Outside the weed-covered courtyard, Xihi Hong was dressed in casual clothes, her eyes were bright, but her expression was extremely awkward.

Opposite her, Mao Yue Xi Yan, with waist-length purple hair and a pure and charming appearance, was also somewhat puzzled.

"Senior Hong? Why did you come to Huayue's house? Did you hear about it too?"

"that......You are at the same level as Hongdou......What did you hear?"

Xi Ri Hong looked at the young junior in front of her, and a sense of crisis inexplicably arose in her heart.

"Senior, don't you know? Kagetsu, Uchiha Kagetsu was accepted as a disciple by Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas. Red Bean was also accepted as a disciple by Orochimaru."

"The Orochimaru team we were in was disbanded because of this. I wanted to congratulate them, but I heard that in the last battle, Huayue consumed too much chakra and could not perform tasks for a period of time, so......"

Xi Yan's words did not dispel Xi Ri Hong's suspicion. She glanced at the souvenir hidden behind Xi Yan with a little suspicion, and her sense of crisis became more and more serious.

"So that's how it is. Are you, Anko, and Kagetsu a member of the same team?"

"It was a few months ago. Ever since he saved us from the Fourth Raikage and was accepted as a disciple by Orochimaru, the Orochimaru class has been disbanded."The imperceptible loneliness flashed away, and when Yuhi Kurenai was about to speak to comfort her, a hearty laugh came from a distant street corner.

"Hong! Xiyan! Why are you here at this guy's door? When did you two like to eat snacks?"

Hongdou ran quickly from the end of the street to the door of Huayue's house in the blink of an eye, looking left and right, and asked curiously.

"Hong, don't you hate eating cake? Xiyan is the same. This three-color dumpling is very popular......."

Facing Hongdou's gaze, the two of them felt awkward at the same time, and they felt that they could dig out a three-bedroom apartment with their toes.

The inadvertent gaze made their cheeks hot, and they quickly looked away. Xi Ri Hong explained in a panic.

"actually, I......"

"Sure enough, have you finally understood the beauty of dumplings and desserts?"

Hongdou's smile became brighter and brighter, and Hong and Xiyan couldn't help but feel relieved. Fortunately, Hongdou was slow, otherwise they would have been exposed.

‘Hmm? How come even Hongdou has joined in the fun? What is this? Shura Field?’

"Hey! Huayue, how long have you been hiding over there? I, Hongdou, have arrived. Why don't you open the door for us!"

With both hands on his waist, Hongdou shouted arrogantly.

Xiyan and Hong looked up in panic, and then they noticed that in the window on the second floor, there was a young man with long hair casually draped behind him and a lazy temperament.

"How long did you watch? Probably the whole time. You didn't ring the doorbell. I'm not the kind of person who invites women into my house casually."

Hong and Xiyan looked embarrassed. It seems that they didn't ring the doorbell just now. They were busy looking at their competitors and didn't notice the doorbell at all.

"So suspicious, your words are so suspicious, forget it, hurry up and open the door for me, otherwise the dumplings and red bean soup will get cold!"

The door creaked open slowly, and the dark corridor made the three people feel uneasy, but the inexplicable fragrance that followed diluted the fear in their hearts.

"Welcome, I really didn't expect someone to come visit me, I don't have anything prepared at home, sorry."

Huayue said perfunctorily, which made Hongdou couldn't help but shout.

"Liar! Even when you were learning ninjutsu from Orochimaru, you just sent a shadow clone to take a look and then left. You were just afraid of trouble."

In the clean and bright living room, three cups of black tea were steaming slightly. Facing Huayue who was almost sunken into the sofa, the three looked at each other, and finally Hongdou spoke first.

"Hey, in a while, Orochimaru will go to practice outside the village with me, will you go?"

Red Bean asked in a low voice, her eyes wandering. After waiting for a long time without receiving an answer from the other party, she mustered up the courage to look up, but heard a faint snoring in her ear.

"You! I'm asking you a question! Orochimaru asked me to go with him to practice outside the village. Are you going or not? You bastard!" He pulled Huayue up from the sofa by the neck. When he got close to her, a faint fragrance filled the air. The three of them blushed.

Hongdou looked around blankly, and the suspicion on her face became more and more obvious.

"When did you plant flowers at home? I always feel a good smell, what is going on?"

"Indeed, I felt it when I entered the room just now. There is indeed a nice but strange fragrance."

"Is it the scent of flowers? The source of the scent seems to be very close to us, what kind of flower could it be?"

Just as the three of them were wondering, Hongdou suddenly put her hand to her nose and sniffed, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.


With their cheeks close together, Hong and Xiyan's faces changed slightly, and they couldn't help but blush. They subconsciously covered their eyes, and excitement flickered faintly between their fingertips.

"Anko! What are you doing? Kissing? Is it kissing?"

"Wait a minute, we can't make mistakes at this age! Even if you want to become an adult, don't do it in front of us, Hongdou!"

Hongdou was confused, and Huayue, whose thoughts were interrupted by the scream, opened her eyes. Seeing that Huayue finally woke up, she subconsciously loosened her hands.

"Wait, what are you thinking? That scent is coming from him, from him, what do you think I want to do?"


Hongdou's gaze made Hong and Xiyan feel embarrassed and ashamed. Huayue, who woke up from the chaos, was even more confused by this scene.

"What are you guys talking about?"

Feeling that she was a little strange today, Hua Yue subconsciously examined herself and soon found the problem.

【Name: Uchiha Kagetsu】

【Bloodline Limit: Mangekyō Sharingan】

【Identity: Nine-Tails Jinchūriki】

【Tailed Beast: Black Nine-Tails】

【Exclusive entry: Fox Charm】

‘Fox Charm? When did such a strange term appear? Where did it come from?

Hua Yue subconsciously searched for it and finally found the source of the term at the end of the monthly sign.

‘Exclusive for the monthly sign? Isn't the monthly sign an entry for a ninjutsu or item, but an entry for blessing oneself? '

I felt three dangerous eyes staring at me. Huayue looked up and saw those young faces with gorgeous looks that didn't match their age, sticking to me, with spring colors hidden between their brows.

"Brother, your body smells so good, I want to rub and lick it......"

"Huayue-kun, you are so cute! As expected, it is you, Huayue-kun, that I want......."

"Actually, since the day you saved me, I......"


The sudden strong wind diluted the beauty in the living room. A figure hurried over with an impatient look.

"Uchiha Kagetsu, something terrible has happened!"

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