Under the Rashomon, a charred arm pushed open the scorched earth, and the lips that could not be seen as a mouth opened, and a pair of pale hands that did not look like human beings tore it apart.

With a sizzling sound!

The surface that looked like charred snake skin was torn in half, and the mucus all over the body quickly evaporated in mid-air. A middle-aged man with waist-length black hair and cold lines stood in front of Sasuke.

"I never thought that at your age, you can tame the lightning of nature. You are a genius just like your brother."


Sakura subconsciously looked at Sasuke, and then she realized that she seemed to have never understood this person she had a crush on.

"Sasuke's brother is also a genius ninja......Wait, isn't the Uchiha clan other than Kazuki-sensei and Sasuke?......"

"Immortal Technique: Super Large Rasengan!"

The Wind Style Instant Body Technique appeared again, and the pure white Rasengan, like a giant typhoon, smashed down with force. Orochimaru below curled his lips, and his figure scattered in all directions like mud.

"Sasuke-kun, I will be looking forward to your performance in the Chunin Exams. Your brother, Uchiha Itachi, might also be there......."

The figure disappeared in the center of the battlefield without knowing when. Sasuke's forehead was bulging with blue veins, and his eyes were extremely cold as he looked around.

"Get out of here! Orochimaru! Itachi, where is Uchiha Itachi? I want to kill him with my own hands!"

After Sasuke vented his inner anger, Naruto spoke.

"Calm down, Sasuke. If you can successfully advance in the Chunin Exam, you will probably be able to meet that guy. If you can't do anything now, then Kazuki-kun....."

""That's enough, Naruto. This is the feud between Uchiha Itachi and I, don't interfere."

His tone was cold, and his mind calmed down without him noticing. After wrapping the bandage silently, the three of them took Orochimaru's scroll of heaven and officially formed a group and rushed to the central trial tower.


Surrounded by white mist, Gamaken returned to Myoboku Mountain and passed the news of Orochimaru's appearance to Jiraiya in Konoha Village through the contact toad.

Outside Konoha Village, near the hot spring street. Jiraiya, who was planning to look at the women's bath to find inspiration for the novel, was about to take action, but was startled by the contact toad that suddenly appeared behind him.

"Jiraiya, Jiraiya! Brother Gamaken has brought you the information you requested. That guy called Orochimaru seems to have attacked Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke."

Jiraiya, who was lying in the hot spring with his head tilted back, quickly got up, glanced at the contact toad in front of him, and hurriedly urged

"What are you still doing there? Hurry up and get the information out, Chung-suke, don't waste any more time."

"Tsk, you are wasting your time. You still have the time to soak in the hot spring at this time.

After spewing out the information, Chusuke, who was afraid of being boiled like a frog, quickly jumped out of the hot spring and dived back to Myoboku Mountain. After unfolding the information and roughly browsing it for a while, Jiraiya curled his lips and couldn't help thinking secretly.

"It seems that I am not the only one who made a fool of myself. Even Orochimaru was severely taught a lesson by the two little brats......."

Thinking of the possible sullen face of Orochimaru, Jiraiya was secretly happy. After thinking for a moment, he walked out of the hot spring and walked towards Konoha Village in a good mood.

In Konoha Village, the temporary invigilation point for the Chunin Exam.

After the chief invigilator of the second exam, Hongdou, and the other Chunin invigilators finished talking about what happened outside the examination room, a Chunin invigilator hurried over.

"Third Hokage, Red Bean, I just spotted a giant snake in the Forest of Death......."

There were wisps of smoke, and Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and asked in a deep voice

"But what? Tell me!"

"No......It is hard for me to describe the scene in words. This is the footage captured by the surveillance camera. You will know it at a glance."

As the footage played, Orochimaru's face, Gamaken's appearance, Naruto and Sasuke's cooperation, and the ninjutsu that was almost a natural disaster were all shown.......

As the scenes scrolled across the screen, Hongdou understood everything and couldn't help muttering to herself:

"I see, no wonder that guy said that even I can't beat these two brats, this ninjutsu is difficult to learn and its destructive power is enough to be called an S-level forbidden technique."

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not pay attention to Sasuke's movements, but focused his attention on Naruto who was on the side.

Especially the red cloak, light orange eyeshadow and summoning technique, Sarutobi Hiruzen thought secretly in his heart

"Was this what you wanted to teach him during the time Naruto and you disappeared?"

"What should we do? Third Hokage, the S-rank rebel Orochimaru has appeared. Should we terminate the final ninja exam?"

One of the invigilators suggested, and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Yes, after all, the opponent is the legendary Sannin who has experienced many great wars in the Ninja World. If he still wants to take the Chunin Exam in this situation, it is a bit........."

"The Chunin Exam is still going on. Konoha can't disrupt all the arrangements in the village because of a traitor. The matter about Orochimaru will be handed over to a special person."

The Third Hokage said lightly, lowering the Hokage's bamboo hat for a moment, his eyes full of determination.

As Uchiha Kagetsu said, this trouble that he had let go of that year, this disciple who he regarded as the inheritor of the will of fire came to the door.

Now is the time to solve everything!

I don't know whether Sunagakure, as an ally, will add fuel to the fire or provide timely assistance in the face of Konoha's crisis.............

At the same time, at the ANBU Root headquarters

, Danzo stopped for a long time, as if waiting for an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time.

Time passed until the sun set in the west, and a thin, cold-looking Otogakure ninja slowly walked over.

"Really good, you are worthy of being my most outstanding disciple. You have trained Uchiha Sasuke to this level at such a young age. Even I may not be able to do it better."

"You came back to Konoha and stood in front of me just to flatter the disciple who caused you so much trouble?"

With a gloomy face, Danzo looked serious and slammed the cane in his hand.

"What is the plan to destroy Konoha? How many S-rank rebels will come to Konoha?"

"What's wrong with that? They will try their best to drag down the Third Hokage when he is in office, and make room for you to be the Hokage."

Orochimaru sneered and asked back.

"How far are you going to go? I'd like to remind you first that Jiraiya has returned to Konoha, so you'd better be careful." With a flickering look in his eyes, Orochimaru smiled but said nothing, but he didn't care at all.

"Compared to Jiraiya, your problem is more serious. The older you get, the more erosion and burden your body can bear."

"Hashirama cells, Sharingan......It's really dangerous to use this kind of power if your physique is not compatible with yours!"

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