"Could it be the legendary rich man? Or a famous family in Konoha? There are so many zeros on that check. Could it be that this kid has taken a fancy to the dean and wants to support him?"

"Huayue, what is this?"

Nono was a little puzzled. What did this huge check mean?

"Just treat it as a personal request. I want to learn medical ninjutsu. As the head of Konoha's medical class, you are the most suitable teacher."

"Moreover, it would be difficult to support these children by myself with only the income from medical treatment and intelligence work......."

The child who was crawling outside the window tilted his head slightly and tried to keep his breath low, not wanting anyone to notice his presence.

Before Huayue finished speaking, Nono pushed the check in his hand back. His gentle smile contained an inexplicable determination, which made the aunt beside him feel distressed.

"I cannot accept this money. This is the reward you earned by risking your life alone. If you want to learn medical ninjutsu, I will give it to you without reservation, Huayuejun."

"Just think of it as a personal donation to the orphanage. We can't let these kids fall into malnutrition. You are a medical ninja, and you know how serious the consequences of malnutrition are."

At this point, Huayue smiled and looked at the aunt who had been moved for a long time, and said

"Also, can you please take the eavesdropping kid away? The next part will involve the ninjas in the village. I really don't want to be invited to the Anbu for tea, okay?"The fat aunt rushed out the door and found Kabuto Yakushi who had no time to escape.

"Dou, what are you doing here?"

The voice gradually faded away, and Hua Yue turned around and said

"If Nono-sister is waiting for Danzo to allocate funds to the orphanage, then there is no need to waste your time. You should know what kind of person that guy is."

"He would only exploit those who were of use to him until they died, and in order to keep the secret, he would finally arrange a cruel play to wipe out those who knew the secret of Konoha."As soon as these words came out, Nono's gentle and loving smile gradually disappeared. As a former elite of the Root, how could she not know the style of Danzo and the Root?

"Thank you, thank you so much, thank you for your kindness. Ever since I left my roots and became the director of this orphanage, I knew this day would come."

"But I really can't ignore those children. You are such a kind child."

The familiar herbal aroma and the reassuring gentle temperament made Hua Yue's tense nerves relax for a moment, and then she regained her vigilance.

"Sure enough, Sister Nono is a good woman!"

""Okay, don't forget the three ninja taboos, Huayue-kun! If you are interested in women, you have to grow up at least until they are adults. By then, I will probably have become an old woman, hehe." After laughing twice, Nono pulled him aside and said softly

"If I have some free time, I will teach you medical ninjutsu in Konoha Hospital. I hope you can always keep this kindness and use it to save as many people as possible."

"Ah, Nono-sister is so kind, good things will definitely happen to her. You must carry that kunai with you."

"I understand. Thank you, Huayue.

When Huayue left the orphanage, she turned her head subconsciously. The figure reflected in her black and white eyes was the young Kabuto Yakushi.

"Ah, if I stay here any longer, I will attract the attention of the Anbu, annoying flies."

The figure flashed, and on the soft and comfortable sofa, the shadow clone stayed at home motionless just like the perihelion of the flower moon.

The white mist dissipated, and I let my body sink into the sofa, returning to the lush inner world again.

"Are you finally willing to come in? Change for me now. It's hard to live without snacks and can only sleep. I'm dying of boredom!" He turned the whole forest upside down in dissatisfaction, and soon it returned to its original state under the flow of chakra.

"If you have nothing to do, then go and practice. Have you lived for so many years and still not been able to sense any natural energy? You orange pig!"

"Stop talking nonsense. All I need is chakra. I don't need any natural energy. Is there anyone who can resist my Tailed Beast Ball?"

The Black Nine-Tails was full of confidence, which made Huayue wonder, didn't the Black Nine-Tails suffer a beating from Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama in the world of the Limited Month?

"Hey, Kurama, have you ever fought with Hashirama Senju and Uchiha Madara, the founder of Konoha Village over there?"

"Nonsense, if we hadn't fought, how could I recognize that your eyes were the Mangekyō Sharingan? Damn Uchiha Madara, how dare you control me? If I see him again, I will never let him go!" The sharp claws stirred up waves of water, and when their eyes met, they could see the lament and sarcasm in Huayue's eyes.

"Uchiha brat, what does that look mean? Do you think I am no match for Uchiha Madara?"

"Yes, but you can't beat him alone."

The decisive answer immediately made Black Nine-Tails depressed, and he subconsciously recalled the shame of that battle.

If he could beat him, he wouldn't have been passed down from generation to generation in the Konoha Village, and finally passed to Uzumaki Menma.

"Tsk, the past is the past, the present is the present! With my current ability, I will never be controlled by the illusion of the Sharingan. One day, I will catch that bastard Madara and beat him up."

Seeing the Black Nine-Tails so confident, Huayue was even more suspicious, and his eyes fell on the Nine-Tails' stomach. He was very concerned about the familiar breath.

"you......What is hidden?"

"Want to know? Little ghost, from today on, become���"Master's servant, if I'm in a good mood, I might reveal some of the secrets."

The tails fluttered around, and the pair of black and orange fox ears trembled proudly.

——Fox Arrogant.jpg

"I think it is better to use a simpler way......."

I haven't signed in today, so I'll use the sign-in function to see what's hidden on Kyuubi's body.

【This month's sign-in is full, the daily sign-in is successful, and the monthly sign-in is starting......】

【Character Sign-in: Black Nine-Tail】

【Abilities: Tailed Beast Jade, Chakra Transfer, Sensing Malice、???】

【Randomly selected......Sign in successfully, get the transfer chakra today! 】


What the hell? The sign-in system can't tell? What on earth is this orange pig hiding that usually eats and sleeps?

"It's useless. This is my hope to go back home. How could you detect it with your strange magic? You have a guest coming." He jumped out of his inner world instantly and peeked out of the window. The purple hair and red eyes that came into his eyes made him stunned for a moment.

"How did they find their way here?"

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