the Wind Country.

"Jinchūriki? If we want the poor Sand Village to be able to resist foreign enemies, this is probably the only way, but if we want to find someone suitable for Shukaku, it may not be so easy."

Rakshasa muttered to himself, but Chiyo looked up at the sky. In the dim sky, only a few stars were twinkling.

"The more it is late at night, the more I feel my age. Next is your era. The only wish of my old bones now is to see my grandchildren."

"Where are you, Scorpion?"

At the same time, far away from the five great nations, on a certain overseas peninsula, in a mountain cemetery.

Inside a huge hole buried deep underground, an old man with white hair and bloodshot eyes looked at them with scrutiny, and finally made a decision.

"Is this child Uchiha Obito? Good eyes, his eyes are full of love. When this love is lost, the power that can be obtained can definitely become the agent of my will."

""Huh? I thought you would care more about this kid. He is a talented Uchiha genius who can skillfully use Flying Thunder God at the age of ten."

Bai Zetsu was very puzzled and pointed to Uchiha Kagetsu, who was at the top of the Uchiha member list.

"He doesn't have the eyes of an Uchiha, nor the love that an Uchiha is obsessed with. The Uchiha who inherits my will does not need talent, but the hatred born from this obsessive love."

White Zetsu nodded slightly. So that's how it is. Is it hard to fool someone because he looks smart and talented?

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