The next second, Ebisu felt three sinister eyes looking at him, and the murderous intent flashing in their eyes made his whole body tremble.


"Almost, just a little bit closer to a kiss, jerk Ebisu"

"Wake up, you are already dead."

Sitting on the ground, Ebisu trembled and leaned against the wall, feeling that his death was approaching.

"Wait, this has nothing to do with me. It was the Third Hokage who asked me to find Uchiha Kagetsu. This has nothing to do with me!"

"Eh? Is this the order from the Third Hokage? It must be an important mission. I'll leave first. Bye."

With a flicker of her body, Kazuki, who was originally pushed down on the sofa, disappeared from the spot. When she turned around again, Ebisu also disappeared.

At the same time, in the third training ground, Kazuki let out a long breath and sighed.

"I was saved. I almost had to live a life of being exploited. You came just in time. Ebisu-senpai, what happened?"

While sighing that he was lucky enough to have a life, Ebisu fell to his knees with tears streaming down his face.

"Damn it, how am I worse than the little devil? Is it my appearance? My personality? My ninjutsu? Why does this guy have so many girls? I don't even have a girlfriend to this day, damn it!"

With a twitch of the corner of her mouth, Huayue remembered that the person in front of her was Ebisu, who was known as the Muttsulini pervert. After hesitating for a moment, she said something to comfort him.

"Calm down, Ebisu-senpai. With your charm, you will definitely find a girl who likes you."


Ebisu woke up from his negativity, his expression under the sunglasses excited, and he couldn't help asking

"So how big is the gap between you and me?"

"There is not much difference. If I have to say, it is probably just this."

Huayue smiled slightly, and her index finger and thumb kept getting closer and closer, with only a tiny distance between them, which made Ebisu cheer up.

"Really, what a good person! Uchiha Kagetsu, thank you for your encouragement, I will definitely work harder to become a better ninja than you!"

"Compared to all this, what exactly did the Third Hokage want to talk to me about?"

"Ah! Oh, I almost forgot what I was doing. The shock of that scene just now was so great that I almost lost consciousness."

"The Third Hokage asked you to go to the mission issuance hall immediately, as if it was a very urgent situation. But if it was a high-level mission, why would he look for you, a Genin?"

"By the way, what was that ninjutsu just now? How did we get from your house to the third training ground in an instant?......"

When Huibimon came back to his senses from his thoughts, he found that Uchiha Huayue had disappeared without a trace.

"Did it disappear again? Could it be the Flickering Technique? Why would a Genin know this level of ninjutsu?"

The fact that Uchiha Kagetsu mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique and was accepted as a disciple by Orochimaru was known only to the ninjas who participated in the Battle of Mount Kikyo, and most of those people were the Jonin and family heads of Konoha.

Now is a time of war, and most of the Jonin are running around on various battlefields. Although they know the situation, the Chunin and Genin do not know the news.

And Kagetsu himself has been staying at home and not going out, eliminating the vigilance of the Third Hokage and Danzo, and naturally has no intention of spreading his strength everywhere. In the Hokage office building, in the study of the Third Hokage

"I heard from Ebisu, do you have something to talk to me about? What is it?"

"Are you here already? Uchiha Kagetsu, I'm not looking for you for any other reason, but I have a very important mission to entrust to you."

"Do you know the Land of Water?"

After pondering for a moment, Uchiha Kagetsu nodded slightly, not knowing what Sarutobi Hiruzen meant.

"I've heard that the Land of Water seems to be a poor and warlike country. It was also the first country to attack the Land of Wind during the Third Ninja World War."

"That's right, the territory of the Water Country is mostly islands, the people in the country live in poverty, and it is shrouded in fog all year round. It is a country that rarely communicates with other major countries."

"But it is precisely because of this that they will wantonly break into other countries to plunder, and the extraordinary strength of the Kirigakure ninjas is also a headache for Konoha."

The pen stopped, and a painting called the Will of Fire was born. Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded with satisfaction, and Uchiha Kagetsu had a blank expression, not understanding the meaning.

"So, what is my mission?"

"The current Konoha Village can no longer withstand excessive war. Your performance in Kikyoyama and Sand Village is highly praised by Orochimaru and Namikaze Minato."

"So, the mission I'm going to give you now is battlefield support."

He raised his eyebrows. Battlefield support? Which battlefield? Does Konoha still have large-scale battlefields with other major countries?

"In order to prevent a similar situation like the Kikyo Mountain from happening again, where someone could sneak into the heart of the Land of Fire without your knowledge, you must guard against possible attacks from other great powers alone."

The atmosphere fell into an inexplicable silence, and Sarutobi Hiruzen did not turn his head back, waiting for Kagetsu's answer.

"I know, but I need......"

Since the Third Hokage left the office, Huayue's expression was calm, as if the demanding task did not cause him dissatisfaction.

When he returned home, among the three snacks, a row of special kunai with a cold gleam and a pitch-black color were placed on the coffee table, as if an invisible protest.

"One, two, three......A standard three-man ANBU team? That's why I hate the evil recommendation system."

Although he wanted to climb to the top step by step, the Uchiha identity destined him to be......Even the candidate for Hokage can't do it. This evil recommendation system can't even achieve democracy and fairness!

In his inner world, Huayue kept silent, but the expression on his face showed that he was not in a good mood.

"What's wrong? Little brat, have you reached the limit of your patience? Then join hands with me now and make a big fuss together, wahahahaha!" He ignored the Black Nine-Tails who was madly seducing him and trying to spread the war again.

The Rasengan on his fingertips rotated at high speed, carving his own chakra mark on each of the special kunai that was enough to withstand the Tailed Beast Balls.

"Jiu Lama, why do you think humans crave power? Is it because they are afraid of growing older, or because they are afraid of losing the recognition of others after losing power?"

"I am not a human, I don't know anything, I only know to slap those guys who want to attack me to death."

Black Nine-Tailed replied without raising his head while lying in his nest, not noticing the flash of murderous intent in Huayue's eyes.

"The reason why humans are humans is because they will never learn lessons from history. As expected, they will be completely destroyed."

"The era of ninjas will end with my own hands."

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