In the early morning, the morning light was shining and the stars were twinkling.

Hongdou's eyes were hazy and her eyelashes were trembling slightly. Her slightly red face was filled with unprecedented peace of mind.

The fragrance of plants and trees lingering in her nose and the soft and comfortable big bed made her subconsciously forget her troubles and relive the high-quality sleep she had in those incomprehensible Ninja School theory classes.

Wait, I always feel like I have forgotten something. This doesn't seem to be my home.......

At this moment, Hongdou suddenly woke up from her dream, subconsciously looked around, and finally looked at the familiar voice beside her. The corners of her mouth moved slightly, and she asked in a trembling voice

"you......What are you looking at?"

"Um......The scenery that is about to mature but not yet mature, green and immature, may become one of the most beautiful scenery in the world, hehehe."

Hongdou subconsciously pulled the quilt over herself, with a suspicious look on her face, and felt a little headache. After burying her head in the quilt and taking a look, she asked without showing her head.

"us......what happened?"

"What happened? In this short midnight, many unforgettable memories occurred, and I also experienced the youthful splendor and immature scenes......."

Without waiting for Huayue to speak again, Hongdou in the quilt froze for a moment, feeling extremely ashamed and angry.

"Damn you, who told you to describe it in such detail? Pay the price, Shadow Snake Hand!"

Four brown-black pythons suddenly shot out, and before they could tie up Huayue, the following words immediately made the small snakes droop weakly.

"Eh? Didn't you say you'd rather take responsibility than give me up? I didn't expect that Hongdou, who always likes desserts, has no resistance to chocolate with liquor filling, hehe."

After hearing this, Hongdou felt a slight headache and remembered that she seemed to have eaten something extraordinary last night, and then she completely lost her memory.

In a trance, her face was burning, she grabbed Uchiha Huayue's collar and said something shameful, and then......Rolled together

"Wait! Chocolate with liquor filling, why do you have this kind of thing in your house, you bastard?"

After showing her head, Hongdou couldn't help but glare at him, baring her teeth, as if she wanted to bite Huayue to death.

"Are you talking about chocolate with liquor filling? It was a gift from Hong to celebrate my official promotion to a jonin. Didn't you also send me a tricolor dumpling that day?"

After hearing what Huayue said, Hongdou also remembered that this guy in front of him had become one of the only two jonin among their batch of ninja students.

The other one was a senior who was two years older than them, Hatake Kakashi, the hero of Konoha, the son of White Fang.

"I see. Then I can't let it go. Damn Red. Why did she send me chocolate with liquor filling? She's such an outlier among desserts......."

Gnashing her teeth, Hongdou stared at the handsome face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

The sun shone down, shining a little on the bright little face. Hongdou's chest kept rising and falling, and she finally made up her mind.

"Humph, I have fallen into your hands. That's fine. I, Hongdou, will take full responsibility. From today on, you are my man."

"If you dare to attract bees and butterflies again, I will......I'll cry for you to see!"

Realizing that she was unlikely to defeat him, and that she had no way of stopping him, Hongdou could only grit her teeth and say her threats that didn't sound like threats at all.

"Really? Then you can only cry for the rest of your life. Do you need a hug?"

"You! Pervert, pervert, playboy......"

Leaning on that not-so-broad chest, gently sniffing the reassuring breath, Hongdou wanted to sleep a little longer, with a lazy look and a charming look.

Huayue couldn't help but sigh that the expression revealed inadvertently was the strongest weapon to seduce men to commit crimes. Unfortunately, it was only possible to look but not to eat. Huayue didn't want to bear the name of the Dragon King and spread throughout the ninja world.......

As the days passed, Orochimaru, after being warned by Sarutobi Hiruzen, openly chose to stop, but no one knew what he was planning secretly, not even Danzo.

With the supply of the Land of Earth cut off near the Kannabi Bridge, the successive defeats of the Hidden Mist, and Orochimaru's apparent restraint, the Third Shinobi World War gradually came to an end.

However, small-scale battlefield conflicts continued, not only between Konoha and other ninja villages, but other ninja villages were also pulling each other's legs, causing the entire five major countries to be in a relatively stable state.

Anbu, 'Root'.

The intelligence collected by the Root Anbu was placed in front of Danzo's desk, and after Danzo read through them one by one, his long-term ninja vision made him notice an insignificant movement in the Land of the Rain.

"Akatsuki? An organization founded by a few young people? Want to bring peace to the Hidden Rain Village?"

His eyes flickered. A mercenary organization of this level was just a small fight of little brats in the eyes of the five major ninja countries, but as the"root" of Konoha, any existence that could threaten the interests of the major countries was the target of reconnaissance.

After pondering for a moment, Danzo marked the document with noteworthy information, raised his head and looked around, his eyes drooping, his expression flickering.

There are many good players in the root, but because the training of ninjas often takes a lot of time, the secrecy of the"root" and the special nature of the mission are destined to not be as transparent as Sarutobi Hiruzen's Anbu.’

"There is a lack of talent. If Sarutobi Hiruzen, that old stubborn man, could have gotten Uchiha Kagetsu into the Root, this child's play Third Ninja World War would not have dragged on until now."

‘Above the Root's headquarters, withered leaves were falling, and a little autumn wind blew away the scorching heat of summer.

In the Hokage's office building, in the mission release hall.

Nohara Rin, who had just evacuated from the battlefield and was helping at the Konoha Hospital, was summoned to the hall and accepted the mission.

‘Medical missions on the front line......I'm going to the front line again. Will I see anyone I know this time? It's better not to see them.......’

As a ninja of Konoha, and a rare female medical chunin, Lin had no objection to the mission of stepping onto the battlefield. She had learned to live with the blessings of her friends, but she still did not want to experience the same pain.

Unconsciously, Lin walked aimlessly on the path.

The sky gradually darkened. The drizzle fell on the grass leaves that refused to bend. The raindrops as big as beans accumulated and slid down the roots to moisten the land.

At the edge of Konoha, near a seldom-visited training ground, Lin stopped unconsciously and looked at the familiar back. A bright smile appeared on her hesitant face.

"Huayue? Is it Huayue? What are you doing here? Practicing?"

The voice sitting on the boat turned around, with a bright smile under the familiar three-eyed demon fox mask.

"If a flower represented a person, what would you be?"

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