"You're crossing the line. Even a disciple has privacy. If you want more detailed information, you should show us your research results, Mr. Orochimaru......."

With a half-smile, she refused to answer the question as usual, which was exchanged for Orochimaru's dumb smile and tolerance, although this tolerance did not mean much to Kazuki.

For talented students with the same goals, Orochimaru was always generous and told most of what he knew.

But regarding the"insignificant" matter of the origin of the first generation of cells, he chose to conceal it.

"Controlling the tailed beasts and sweeping across the ninja world, it was like listening to a myth. Was the first Hokage really that powerful? Orochimaru-sensei?"

Hongdou was full of disbelief. To her, the first Hokage was too far away from her. Moreover, no one among the current ninjas was willing to discuss those predecessors.

"It's true. The current Third Hokage, Sarutobi, is known as the Ninja Professor. However, in front of the two ninjas known as the 'Ninja Gods', the title of 'Professor' can only pale in comparison."

After hearing Orochimaru's answer, Red Bean was even more confused and couldn't help asking

"Why aren't other ninja villages discussing the reputation of the first Hokage? Since he is the legendary God of Ninjas, he should have left many names behind, right?"

This question made Orochimaru silent, and his snake-like eyes looked at Kagetsu in front of him, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

‘What kind of evaluation will you make? Praise the almost innocent benevolence, or boast about the Uchiha's power equal to the Senju? It's really exciting.......’

As Orochimaru was looking forward to it, Kagetsu's words completely overturned the evaluations he had heard before. Even his eyes, which had been sharpened in the horrific war, could not help but tremble slightly.

"Because of fear, with the joint efforts of those two people, even if all the ninja worlds at that time were added together, they would not be able to defeat them.......The first Hokage, Hashirama Senju, the rival of Uchiha Madara"

"The Wood Release and Sage Physique of the First Hokage surpassed countless Sharingans. The strength of the Uchiha clan leader, Uchiha Madara, has never been seen in person. With the imagination of today's ninjas, it is simply unimaginable."The Susanoo

Buddha, the two destroyed the four countries, in that era when Dust Release was not developed, it was not a dream.

"Fear? Why? Could it be that even if the other ninja villages joined forces, they couldn't defeat the first Hokage?"

As if recalling his childhood memories, and recalling the traces of the battle left in the Valley of the End that completely changed the terrain, Orochimaru nodded slightly, and a look of yearning appeared on his face.

"The power of those two people is so terrifying that not only other villages, but even Konoha is trying to erase their traces and make them a part of history."

"Morality and respect, etiquette and trustworthiness, these excellent qualities in the eyes of ordinary people are not advocated by others in the ninja world. Even the current Hokage is the same. Ninjas must be cold and ruthless."

There was an unconcealed regret in his eyes. In just a few dozen or a hundred years, the existence of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara became a legend. The deeds of thousands of years ago have become an unattainable myth. The ninjas tacitly tampered with history and never learned a lesson, just like the history of mankind.

"Here you go again, always talking about these profound things, and you haven’t told me why yet!"

"Fear will wear down the ninja's fighting spirit, and too much power will make humans fearful. If the first Hokage had been in good health after that battle, the Second Ninja World War might not have broken out."

Orochimaru answered softly, and then his eyes became fiery, as if he was staring at his naked lover, and he stared at Hashirama's cells. The specimen in front of him was his clue to why the first Hokage was so powerful. Everything would be exposed under scientific research.

Seeing that Orochimaru was immersed in his research, Hongdou's eyes rolled around, and he secretly waved to Huayue, raised his eyebrows, and motioned for the two of them to sneak out. Huayue laughed dumbly at this, and pulled Hongdou out of the door openly. A smile flashed in Orochimaru's eyes, and he immersed himself in the study of Hashirama's cells again.

Learning made him happy Joy made him step by step closer to the ideal posture in his mind.

Two flowers bloom, each with its own beauty.

At the border of the Land of Fire, in the new front-line base set up against the Hidden Mist Village, Nara Shikaku was standing in front of the strategic map with a frown on his face.

After suffering a loss in the Land of Bears, Konoha did not dare to go too deep, so it simply set up the base near the border between the Land of Bears and the Land of Fire.

With the mobility of the ninja, this distance is nothing, but it occupies a favorable terrain, which can be used for attack or defense.

Batches of medical ninjas who have rushed over are urgently rescuing the wounded and making contributions to protecting Konoha's manpower. Lin is among them.

"Lin, you are a medical Chunin, right? There are several wounded soldiers in the Bear Country battlefield that cannot be transferred. I would like to trouble you to go with them."The medical director in the camp was very helpless, but now that squad leader Nono was not there, the most experienced medical ninja was only this girl in front of him. If there was no other way, who would let a young girl accept such a difficult task?

"I got it!"

After finishing the emergency work, Nohara Rin immediately followed several Konoha ninjas and rushed to the territory of the Bear Country.

The fog was thick and hidden in the poisonous miasma. Several members of the Mist Hidden Anbu wearing animal masks looked around and finally locked onto Nohara Rin's team heading to the battlefield.

"Did the Fourth Mizukage agree?"

"Ah, we were badly tricked by Shunshen Huanyue last time, and the village is weak, how could we not agree?"

"There are too many geniuses and monsters in Konoha. This time, let them, especially that bastard brat, see what a real monster is!"A deep fear flashed in his eyes. When he thought of that thing, several powerful Kirigakure Anbu were trembling. That was a real monster, not something that could be dealt with by just one or two geniuses.

In the middle of the night, dark clouds rolled in the distant sky. With a crack, a bolt of lightning struck, causing thick smoke to rise from the mountains and forests.

Shikaku looked up at the sky, with an ominous premonition in his heart. This rain came at the wrong time.

"Lord Shikaku, Nohara Lin's team hasn't come back yet. Did they encounter the enemy?"

At this time, Kakashi, who came from the Land of Earth to support the battlefield, was startled and quickly opened the tent and stepped inside.

"Nohara Rin? Is that the medical Chunin Nohara Rin? Where is she? Which direction is she going?"

The head of the medical team quickly told the specific location, and Kakashi turned and ran out of the camp, his face showing a rare look of anxiety.

‘Please don't be in any trouble, Lin!’

"Wait, Kakashi, there is no other way, Hyuga Cloud, Baiyun Morning, go and support Kakashi immediately."

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