The sky was dark, the moon was dim, and the stars were sparse. A ray of moonlight shone through the railings, barely driving away the darkness.

In the cold and damp dungeon, curled up in a corner, with a sense of existence close to zero, was almost ignored by Huayue.

"Who are you?"

The figure in the corner didn't reply for a long time, as if he didn't hear his voice. A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. So cold? He subconsciously moved closer and couldn't help but poke, rub and lick the little hands.......Without going to the last step, the curled up figure asked

"What do you want to do?"

"So I'm not dumb, that's good. Just now, an asshole old man said that I was Nameless No. 2. Could it be that you are Nameless No. 1, that is, Uchiha Nameless?"

The girl in front of me with a flat tone seemed to be a three-nothing. Huayue's eyes rolled around, as if she remembered something.

"So what?"

There was no emotion at all. Even though Huayue was rubbing her cold little hand, Wuming, who buried his face in his knees, never raised his head.

Seeing this, Huayue seemed to be thinking about something, and then opened her palm. Dots of azure gathered, and the soft light ball dispelled the darkness, and the scene in the cell gradually became clear. Wuming had waist-length black hair and wore a blue dress with the characteristics of the Warring States period. The shackles on her feet were not chained. It was not known whether they were to restrict her movements or had curses similar to those that bound ninjas.

Inside the cage, talismans that could absorb chakra were posted on all sides, probably to prevent prisoners and weapons from escaping.

"We can still meet in a place like this, we are probably destined to be together, shall we go out together and give those unknown guys a little Uchiha shock?"

After a long silence, Wuming spoke slowly, his tone was emotionless, as if all emotions had been wiped out.

"Just leave alone......I am a weapon, born for the battle of my clan, I follow the instructions and use ninjutsu to destroy the enemy."

"Will not waver, will not cry, will not fail, will not run away, will endure pain and suffering until death......"

"This is my mission, the meaning of my existence, I must obey it....I...I........."

Feeling a little helpless, Huayue looked around. Living in such a place for a long time, even the most cheerful people would become autistic.

After thinking for a while, Huayue silently reached out her hand, touched her head, and said with a smile

"Life is born without meaning and mission. As long as you live, good things will happen to you one day. After you leave here, do you want to go to the dock with me to get some French fries?"

Zheng! The long sword was unsheathed, and the Kusanagi sword in a pure white sheath appeared from his mouth.

"Although it is disgusting, the ninjutsu used by Orochimaru to hide things is not bad."

The azure blue flashed, and the form of lightning chakra was attached to it, slightly touching the fence of the cage.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh......

The fire spread, setting the blade of the Kusanagi sword on fire. Before it spread to the arm, it was once again assimilated by another stream of fire chakra.

"The Thunder Style Chidori Sword and the Fire Style Sword combined......Okay, it's decided. From today on, I'll call you Thunderfire Sword!"

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The blazing flames dispelled the darkness. Uchiha Wuming, who was in a state of autism, looked up in astonishment, only to see a white jade-like hand reaching out to him.

"Come, follow me, I will lead you to fight your way out of this encirclement."

Shocked, puzzled, and doubtful, all kinds of emotions gathered on that little face, Uchiha Wuming's eyes dodged, his expression hesitant.


"Stop talking too much. Just do it this way. Just watch from my side."

Before Wuming could react, he felt dizzy and the dark red bandage on his wrist had already tied him to the boy who kept speaking incomprehensible words.

"what sound?"

"The sealed cell, something happened in the sealed cell, could it be that a spy has attacked Wuming and the new weapon in the sealed cell?"

"Damn it, they actually dared to look down on the Uchiha clan, hurry up and find them, they should not have escaped far!"

Unexpectedly, when Huayue left the cell, she did not turn around and leave, but stood there, as if waiting for others to appear.

After a while, three adult ninjas from the Uchiha clan hurried over, and when they saw Wuming in Huayue's arms, they immediately understood something.

"Dare to look down on us......Damn brat! If you put Wuming down honestly, maybe you can avoid being beaten!"

"That knife, is this the weapon you used to cut the railing? It turned out to be a famous knife, this knife belongs to me"

"Get back into your cages. As weapons, your existence is to bring victory to the Uchiha clan. This is your fate in the Warring States period."

The leader shouted, and the hedgehog-headed man beside him looked at the Kusanagi sword in Huayue's hand, greed in his eyes.

"Want to fight? Come on and try. Even if I hold this guy with one hand and the Flying Thunder God Kunai is taken away, it still won't hurt us a hair against a small fry like you."

"From today on, I will protect this guy named Wuming. Speaking of which, we still have a score to settle. It was fun just now, didn’t it, you bastard!"

Being called a bastard, the Uchiha ninjas who claimed to be adults in front of them had distorted expressions and took fighting stances.

"Show him some power, let this brat know his position, let him have a taste of pain, don't cut off his limbs, after all, it is a precious weapon to open the Mangekyō Sharingan."

Looking around, seeing that he was surrounded by a triangle formation, Huayue had a blank expression on her face, but her inner drama was quite rich.

‘Although I have to teach them a lesson, I don't know if one of these guys is my ancestor. If I kill them, won't I disappear?’

‘Forget it, there are punishments in the world that are more painful than death.���These guys, feel the malice from another world. '

With a change of mind, the exquisite and complex strange kaleidoscope spun wildly, and also made the three Uchiha clan members with rich combat experience in front of them feel deeply disgusted.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Formation Technique!"

Countless fireballs similar to Phoenix seeds lingered around him. Hua Yue smiled coldly, and the world in front of the three people instantly turned into blood red and pitch black.

"Do you think you can block illusions by not looking directly into their eyes? The power of the Mangekyō Sharingan will let you experience for yourself what the deepest despair is, what the real torture is."

On the cross of blood and black, the three were bound hand and foot, their faces filled with fear.

"Illusion, it’s Tsukuyomi’s illusion, we have fallen into that little brat’s illusion!"

"That bastard kid clearly didn't look at Kaleidoscope, what's going on?"

Just as the three of them forced themselves to calm down, a round of powerful music sounded, and several weird and salty big guys emerged from the darkness.

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