At the gate of Konoha Village, the pen tip paused slightly, Kakashi turned his head and saw that his left eye had been covered by the forehead protector.

Next to him, Nohara Lin wanted to say hello with a smile when she heard Huayue's voice, but when she heard"good eyes", her expression suddenly dimmed.

"Kagetsu, this is not Kakashi, but Obito......"

"What a pity, Uchiha Obito, his eyes contain great talent. I can see talent better than anyone else. Cherish the treasure in your left eye."

"Also, don't regret it after you lose it, Kakashi-senpai, whether it's Obito or......"

The meaningful words reminded Kakashi of the strange look in Uchiha Kagetsu's eyes on the day he went to the Land of Grass.

"This is Obito's will. I will not hesitate to see the arrival of peace with his eyes. I will not lose again, and I will not regret it. This is my will......."

Kakashi's eyes were like a pool of stagnant water, and his expression could not be seen under the mask. It seemed that he was narrating a trivial matter, and the same was true for his life.

"The small talk ends here. I have to hand over the task next. I will leave first."

Seeing this, several ninjas who stopped to watch hurried to the Hokage's office to prepare for the report. Nohara Lin looked at the back of the black-clothed figure, and her heart was even more complicated.

In the sun, Huayue, who left the Hokage's office, looked up at the sky and sighed that life

"Little pay, lots of work, far from home, no holidays all year round, one day I will change this damn world, I will climb to the top step by step, I will do it......"

Her shoulders sank, interrupting Hua Yue's ambition. She turned around and saw that the two watermelon heads were shining black in the refraction of the sunlight.

""It's been a long time, Captain! You're still as energetic as ever. Today is a good time to burn your youth!"

Might Guy laughed. The bandages wrapped in his green tights could not stop his youthful enthusiasm. Might Guy also nodded, his eyes fell on the cold figure behind Hua Yue who was slowly approaching.

"Oh, my eternal rival, let’s have a fight today! Win or lose!"

He rushed out in an instant, tightly entangled with Kakashi, Might Guy’s blood was boiling, and gradually disappeared from the end of his sight

"Still as excited as ever, Dai, your son is just like you, how is his injury?"

Hua Yue asked with a smile, tilting her head slightly and taking off the fox mask.

"Thank you for your concern. If you hadn't seen through the chakra points of the Eight Gates of Dunjia in time and suppressed the chakra, my body would have been burned to ashes by the overheating heat. This is what Master Nono told me."Might Dai was filled with emotion. He had originally opened the Eight Gates of Dunjia with the determination to die, but he didn't expect to be lucky enough to save his life. This was really a blessing.

"You're welcome. I've already received the reward and I'm quite satisfied. Just live well and watch your child become a jonin."

Waving behind him, Huayue turned and left. Although he had saved his life, his chakra meridians were severely damaged. Might Dai could no longer live as a ninja, but he still kept a bright smile.

"Oh! Thank you, Captain! The heroic spring has passed, and the hot summer is coming. You must work hard on the mission!"

"Hot summer? This is not for me."

【Character Sign-in: Matt Day】

【Possessing ability: Eight Gates】

【Signed in successfully and obtained the Eight Gates Ninjutsu Array today!】

"I have accepted the reward, so where should I go to slack off next?"

"Um, excuse me, Huayue, do you have anything to do next? If not, can you walk with me? You and Obito are friends, right?"

Huayue, who was planning to go to the entertainment street outside Konoha Village, turned around and saw Nohara Lin, who had hurriedly caught up with her, with a serious face and a firm tone.

"I want to know more about Obito, please."

Looking at Nohara Rin who looked determined and ready to die, Huayue looked around and finally locked onto a certain direction.

"I see. I'll treat you to a meal. I'll tell you everything I know about Obito."

Lin looked up and saw the Ichiraku Ramen not far away emitting an alluring aroma. She hurriedly took out her wallet and finally nodded solemnly.

After a while, two bowls of steaming ramen appeared.

"Sorry for the wait, special seafood ramen, pork bone ramen, please enjoy."

The uncle of Ichiraku Ramen greeted other customers again. Hanazuki, who was about to enjoy the food, felt the eyes of the people around her were extremely surprised.

Turning around, she saw Nohara Lin's cheeks flushed by the hot steam of ramen. Hanazuki was thoughtful and remembered that she seemed to have never seen her true face.

"Well, let's get to the point. Uchiha Obito, to be honest, I don't know him any more than you do, but since we are both orphans and our families live close to each other, it is inevitable that we have some intersections."

"Speaking of which, on that rainy day, that guy rushed out happily, and when he came to my house in a daze, I think he confessed to you, hahahaha......"

The laughter gradually faded away, and Nohara Lin couldn't help but lower her head, tears rolling down her cheeks. Uncle Ichiraku next to her saw this and subconsciously stared at Huayue, his face full of suspicion. He looked as if he was wondering if this guy was cheating on her and was discovered by his girlfriend.

"That day, I......"

"You rejected Obito with encouragement and said that you liked Kakashi-senpai, right?"

The crying stopped abruptly, and Lin was shocked, with a hint of curiosity and inexplicable shyness. Did Obito even tell Kagetsu about this?

""No! This is a reasonable inference based on your personality. Besides, you shouted Kakashi Kakashi as soon as you entered the door. Isn't it obvious at a glance?"

His eyebrows were clear, his smile was fresh, and he felt inexplicably relieved. Lin subconsciously thought that she seemed to be facing the gentle Minato teacher, but that young face looked more like Kakashi.

"Huayue, can your eyes see through people's hearts?"

"It's just that you are too easy to be seen through. It's not a good habit to show your mood on your face. Don't do this during a mission. Thank you for your hospitality. Goodbye."

Huh?" Lin was stunned for a moment, looking at the empty ramen bowl beside her, and couldn't help but exclaimed

"So fast! When did you finish eating? Moreover, this kind of reassuring temperament is......"

Suddenly, she felt her shoulders sink. Lin looked up blankly and saw a familiar pretty face with a hint of concern.

"Lin, are you okay? I have heard from Orochimaru about Obito, are you okay?"

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