"Who knows? I'm lucky to be able to save my life. Fortunately, I didn't call Ao over in advance, otherwise the Byakugan that I won with great difficulty would be taken back by the Konoha ninja."

At this point, Goji Yagura gritted his teeth in hatred. He was the Fourth Mizukage, but he actually fell into the illusion of a little devil.

If this battle were to be spread out, how could he gain a foothold in the Blood Mist Village and maintain the will of the Third Mizukage, bastard!

At the same time, on the edge of the Water Country, there is a village covered in snow all year round.

The diligent and kind man with patches all over his body was smiling and full of energy, ready to supplement the nutrition for his one-year-old child.

In the shabby little house, the pretty woman looked at the child in her arms with a lot of thoughts, and there was a lot of worry between her brows.

"Will this child also inherit it?......No, don't, don't inherit that damn power, Bai......"


The door opened, and the wind and snow were as sharp as knives. The black cloak fluttered, forcing the woman to protect the child in her arms behind her.

"Who are you? A ninja?"

"Is this the child? I may have to trouble you to sleep for a while. I need to modify the fate of the child a little bit.

The exquisite and complex kaleidoscope changes rapidly, making the woman who looks at it lose her mind and fall into the illusion.

"Let me witness your ability, bloom, mirror flower and water moon."

At some point, the invisible power in the Book of Vermilion Moon turned into a barrier, enveloping the entire hut.

The clear blue light fell from the ancient bamboo scroll in his hand onto the child, and finally dissipated into nothingness.

Countless natural energies poured into the Book of Vermilion Moon, making the natural energy here turbulent, as if filling an unknown gap.

For a long time, Huayue looked around, up and down, with a face full of doubt.

"Is this the end? What happened?"

After a moment of silence, Hua Yue stepped forward and picked up the child. After a little perception, the whole person suddenly froze in place.

"This child is......Wait, I remember she was supposed to be him, could it be that the ability of the Book of Red Moon is......"

The whole person was struck by lightning, and until Huayue left, the scene in his mind was still stuck on that scene, and he couldn't extricate himself for a long time.

"he......She became her? What on earth is going on? And this feeling......"

The water surface was azure blue, emitting a clear blue light. In his inner world, the skinny Black Nine-Tailed Fox had a scowl on his face, and his eyes, which were as big as a carriage, stared at Huayue viciously.

"Hateful Uchiha brat, what on earth did you do? What happened to that power just now? Why did you suck away so much of my chakra? Do you want to destroy this world?"

"You are so long-winded! How should I know? I just opened the barrier of the Book of Vermillion Moon and changed some established facts. Who knows if it will consume your chakra?"

The fox, with his hair standing on end, roared immediately.

"I knew it had something to do with you, little brat. You bastard, do you know how it feels to be forced to vomit when you don't want to?"

"There are little devils on the left and right. I am so annoyed. Do you want to cause trouble? Orange pig!"

"You evil little devil, today I will let you experience what true fear is! Tailed Beast Ball!"

Three minutes later, after hearing this, the bruised and swollen Black Nine-Tails looked very strange.

"You bastard, not only did you send my chakra to a strange place, but you also turned others into women. This is......Oh, right, the development game?"

Countless potato chips as big as carriages made a crisp"crunch, crunch" sound as they were chewed by sharp teeth, and from time to time, accompanied by the gurgling and bubbling happy water, the skinny body of Black Nine-Tail gradually became plump again.

"If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb. Even eating can't stop your mouth. I just wanted to try it. Who knew he would become her? This thing, the ability of the Book of Vermillion Moon is definitely not that simple."

With a flickering look in his eyes, he consumed nearly half of the Nine-Tails' chakra, causing the natural energy around the village to go into chaos. The effect was indeed amazing. Until now, Huayue has not recovered.

"Ah, yes, yes, yes, I believe that you will never be swayed by beauty. You use eye techniques to make women's underwear and are interested in women older than you. You are a cold and ruthless ninja...."Wahahaha!"

Halfway through, Black Nine-Tail couldn't hold it in anymore and couldn't help but burst into laughter, with the fox tail behind him shaking wildly

"If you say that again, I will use the Book of Vermillion Moon to turn you into a female vixen. I want to see if you can still laugh."

The laughter stopped abruptly. The Black Nine-Tailed Fox was alert and stepped back subconsciously. It was really a little scared when someone threatened it with this trick.

After regaining control of her body, Huayue looked into the distance. The chakra mark on the child was clearly visible.

"No matter how fiercely the flames of war burn, they will eventually die out as the fuel disappears. Is this war about to end?"

On the other hand,

"Minato, I'll leave this matter to you. You must guide him onto the right path, please."

In the Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke solemnly, but Namikaze Minato was very confused.

"Uchiha Kagetsu......Isn't this child a disciple of Orochimaru? Why do I have to teach him?" With his eyes lowered, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't want to doubt his favorite student, but......

"Anyway, I'll leave it to you. I'll talk to Orochimaru about that. He'll be of great help to you."

Thinking of the fearless and arrogant boy when they first met, Minato Namikaze felt a headache. This problem seemed to be more difficult than he thought.

"Yes, I understand"

"Mention him, will he come back? This time the mission was also successfully completed. Uchiha Kagetsu is really an excellent child, but he is still a long way from being an excellent ninja."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's sigh made Namikaze Minato smile. The figure in the crystal ball followed several captured Konoha ninjas and looked up at the crystal ball from time to time.

"Really......A perceptive child, maybe it will be interesting."

At the same time, Hua Yue, who found herself being spied on by a telescope, twitched her lips and said inwardly

‘By the way, the Third Hokage, the old pervert, might also use this trick to spy on the hot spring baths. It's not impossible.

"Yo, Kakashi-senpai, you got a good eye!"

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