"The language of flowers?"

A trace of worry appeared on the troubled little face. After thinking for a while, Nohara Lin replied hesitantly.

"Is it the language of flowers?......Probably sunflowers. I hope my friends, teachers and people in the village can be sunny and happy. What about Huayue?"

His eyes moved, and under the fox mask, a clear and soft voice came out, as if he was laughing softly.

The drizzle continued. Lin looked at him puzzledly, a little distressed, and a little depressed. Was her answer funny?

"Want others to be happy? I can judge talent better than anyone else, and the same is true for a person's character and the flower they represent."

"You are so gentle, firm and selfless, silently looking at your companions, just like the purple on your face."

The stuffiness and distress in my chest dissipated with the raindrops, and I walked forward quickly, replacing my hesitation with my usual gentle smile.

"I'm really surprised to hear your praise. People in the village say that Shunshin Gengetsu is a cocky guy who even the Third Hokage looks down on! Hehehe......"

��For some time, Uchiha Obito's sacrifice, the confession and feelings he wanted to express were rejected decisively by Kakashi without even listening.......

The irritability and distress hidden in Nohara Lin's heart were now revealed without reservation in the continuous drizzle. She laughed heartily, and even her mood seemed to be washed away by the rain.

"So, what kind of flower do you think I should use to describe you? What kind of flower can describe you?"

Looking at that sweet and tender smiling face, Hua Yue did not think much about the answer in her mouth. Lin restrained her smile and looked at the lake with waves, stunned.

"You are a purple bellflower, looking at your companions tenderly, full of gratitude to your friends and teachers, and......Regretful love."

After a long silence, the sound of rain continued. Lin slowly raised her drooping head and remained silent for a long time.

Lin had never thought that this boy, who she had only met a few times and was called a genius ninja by the people of the village and was of the same clan as Obito, would make such an evaluation of her.

"Is this love full of regrets?......It's so scary. I feel like I've been seen through. What about you, Huayue? What kind of flower can describe you?"

Hearing this question, Huayue was uncharacteristically silent under the mask.

"It is often easier to see through others than to see through yourself. If I had to choose a word related to flowers, it would probably be mirror flowers, which reflect everything but cannot see one’s own character......."

On the boat, the dark figure was silent, listening to Lin's mumbling quietly until the sound of rain stopped, and then he woke up from his immersion.

""I'm sorry for holding you back and talking non-stop, which delayed your practice. I will definitely practice with you in the future!"

After revealing the depression in her heart, Nohara Lin completely regained her previous cheerfulness. Her gentle eyes fell on the red and white demon fox mask, but her mind couldn't help but think of the scenes about Kagetsu. The swift and decisive rescue of everyone, the private trust of the Konoha ninjas, the rumor that he was accepted as a disciple by the legendary Sannin, and the talent of being a young jonin in the village with Kakashi.......

‘Calm down, Lin, what are you thinking about? The girl who is his friend and teammate is Hongdou, and the person you like is Kakashi. How can you fall in love with someone else and compete with your friend for a lover?

Although she thought so in her heart, the love full of regrets in Huayue's mouth made Lin's eyes misty. Is it love full of regrets?

"I am looking forward to that day. Maybe one day, the love full of regrets will come together. Goodbye."

The pale and powerful hand with a faint blue glittering lightly patted the shoulder, and the simple and twisted spell rune flashed and disappeared. When Lin tilted her head again, the corner of the cloak that flashed by had already disappeared without a trace.

"Already gone?"

Lin felt a sense of regret, as if she had put down a heavy burden. She still said to herself:

"Calm down, we will be on the battlefield tomorrow. If you hold this half-baked mentality, you can't save your companions who are injured on the battlefield, huh!"

Walking briskly in the intermittent night rain, Lin smiled and waited for tomorrow's mission.

Not long after leaving, a sneaky white figure emerged from the grass and trees, took a deep look at the girl, and murmured in a low voice.

"Is it her? The person Obito cares about most......"

At the same time, in the inner world, above the azure heart lake, the black nine-tailed fox's ears trembled, and the furry fox ears trembled, and he urged casually:

"Hey, Uchiha kid, there seems to be a similar guy lurking here, why don’t we just deal with it?"

"What's the point of killing him? It's just transferring the risk to the dark and waiting for the outcome."

Hazuki, who has mastered the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, is naturally aware of the malice of White Zetsu, but even so, he has not chosen to start in Konoha for the time being.

What's the point of killing a White Zetsu? It still can't stop Madara's actions, and it will also arouse the suspicion of Konoha F4 towards him and the Uchiha clan.

Black Zetsu has been planning for thousands of years. Although he doesn't have much strength, he has prepared countless means in secret.

"Besides, this is the moment to witness the power of the Book of Vermillion Moon. Let's see where its limit is. This is our goal now, isn't it?"

The fox's mouth was raised, its sharp fangs flashed with cold light, and its huge claws clenched into fists, stretching out in front of Hua Yue.

""Little boy, your potential is higher than Menma's. Bet everything I have on you and turn the world upside down. Wahahaha!"

Facing this scene, the pale and powerful fist lightly touched the black nine-tailed fox, and their determination and beliefs were mutually beneficial.

"Ninja's Hatred and War......The chain of hatred and pain in this world is to create eternal peace......"

The pupils in her eyes changed, and delicate and complex strange patterns flickered quietly, turning her heart lake into a sea of blood. Hua Yue slowly opened her right hand, as if she wanted to hold the whole world in her hand.

"Those who follow me will prosper, those who go against me will perish. The era of ninjas ends with my own hands."

The next day, golden clouds fell and the mist gradually dissipated.

In Konoha Village, in Orochimaru's exclusive laboratory, Orochimaru, who had been working all night for three or four consecutive days, had two big dark circles under his pale and cold face.

"As expected of my most proud disciple, he really knows my preferences too well. Apart from the genetic information, this sample is almost indistinguishable from the Wood Release Cells of the First Hokage."

"If it wasn't confirmed that the First Hokage was now lying in a coffin, I would have thought he was walking in this world with another identity."

The excitement in his eyes was not concealed, and Hongdou, who was yawning beside him, also hurriedly dispelled his tiredness, as if he didn't want to show his ugliness in front of Huayue because of the long-term auxiliary research.

"So, where did you get this trophy?"

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