"Something is not right. These Mist Hidden Clan members are just lagging behind, as if they are trying to drive us back to the village. What on earth is going on? Could it be that......"

Bai Yun's face was dark in the morning. Although he was not a genius ninja like Hatake Kakashi, he might have survived the battlefield until now.

The purpose of the Kirigakure could be seen at a glance, but the truth inside was like a fog, which made people confused.

Suddenly, a sharp scream shook the earth. The elite ninja eagles, which were supposed to be silent, swooped down directly on Kakashi's team below.

"This is the third ninja eagle, almost the best ninja eagle in the village. How could he suddenly come here? Is this urgent information?"

Hinata Yun quickly reached out to catch it. When the distant Kirigakure saw it, his expression changed drastically, and the shuriken in his hand attacked faster and faster.

"I'll cover you, and quickly figure out what the information is. It's not easy to decipher the code at this time."

When Hinata Yun opened the information, what came into his eyes was not the expected code, but just a simple sentence.

���Such a sentence immediately made Hyuga Yun sweat coldly. He looked at Kakashi who was covering the others at the end, and finally looked at Lin who was at a loss, and whispered softly:

"Headquarters received a message saying they had intercepted an anonymous intelligence letter.......The Ninjas of Kirigakure transplanted the legendary demon, the aggregate of Chakra, the Three-Tails, into other people."

"In order to control the three-tailed beast with a spell when arriving at the village and destroy the entire Konohagakure, that person is......"

With a crackling sound, lightning flashed across the sky, awakening the bewildered Lin. The pair of murderous eyes were now fixed on her, and the seal on her lower abdomen became increasingly hot.

Kakashi's pupils shrank to the size of a needle tip, focused on his promise and his companions, and he lost his composure at this moment.

"What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Who is the Three-Tails sealed in? Calm down, the teacher and the Third Hokage will definitely find a way!"

The few people were silent, and Nohara Lin's expression changed from being at a loss to being complicated and helpless, and finally turned into self-mockery and regret. She thought of the rain that night and regained her calm.

She gently raised her head and said softly with a gentle smile.

"besides......Regretful love? What a precise and terrifying eye. Even if I say anything now, you won't agree to it, Kakashi."

"But this is my last request, for the village, for the peace that Obito wants to see, kill me with his eyes."

The smile is bright and gentle, the flashing light is holy, called sacrifice

"What nonsense! The village will definitely find a way. Even if the teacher can't do it, there is still the Third Hokage, right? You won't die. Even if you have to die, it should be me, a scum who doesn't value his friends, who should die!"

At this time, Hinata Yun looked around, and the kunai flashed with cold light, deflecting many shurikens.

"The Kirigakure are here. They are the Kirigakure Anbu. Are those bastards trying to drive us back to the village? Damn it!......"

"Why didn't he leave? Was that ninja eagle really the information about the village? It seems that he has been exposed. As expected, it is not that easy."

Clang! Clang! Clang!"

Ninja swords were unsheathed, and many Mist Hidden Anbu looked down and whispered softly.

"Then, we will temporarily change the plan and detonate it in the Land of Fire, and then lure it into Konoha Village, so that you can also have a taste of the tailed beast going berserk!"

Lightning flashed at the fingertips, and the cold and sharp Raikiri cut off the many ninja swords that were approaching him. Kakashi looked around, but his heart was gradually sliding into the abyss.

‘This number of people is not something that can be dealt with by risking one's life.......’

"Run away, Lin, I will hold them back, Raikiri!"

The disappeared blood flower bloomed again, and the whole mountain forest was filled with smoke and dust. The resistance of the Konoha people was unexpected. The leader of the Kirigakure Anbu stared at the glittering silver hair.

"Silver hair, strange lightning ninjutsu, is this guy Kakashi with Sharingan?......"

At this moment, as the bright lightning passed through the enemy's body and a strong wind approached, Kakashi, who was immersed in the fierce battle, subconsciously raised his right hand.

The lightning flashed and disappeared, and a few drops of blood splashed and fell into the tightly locked pupils. Tears flowed down his eyes and dripped onto the ground.

"Ninjas are meant to risk their lives and complete their missions. For the sake of the village and everyone else, they must live well. Kakashi"

"I didn't expect you to look like this when you cry.......It's so rare!......"

Blood dripped down, and the veins of the Mist Ninja who was overlooking the situation bulged. He didn't expect that the three Jinchuriki would rush towards that strange ninjutsu by themselves.


Unprecedented strange emotions, anger, shock, confusion, sadness......Many complex emotions surged into my mind, crushing my brain and soul.

Three black jades rotated, and a different picture from the past appeared in my eyes.

‘Whose perspective is that?......’


A huge amount of chakra poured into his body, unlike his own eyes, an unprecedented negative emotion, making everything fall into darkness.

"Lin! How could it be, how could it be? How could it become like this, why? Why......"

The leader of the Mist turned his head and looked at the figure shrouded in the cloak, muttering to himself:

"Reinforcements? Since the plan has failed, no one can be spared, go!"

Many Mist Ninjas surrounded him, but Obito ignored them and looked deeply at the figure lying in a pool of blood.

The red moon was hazy, the cold wind was biting, and the blade was glowing red. The cold blade stopped in front of the pale vortex mask, and could not fall.

"you....You guy......Wood Release......"


In the distance, Bai Jue stood on the top of the forest and looked down at all this, his face showing excitement.

"I roughly know why Madara chose you. In just over half a year, you can use Wood Release unconsciously. Are you worthy of the Uchiha bloodline?"

"Damn, who is this guy? Attack, penetrate......"

The blade passed by as if passing through the air, but the scene before him showed that the enemy was real.

"Space-time ninjutsu? What is the origin of this guy? Is there such a person among Konoha's reinforcements? Bastard!"

The Anbu behind him was stunned, and the long wooden thorns suddenly pierced his internal organs, taking his life, absorbing nutrients and spreading continuously.

"Go to hell!"

Two flowers bloom, each showing its own beauty.

At this time in Konoha Village, Huayue held her face with her hands, and the Book of Red Moon was faintly red, just like the blood moon that towered over the sky.

"Then let me witness where your limit is, reflect it, the mirror flower and the water moon......"

In a corner where no one could see, a girl was lying in a pool of blood. A strange light with a hint of blood-red in the darkness quietly spread from her shoulders.

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