At midnight, several figures were seen passing through the forest.

Staring at the uncharacteristically anxious figure in front of them, Bai Yun Zao and Hinata Yun hurriedly shouted to stop them.

"Calm down, Kakashi, it's getting late, and we don't know how many enemies are hiding in the woods. Lin is a medical ninja, she won't die easily!"

"It is best to let me lead the charge with my Byakugan to detect the enemy's movements."

The two's words did not dissuade him. Kakashi subconsciously covered his right eye and felt a dull pain.

‘Am I a useless waste? But even if I am a waste, I will risk my life to fulfill my promise to you. Use your eyes to look towards a peaceful future, Obito!’

""Psychic summons!"

White mist shrouded the room, and eight ninja dogs of different appearances and species appeared at the same time. Parker followed closely behind them, looking a little puzzled.

"Why did you summon us out so late? I still need to take a bubble bath, Kakashi."

"Please, Parker, find out Lin's scent, please."

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Parker and the other eight ninja dogs looked solemn and quickly dispersed in all directions to sniff out Nohara Lin's scent.

Time passed slowly, and everyone spent it in torment and worry. Kakashi, who has always been famous for his psychological quality, had to force himself to calm down at this time.

"Kakashi, I found Lin's scent, this way."A beam of dawn light shone through the dark clouds, dispelling the haze in Kakashi's heart. A flash of joy flashed in Kakashi's eyes, and he hurriedly followed Parker.

After midnight, several people, led by Parker, hurried to a low mountain. When Parker signaled everyone to stop, Hyuga Yun hurried forward.

"White Eyes!"

The White Eyes, which covered every angle, gave a clear view of the area ahead, and also caused a wave of shock in the heart of the already vigilant Hinata Yun.

"What's the situation?"

"The enemy number is more than 40 ninjas, most of them are from the Kirigakure Anbu. Lin's chakra is not flowing in the right direction, and there are residual spells on the ground."

Kakashi's pupils shrank, and he looked up. What is the spell that makes so many Kirigakure Anbu take it so seriously?

"Never mind that. Now, make a pre-war plan. Tell us the enemy's position and simulate the battle in your mind three times."

"I will carry out the feint attack mission, and Hyuga Yun will provide support from a distance. The assassination work is left to you. Let us see the famous sword that can cut off lightning, Kakashi."

Bai Yun smiled slightly in the morning, as if he had handed his life to his teammates without any hesitation.

"Ah, leave it to me. I must rescue my companions this time!"

His expression was solemn, and silent blue lightning filled his hands, sharp and swift.

Two flowers bloomed, each showing its own beauty.

In the mountain cemetery, the aging Uchiha Madara seemed to have fallen into eternal sleep, without the slightest hesitation, leaning on the stone seat.

After completing his rehabilitation and adapting to the Wood Release Cell, Obito looked at the huge stone wall, his eyes full of expectation.

"Wait for me, Kakashi, Lin, the Sharingan is the most powerful. This time I must walk in front of you. I want to become the Hokage."

The overjoyed Obito did not notice that many White Zetsu hiding in the dark were waiting with malicious eyes for the curtain to be lifted.

"Obito, that Kaka Chicken you often talk about?"

"It's Kakashi! What happened to Kakashi?"

Seeing White Zetsu emerge from the ground, Obito had a bad feeling in his heart and asked hurriedly

"Really? That Kakaji seems to be rushing to the battlefield on the Kirigakure side. It seems that the what-is-the-name thing has fallen into Kirigakure's hands and is performing a strange spell......."

"Falling into the hands of Kirigakure?......Is it Lin? Damn, what is the teacher doing? There is no other way, Grandpa, I may have to leave here now. I will come back to repay you when I return to the village."

After saying that, Obito looked at White Zetsu and couldn't help urging him.

"Hey, can you get me out of here?"

"I don't say"Hey", I say"Ze". The Spore Technique cannot be used with others, even if you have a part of me in you."

After hearing this, Obito became even more anxious. With his strength, he could not smash the stone wall in front of him for the time being, so naturally he had no way to get out.

"Are you anxious? Then put it on and go out with me. As a thank you, tell me what the urge to defecate is."

Not far away, Ah Fei said cheerfully, slowly opened his body, put it on Obito's body, and unprecedented power filled his torso.

""Thank you, it's a big help, A Fei!"

He clenched his fists, and the spider-web-like cracks instantly shattered the rocks. When the dust cleared, Obito looked back and rushed out of the secret room full of expectations.

His figure disappeared at the end of the underground. Madara, who seemed to be in eternal sleep, opened his eyes. His cloudy eyes reflected a sharp look at this time.

"There is no hate without love. What kind of power will this unbreakable chain of hatred bring you?"

"The power of the Sharingan comes from the drastic changes in emotions. With both parents dead and watching your best friend kill the love in your heart with your own hands, what kind of power will you develop?......"

At this moment, the dark substance that was hiding in the dark and observing everything quietly entered Uchiha Madara's body through the pipe of the Outer Path Demon Statue.

The sneer and expectation in his heart also kicked off the plan that had been laid out for a thousand years with Obito's departure.

On the other hand, inside the low mountain, as blood flowers bloomed, the last Kirigakure fell to the ground weakly.

The last thing he saw was the eyes full of ominousness and blood, cold and ruthless.

"What kind of technique is this? What did Kirigakure do?"

Looking around, passing through the narrow tunnel, and dealing with the last ninja who attempted a sneak attack, Hikari Yun exclaimed in a low voice. Bai Yun also felt something was wrong in the morning.

"Lin! Is this an illusion?"

Rescue Lin, whose five senses were blinded by the illusion. Lin looked at the person who came, with a look of surprise on her face.

"Kakashi! Are you here to save me?"

"Wait a minute, Nohara Lin, when you were blinded by the illusion of Kirigakure, did you feel anything wrong?"

Baiyun's words in the morning made Kakashi frown slightly. Lin shook her head blankly, and suddenly felt a chill coming from behind, as if some terrifying existence was spying on her soul.

"without......Nothing, my five senses were blinded by illusion, I don't know what the Kirigakure ninja did"

"There is no other way. Let's talk about it after we return to the village. Please ask the teacher and the Third Hokage to check for you. Let's go first. The Kirigakure troops are catching up!"

Hinata Yun, who was observing the surroundings, shouted hurriedly, and everyone retreated quickly.

At the same time, in the distant mountains and forests, a petite figure hidden in the mist looked down at all this and urged in a low voice

"Drive them back to Konoha, be careful not to chase them too fast, so as not to irritate it, scatter!"

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