
A few meters long fire dragons passed through the water curtain and instantly transformed into summoned beasts that were no less powerful than the ones he had summoned before.

Orochimaru's expression was dull, and then he seemed to have thought of something, and the excitement on his face became more intense.

"Wait, why didn't the fire escape evaporate the water escape, but instead expanded Sasuke's fire escape ninjutsu?"

Sakura, who was not far away, was shocked by this scene and couldn't help asking

"As long as the water curtain of the water array becomes weak enough and comes into excessive contact with the air, it will suddenly encounter a large amount of flames and produce the effect of an accelerant. The combination of ninjutsu is not just attribute restraint, Sakura."

The red cloak rustled, and Naruto, standing on the Toad Jian, did not turn his head back, his expression indifferent, and the natural energy floating between heaven and earth continued to replenish the consumption of the ninjutsu just used.

Looking up at the sky, countless steam gradually collided with the atmosphere in the high altitude due to the high temperature of the Haohuolong, and gathered into pieces of dark clouds.

"It's about to start. It looks like today's weather forecast is going to be sunny with thunderstorms in some areas......."

In mid-air, Orochimaru raised his right hand, and a series of pitch-black snakes coiled around the forest below, changing direction in mid-air.

Several red fire dragons passed by Orochimaru by a hair's breadth, and the greed and desire in their pupils became more and more obvious.

"As expected, I have never been wrong in judging people's talents. Uchiha Sasuke, you have the potential to surpass Uchiha Itachi. Then, come to my side, and I will give you the power to surpass Itachi!"

"No matter if you are one of the three legendary ninjas or a rebel ninja from Konoha, I will pursue power in my own way and defeat that bastard who sees my clan as a burden!"

Dark clouds swept in, carrying strong winds and lightning, roaring in the sky.

Orochimaru, who fell to the ground, showed an unbelievable expression, because the direction Sasuke was rushing towards was not him, but Naruto in the distance.

"Naruto, let the monster you summoned give me a ride!"

Raising the corner of his mouth, after confirming that there were no creatures taller than Gamaken around, Naruto nodded slightly and said in a low voice

"Mr. Gamaken, please throw Sasuke over your head, the higher the better, please"

"Ah, although I am useless, I will still try my best."

The huge purple-red toad stretched out its palm in front of Sasuke and threw him directly into the air above his head.

In the distance, Orochimaru, who was smiling and waiting for what kind of surprise Sasuke would bring him, suddenly felt a strong chill in his heart.

It was the sense of crisis brought by facing an equal opponent. Until this feeling appeared, he subconsciously bit his thumb and his expression was solemn.

"Summoning Technique: Triple Rashomon."

A series of gates symbolizing the underworld and hell rose out of thin air, blocking Orochimaru's way. His black and gold vertical pupils were filled with madness and joy.

"Well, what kind of surprise will you give me?"

"No matter who you are, you will be reduced to ashes by this move. This is the price you pay for mentioning that name, Kirin!"

Dark clouds covered the sky, lightning and thunder!

Countless azure lightning turned into a vivid thunder Kirin, with a pair of bloodshot eyes staring at the tiny figure below. The raised Chidori was like a famous sword, slashing down cleanly and neatly. The Kirin gathered by the thunderstorm instantly pounced on the triple Rashomon. The great sound is silent, and the great elephant is invisible.

The bright white light flashed, and countless lightning and thunder splashed pieces of fire and silver flowers, causing the entire examination hall of the Death Forest to ignite a thick forest fire.

Birds spread their wings and flew low, and wild beasts fled in panic. The wild animals, who only had primitive instincts, were frightened by this horrible natural disaster.

The surface of the mountains and forests turned into a scorched earth. The candidates in the Chunin Exam stared at this scene, showing fear on their faces and complaining in a low voice.

"Monster, how could such a guy come to participate in the Chunin Exam!"

Ye Yin, who was hiding in the dark and using reconnaissance ninjutsu to observe, was sweating on his forehead, and was terrified by the terrifying destructive power.

In the trial tower at the center of the Death Forest, Hinata slowly closed her Byakugan, without any sadness or joy, but just said in a matter-of-fact tone

"As expected of the Uchiha carefully trained by Teacher Huayue, this kind of large-scale destructive ninjutsu is not even available to some jonin."

On the side, Shino, who was spying on the whole process with a bug, said nothing and did not express his opinion

"Hey, hey, hey, are you kidding me? Are we going to fight this monster? Even if he is a genius, the gap is not so big......."

Inuzuka Kiba put down the telescope, and Akamaru beside him called out, confirming that the other party was indeed Uchiha Sasuke.

"Ah, that's enough. If that guy uses this kind of ninjutsu, I will definitely not be his opponent. I finally relied on luck to get here, bastard!"

Complaining constantly, Inuzuka Kiba urged the others to quickly enter the Trial Tower and submit the scrolls. If they lost their only luck, wouldn't the three of them become clowns?

"You keep nagging me. I'm so annoyed! If you're afraid of failure, just become stronger. Otherwise, even if you become a Chunin, you'll still be killed by enemy ninjas."

Hinata raised her eyebrows and scolded him. As if she remembered something, she walked towards the Trial Tower first.

"Come on, besides Naruto and Sasuke, the three people from Sand Village are also a bit troublesome. Besides that, there is Neji's brother's team. What is going on with this Chunin Exam? It's full of monsters......."

Inuzuka Kiba sighed helplessly, and felt that the gloomy and speechless Hinata in his memory seemed to disappear little by little in his memory after graduation.

"Let's go, Hinata is right, even if we hesitate here, things won't turn around, if you want to know why......"

"Yes, yes, you should stop talking so much. You usually don't talk, but when you talk, you talk endlessly.

Seeing his two teammates officially entering the Trial Tower, Shino frowned. Just as he was about to speak, he realized that no one around him was willing to listen to him.

At the top of the Trial Tower, Gaara stared into the distance. The familiar chakra made the corners of his mouth outline a hideous smile.

"Uchiha......"Sasuke, kill you, kill you, kill you!"

The killing intent was even more boiling. Originally, he just wanted to let that fellow taste his feelings, but now Gaara changed his mind, recalling the cold and murderous eyes. Behind him, seeing Gaara becoming more and more unstable, Temari and Kankuro dared to stand far away, not daring to speak easily, for fear of angering the monster approaching the rampage.

At the same time, at the edge of the Death Forest

"How about it? Ningci, who on earth could use such a terrifying ninjutsu?"

"Uchiha Sasuke, it seems that there are many guys worth paying attention to among this year's graduates. Let's go."

This terrifying ninjutsu attracted everyone's attention, but Sasuke on the battlefield didn't care about it at all.


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