Not long after the people from Konoha left in a hurry, a strange rain fog quietly lingered in the forest where there was no rain stains. One after another, figures appeared with cruel and bloody eyes.

"Just now, a group of rats slipped away from here. Are they the Genin of Konoha?"

"What does it matter? Let the guys of Konoha see how strong the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Kirigakure are!"The

Kirigakure ninjas, who have sharp teeth like fangs, showed their eagerness for blood, and followed Kirigakure, one of the five major countries, into the border of the Land of Fire.

The Land of Water, which was on the sidelines, slowly opened its fangs towards the Fire Country's Konoha Village.

After a night, a trace of white gradually appeared in the distant sky. In the Konoha Medical Hospital, Uchiha Kagetsu, who was lying on the bed, slowly opened his eyes, and the dark yellow long hair hanging in front of his eyes shook slightly.

"Please don't move around. It's just a simple over-consumption of chakra. Just rest for a few days. You must have gone through an unimaginable battle."

The smiling face was gentle and calm, as if it contained a kind maternal glow. The frog-shaped glasses in front of her eyes and the soft lines made people involuntarily let down their guard.

"Hospital? That's good. At least I don't have to go to the battlefield. I can save my life. What about those guys?"

"Your friends? They have gone back early. Those two girls are very concerned about your situation. Speaking of which, I haven't seen your family come. Are they busy with tasks?"

The gentle words made Hua Yue subconsciously look at the smooth ceiling and answered softly.

"They? They're already dead, died in the mission, that's why I hate these ninjas who let children walk into the battlefield, it's so troublesome"

"Sorry, it seems that I mentioned something that I shouldn't have mentioned. Please take a good rest, live healthily with your father and mother's thoughts."

The petite woman with a gentle smile gently touched Uchiha Huayue's forehead, and the message that popped up made him slightly startled

【Character Sign-in: Yakushi Nono】

【Possessing abilities: Palm magic, Chakra knife, healing regeneration technique, fine disease extraction technique......】

【Randomly selected......Sign in successfully, and get a chakra knife today! 】

Compared to the offensive means of the medical ninja, Huayue cares more about this name.

Yakushi Nono, the current leader of the medical class, is known as the walking shrine maiden. Her intelligence reconnaissance ability and medical ninjutsu can definitely be regarded as the top five in Konoha.

The most important thing is that she is the adoptive mother of Yakushi Kabuto, one of the few kind people in Konoha who is willing to accept orphans and is willing to risk her life for the children to survive.

Unfortunately, in the end, she was still not trusted by Danzo, and arranged a drama of the son killing the mother, which eventually caused very serious consequences, indirectly contributed to the Fourth Ninja World War, and added a lot of elites to the Ninja Allied Forces.

The figure gradually walked out of the ward, moved gently, and quietly closed the door.

After a moment of silence, Huayue sighed faintly.

"Good woman! I'm so tired now, it's worth my effort to pretend to be sick, now I don't have to go to the battlefield."

With a thought, bags of snacks fell from the sky on the light blue water, causing Black Ninetail to nod with satisfaction.

"Since you are so sincere, I will forgive you. Is that forbidden technique useful? When Menma was collecting bloodline limits and forbidden techniques, he relied on the fox with me as his child. Wahahahaha......"

"Yes, at least the investigation is good. Compared with the Nine-faced Subaha, I really want the book in your stomach. When will you take it out?"

The strange and complicated kaleidoscope stared at the belly of the Black Nine-tailed Fox, and Huayue whispered to test, which immediately attracted the rebuttal of the Black Nine-tailed Fox.

"Uchiha brat, are you dreaming? That is my hope to return to the world. Although you are a very smart brat, I still want to regain my freedom."

"If it weren't for this thing, my chakra would have resonated with the Nine-Tails here, and you, the little brat, would have been caught by then......."

"As long as the guys from Konoha dare to stretch out their claws, I will chop them off one by one. Compared with the so-called village, my personal safety is the most important."

After a moment of stunned silence, the Black Nine-Tailed Fox couldn't help laughing, causing waves on the water surface

"Hahaha! I knew it, I was right about you, you're not as pedantic as I thought, just like Menma who killed his father and teacher without hesitation, you're ruthless!"

Ignoring the Black Nine-Tails who was feasting, Uchiha Kagetsu closed his eyes to rest. Excessive chakra consumption was just an excuse for him not wanting to go to the battlefield.

Which Jinchūriki would lie in a hospital bed because of excessive chakra consumption? Even the Jinchūriki who didn't reconcile with the tailed beasts has several times more chakra than an ordinary person. Not to mention the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox in Kagetsu's body that has received the most chakra. Although they are opposite nine-tailed beasts, the amount of chakra is the same.

"Unexpectedly, I ran into the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki and the Fourth Raikage. My luck is as bad as ever. I hope I don't attract too much attention, otherwise........."

He raised his eyebrows and subconsciously covered his eyes. The Mangekyō Sharingan would really make you blind if you used it for too long....................

Konoha Village, in the Hokage's office.

Looking at the mission report in their hands, the actual rulers of Konoha, Konoha F4, looked at each other, and finally Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke first.

"You encountered the AB combination of the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki, and there were no casualties in the end, all thanks to Uchiha Kagetsu's Flying Thunder God Technique?"

Sarutobi Hina nodded solemnly, and Hatake Kakashi, who was called to testify, nodded slightly.

Looking at the mission report in his hand again, Sarutobi Hiruzen exhaled purple smoke, and as the tobacco burned slowly, his thoughts returned to the pre-war mobilization, when the disdainful boy

"In short, we already know that Uchiha Kagetsu saved his companions' lives on the battlefield, successfully completed the mission, and indirectly crushed the merits of Kumogakure. You should also take a short break and prepare for the next mission."

After the two retreated, the gloomy old man who had remained silent and covered most of his face with bandages said coldly

"At the age of only 10, he was able to escape unscathed from the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki and the Fourth Raikage, and also saved a group of fellow ninjas. Were the injuries he suffered merely due to excessive chakra consumption?"

"Such talents, no matter which other clan of ninjas they are from, would be given priority training by the village, but it was the Uchiha clan that was given the opportunity to be trained......."

Sarutobi Hiruzen slowly stood up and sighed softly.

"Uchiha Kagetsu is willing to save his companions, which shows that he still recognizes the will of fire in his heart. He is a bond worth cultivating and easing the relationship with the Uchiha clan......."

"Don't be naive! Hiruzen, what if this brat chooses the same path as that person? We should follow the teachings of the Second Hokage and nip the threat in the bud and kill him."

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