There was no time to look back. The invisible fluctuations of time and space suddenly spread and dissipated along with the dragon vein that soared into the sky.

After the extreme silence, only the strong wind blew. After the smoke and dust dispersed, the tower that bound the dragon vein had already turned into ruins.

"Damn it, damn it! Damn Konoha brat, how much energy have I wasted here, my dream of unifying the ninja world!"

Kneeling on the ground weakly, An Lushan looked dazed, and did not notice that a young man in orange clothes and blond hair fell from the sky and hit him hard.

"It hurts! Where is this place? Where is Captain Yamato? Where is that bastard Centipede?"

One after another, shadows came closer and closer. Minato Namikaze turned his sight and felt that the boy in front of him was inexplicably familiar.

"Huayue is not here. Look at that forehead protector. Are you also a ninja from Konoha? Don't worry. We are also ninjas from Konoha. We are ordered to investigate the situation in Loulan."

"Eh? Loulan? Speaking of which, I was indeed in a ruins called Loulan just now. I am Uzumaki Naruto. Have you seen Yamato-sensei?"..............

My consciousness was groggy and I felt a dull pain all over my body. In a trance, several unfamiliar voices echoed in my ears.

"Who is this kid? The pattern on the mask is a family crest I've never seen before. Is he a spy?"

"Wait, the family crest on this guy's back is a flaming fan! Is he a child of the clan? Whose family is he from?"

"This face, a child I have never seen, anyway, put him in the cell first, and make a decision after a thorough investigation."

I felt the three-eyed fox mask being lifted, and a strange face opened my eyelids. In front of me was a strange man with long hair and blue clothes and blue robes. I was immediately startled.

""Hey! Look! Mangekyō Sharingan, this kid has opened the Mangekyō Sharingan!"

The familiar three magatama rotated slightly, and several Uchiha clan ninjas were overjoyed. In such a difficult moment, nothing could be more exciting than a young man who opened the Mangekyō Sharingan.

The three looked at each other and quickly brought Huayue to the center of the village. When Huayue lost her last consciousness, the last word she heard was"weapon".

Time flowed slowly, and it was unknown how long it had been. When Huayue opened his eyes, the dim candlelight and the constant pain all over his body made his veins bulge.

His clothes were wet with cold sweat, and he forced himself to look around. An old man with white hair, blue clothes and blue robes was trembling with a brush dipped in ink, constantly drawing on Huayue's body. It was as if he was completing a rare work of art in the world, focused and pious, but for Huayue, who was regarded as a"work of art", this feeling was not very wonderful.

"Where is this?"

"Have you woken up? This is of course the base of the clan. Being able to speak means that your brain is not damaged. Very good."

The old man nodded with satisfaction and drew the last stroke of the regular spell. However, the old man still had no intention of stopping. Instead, he continued to draw the next set of spells.

"No matter who you were before, from now on you are Nameless No. 2. As a weapon of the Uchiha clan, you must live for the continuation and glory of the clan."

"After the spell is completed, go back to the dungeon and fight for your people when they need you. This is your destiny and your honor!"

His mouth twitched. The old man in front of him seemed to have not figured out the situation. It was rare to meet someone who was willing to speak. He might as well take this opportunity to spy on him.

"You mean weapons? What era is it now?"

The old man was stunned for a moment, then he looked at me with a gloating look and said with satisfaction.

"Did you really break your brain? That's good. Weapons without memories are easier to control. Now is the Warring States period. As a weapon, you only need to remember to defeat our enemies."

"The Sarutobi clan, the Hyuga clan, and the most annoying one, the Senju clan, who are always enemies of our Uchiha clan. Once we meet these ninja clans on the battlefield, we must do our best to kill the enemy!"

"The meaning of your existence is for the prosperity and survival of the Uchiha clan. Don't even think about escaping from here. What can you do as a child who is not yet an adult?"

The old man's smile was full of cruelty, as if he couldn't wait to see Huayue's panicked expression.

However, Huayue had a blank expression on his face, glanced at the winding lines on his body, and spoke coldly, as if the spell just now was not set for him.

"What is this procedure?"

"You have too many questions, brat. Put away your tone and show me your status!"


A punch hit his lower abdomen, shaking the ink and brush beside him. The expected pain expression did not appear on his elegant and handsome face. The old man's expression became uglier.

"Tsk, you guys! Put this kid in the same room with Wuming, and if he disobeys you, make him suffer."

"However, I remind you in advance that a curse has been placed in your heart. If you dare to attack the tribe members, you know the consequences."

The old man made an explosion gesture and left the secret room with a sneer. Several Uchiha tribe members who opened the three magatama carried Huayue away and threw her into a cold and damp cell.

"A mere kid dares to be so arrogant to the elders of the clan. Hey, let him suffer a little, just as a ceremony to celebrate his becoming a weapon!"After a round of beatings and kicks, the three men left refreshed, leaving only Hua Yue lying in the cell with bruises all over her body.

‘In the Warring States Period, Nameless No. 2 left a lot of information, but that doesn't mean I will forgive you, bastards. '

In his inner world, Black Nine-Tail laughed out loud, with infinite joy

"Hahahaha! Arrogant little devil, your"tribe" is really enthusiastic. Now your face is no different from a pig's head. It's a rare sight."

"Stop talking too much. I'll take care of you later. Where's the Book of the Red Moon?"

He looked around subconsciously, and finally found the silent Book of the Red Moon in the depths of his heart.

The originally simple and dim bamboo scroll had turned into a purple wave, slightly illusory, as if it had eaten and gone to sleep.

"I've been hurt by you. If nothing changes, don't blame me for treating you like firewood."

After swearing viciously, Hua Yue turned her head away and said calmly.

"Nine Lama, condense the fairy chakra, the sequelae of time and space travel have passed, it's time to give these ignorant Uchiha a little shock"

"Finally recovered? Speaking of which, is it okay for the little ghost next to you to see that pattern?"

"The kid next to you?"

After disconnecting, Hua Yue stood up and looked around. The medical chakra created by the palm fairy technique instantly healed her face and body.

"Who are you?"

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