In the Land of Fire, Konoha Village, in front of the memorial tablet.

The sky was dark, dark clouds were rolling in, and the sad tears of the heavens were about to fall from the sky.

A group of Konoha ninjas, many important clan leaders, all bowed their heads in silence, with sad faces.

"Lord Fugaku, do you want to retrieve Kakashi Hatake's Sharingan?"

"The war has just ended, so let's calm down. Since it was Uchiha Obito's last wish, we should respect the will of the deceased. It's just one Sharingan, and it can't exert the real power of Sharingan."

Uchiha Fugaku lamented in his heart. Although his clansmen were united, they seemed to be unable to see the situation clearly.

"I heard that the Third Hokage is about to resign, and I don't know who will be the next Hokage. Some of the clan's jonin are also preparing to nominate you as the clan leader......."

"Shut up, this matter ends here......."

Uchiha Inahori kept silent, following Fugaku's gaze, which fell on the flame fan with white flowers in front of the memorial. Uchiha Itachi, who followed his father, looked forward, thinking. After the memorial service was over, the young figure looked around, and finally walked to the remote corner, sneering in a low voice.

"what is the meaning of life?"

"Life has no meaning unless it can be eternal. Human beings are such fragile and powerless creatures......."

"Meaning is nothingness, it is just a product of human creation, but as long as you live, you will find your goal, just like this troublesome snake."

Uchiha Itachi turned around, and his eyes under the demon fox mask seemed to radiate kindness.

Orochimaru, whose words and memories were interrupted, sneered in a low voice, and then whispered

"The sample you provided really interests me. It seems to be a product related to the Yin-Yang escape technique. Did you find a relic from a thousand years ago? My lovely disciple."

"That was obtained from a close friend of mine. From the looks of you, you have gained a lot."

Orochimaru sneered. Uchiha Kagetsu would have friends outside the village? It was a clumsy lie. Seeing that he didn't believe it, Kagetsu emphasized his tone and introduced him loudly.

"He is really my best friend. We have a heart-to-heart relationship......."

Black Zetsu ripped out Kagetsu's heart, and Kagetsu ripped out Black Zetsu's lungs. The location of the bloody specimen is indeed a human lung, but Black Zetsu has no lungs.

"Hehe, do you think I'm a child? If you don't want to answer, don't use this tone to perfunctorily answer. Someone is looking for you."

Orochimaru smiled and said nothing, turned and left. Huayue gently patted Itachi's shoulder and nodded slightly to Fugaku in the distance.

Without waiting for several solemn and pretty figures to surround him, Huayue flashed away, leaving Itachi in a daze, lost in thought.

"Life has no meaning, but as long as you live, will you find your goal?"

From far to near, Hongdou stamped his feet in anger.

"That guy, how long is he going to hide? Doesn’t he even have time to go to the dumpling shop with me?"

"Don't you even know where Huayue is? Oh, I wanted to ask him to practice Konoha style swordsmanship with me, but he's always been elusive these days."

Xiyan held her cheek with her hand and sighed softly. Xirihong hurried over, looking even more nervous, and couldn't help complaining

"It's all because of my father. He said he would protect me and brought me to the border of the Sand Country. It's why I came back so late. Where's Huayue?"

Hongdou's eyes rolled around and she said proudly.

"You two should just give up. I and that guy were so close, just short of lifting him up high. I am ahead, hahahaha!"

The two beautiful faces turned pale, Xirihong gritted her teeth, snorted coldly, and looked at Hongdou, who was closer to the water and got the moon first, even more indignant.

"Don't be so proud. Just because you are one step ahead doesn't mean you can be ahead every step. The person who can become Huayue's wife must be me."

"Hey, Hongdou, what exactly is that feeling? Can you tell me about it?"

Uzuki Yugao leaned into Hongdou's ear and asked softly, her eyebrows full of mischief, as if she was full of expectations for this unknown field. Her little face turned red, and she remembered that she lost her feeling after eating the chocolate with wine filling. She became even more angry, glared at Hong fiercely, turned around and ran away, looking very embarrassed.

"I hate chocolate, asshole!"

"Wait, why are you running, Hongdou! Hongdou!"

Hong and Xiyan looked at each other, puzzled, she was obviously ahead, why did she look aggrieved?

"Hong, do you like chocolate with liquor filling?"

"Not bad, I prefer the wine in the chocolate filling, it’s a very wonderful feeling. What does Xiyan like?"

"Well, in my free time, I prefer to appreciate flowers and cultivate. Each flower has its own unique charm. Do you like flowers?......"

The two of them left together, laughing and talking. The smile did not disappear, but just moved to other people's faces.

Two flowers bloom, each with its own beauty.

The intensity of the war was gradually restrained by the five major countries. The unbearable losses of the major countries and the legacy issues of the last Ninja World War were also gradually eliminated.

Similarly, new problems and hidden dangers are also buried bit by bit. No one knows what consequences this detonation will lead to, except for a certain boy who is temporarily shrinking in the laboratory.

Although the war is not over yet, Konoha Village has already established an outcome of overall victory, although this war has brought Konoha's vitality to the brink of destruction.

The negotiations between Konoha and the Sand Ninja are in full swing. At this sensitive time, a task that came unexpectedly due to compensation fell on Huayue's head.

Hokage Office Building, Mission Release Hall

"This is what happened. Among the tasks assigned to you as compensation, there is an extremely important task for you in the small country near the Wind Country."

"About six or seven years ago, Loulan began to develop rapidly. Some people suspect that the current Loulan has utilized the power dormant in that land......."

Instantly, Hua Yue's pupils shrank, and she immediately looked at her partner beside her.

‘Namikaze Minato, Aburame Shiwei, Akimichi Choza......Loulan Kingdom, there is no doubt about it. The chakra flowing naturally on the surface of the earth, the crystallization of dragon veins, is this mission.........’

In a daze, Sarutobi Hiruzen finished introducing the task, his eyes were full of solemnity and serious expression.

"In order to ensure the mission is completed effectively, one more person is added to the original three-person Anbu team. At this time when we are establishing an alliance with the Sand Ninja, no accidents are allowed to occur. Do you understand?"


"I understand."

After Sarutobi Hiruzen left, the four looked at each other, and Minato spoke first

"This is the first time Hua Yue has been involved in a mission for the Anbu. The three of us will be in charge of this mission. You will be responsible for coordinating in secret."

"With your Flying Thunder God Technique, there will be no problem."

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