Desert, smoke, sunset......

The vast and boundless desert, with towering buildings standing at the end, seems to permanently remember the prosperity of that city.

"Is this Loulan? I have heard of it before, but I didn't expect it to be so prosperous. Is there something wrong? Minato-sensei."

Looking into the distance, taking in the exotic scenery, Huayue turned her head and asked loudly.

"Something is wrong. Loulan is just a small country near the Kingdom of Wind. How could it build such a magnificent complex? Not to mention the financial resources needed for this, the number of people alone does not require this."

"Unless someone in Loulan is using this huge building to cover up some unspeakable secret, is it really a dragon vein?"

Nodding slightly, Hua Yue agreed, overlooking the city-state in the distance, thinking.

Dragon veins generally refer to chakra flowing in the earth. The dragon veins in Loulan are more like a huge amount of chakra crystals flowing underground.

It was absorbed by the sacred tree for thousands of years to form a chakra fruit. It is really special that a dragon vein of this scale can be formed in this blue planet.

"We are now conducting an infiltration mission, and we will communicate via radio every 10 minutes. Our mission is to protect the current Loulan Queen, Sarah, and investigate the dragon veins."

"Uchiha Kagetsu, the secret support and protection work is left to you, disperse."

The figures dispersed, and the Anbu team composed of Habun Minato and others disappeared quickly. Under the three-eyed demon fox mask, a bright smile hung on the elegant and handsome face.

"Spiritual Communication Technique·Nine-Faced Subaha·Death God!"

Different from the previous techniques, only the"three" formation representing the Death God in the Nine-Faced Subaha showed its brilliance, towering like a mountain. The Death God hidden under the cloak revealed his whereabouts from the formation.

"Shadow Clone Technique, I will leave it to you and the God of Death to handle for now. The strongest in Loulan is just fighting through puppets, and the God of Death who has lost his chakra is the natural enemy of puppets."

After saying that, Huayue looked at the ancient country of Loulan in the distance with a bright smile and a surging mood.

It was not easy to find a suitable huge amount of chakra and materials. If he didn't transform the Nine-Faced Subaha and conduct those experiments that required too much chakra, it would be a shame for him to make this trip.

According to Huayue's estimation of the chakra content inside the dragon vein, it can be condensed to a viscous liquid state visible to the naked eye. The total amount of chakra in the entire dragon vein is no less than the sum of the six-tailed to the nine-tailed.

The figure of the God of Death behind him dissipated, hiding in a world where only the God of Death can walk.

"Standing in the sand, the puppet country with thousands of towers, Loulan, the dragon vein buried here, I have truly accepted it."

Night quietly came, the underground of Loulan country was brightly lit and bustling with people, and a phantom emerged from the sand. The eyes under the mask roamed for a moment, and the corners of his mouth rose.

"I never thought that there was such a huge puppet factory hidden underground in Loulan. Such rich steam, a unique environment. Immortal Technique: Illusion Mist."

He opened his lips slightly, and the illusion mist mixed with the chakra of the immortal technique obscured his five senses and his figure.

"Lax guards, weird and inefficient factories, why enslave others if you can control puppets, are you dissatisfied with your own production efficiency?"

Deep underground, the people of Loulan were in ragged clothes, handcuffed and shackled. Huayue really couldn't figure out the value of the third-rate ninja named Baizu.

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with me. As long as the dragon veins are completely collected, the puppets without energy are nothing but a pile of scrap metal."

As his figure flashed, he was at the bottom of the tower in the center of the ancient Loulan Kingdom, where the chakra was the most concentrated and the natural energy was the most concentrated.

Inside the sealed chamber, Hua Yue looked around, the radio in her ears was a little harsh, and after a casual perfunctory speech, she left this former refuge of the Loulan Kingdom.

At the end of her sight, inside the gray door, a clear purple light shot straight into the sky. In the purple light column in the center, it was like the source of the dragon vein in the eyes, steadily releasing the inexhaustible power.

"This is......Dragon vein?"

【Special location trigger, the current location is the ancient kingdom of Loulan, the source of the dragon vein, sign in at the trigger location......】

【Location Check-in: Loulan Ancient Kingdom, Dragon Vein Source】

【Obtain exclusive item: Dragon Vein Crystal】

【Dragon Vein Crystal: The crystallization of dragon veins, which contains almost infinite chakra. If used improperly,......Probably artistic.】

"Eh? What is this? Can I get physical rewards by checking in at a location?"

"That's right, even something as unreliable as a bra can come out, so getting a piece of dragon vein crystal is nothing."

Kagetsu gets angry when she thinks of this. She has been laughed at by the Black Nine-Tail for several months, and he still mentions it from time to time.

It would be fine if it fell into his hands, but the most important thing is that the goods are not what they claim to be. The evil limited Tsukuyomi has ground the beautiful peak into a flat plate. Tsk!

Suddenly, a series of caracara sounds echoed. At some point, many puppets appeared from the shadows and surrounded Kagetsu who was standing in front of the dragon vein.

"This forehead protector and mask are from the Anbu of Konoha. Young Konoha brat, as a reward for discovering this place, please die here and witness me, An Lushan, completely ruling the ninja world!"

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and the Book of Red Moon appeared in his hand. Huayue turned his head, and the murderous look in his eyes immediately made the centipede who claimed to be An Lushan retreat again and again.

"Don't confuse me with a third-rate ninja like you. Cut him, God of Death!"

The God of Death who was hiding in the underworld showed up, and suddenly swung the sickle in his hand that was as big as a mountain. The blade light cut the chakra threads of many puppets.

"Damn Konoha brat, who are you calling a third-rate ninja? I am the future Lord An Lushan of Loulan. As long as I am in the dragon vein, the chakra of my puppet troops is infinite!"

His expression was distorted, and the chakra threads that should have been cut off by the god of death were attached to the puppets again. An Lushan, who was about to open the champagne at halftime, only heard a crisp and pleasant laugh, and then his eyes widened.

"What are you laughing at, you bastard brat from Konoha!"

"Haven't you felt it yet? It has already begun. The treasure of the ancient kingdom of Loulan, the huge dragon vein buried in the ground, is disappearing."

"The trump card you relied on has now become my property. It is a waste of my saliva to explain it to a third-rate scum like you. Just watch it honestly."

In an instant, dark clouds swept across the sky, covering the sun, moon and stars, and the dazzling purple dragon veins rushed straight into the sky, illuminating the world.

The Anbu team lurking in the ancient country of Loulan looked up at the sky. Minato Namikaze stared at this scene, and an ominous premonition rose in his heart. He quickly turned on the radio

"Huayue, what happened?"

"The puppet ninja who used the dragon veins has detonated the dragon veins. Now they are sealing the dragon veins. Please protect the residents of Loulan......."

The communication was interrupted by a series of noises. A purple light shone brightly behind him. The Black Nine-Tailed Fox in his inner world immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Little ghost, run! Sometimes the space in the Book of Red Moon fluctuates. This feeling is......"

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