The tone was cold and the other two Hokage advisors also looked away with an inexplicable expression.

"It's just a child. Uchiha Kagetsu has talent, but has not yet fully formed the values that an adult should have. As long as he is well trained, he may be able to break free from the shackles of blood and devote himself to the village."

"Just like Uchiha Kagami, he is responsible for the safety of the village wholeheartedly. This is what the Second Hokage has always expected."

With fierce eyes and a heavy knock on the floor with his cane, Danzo snorted coldly.

"In this case, we will hand Uchiha Kagetsu over to the Root, and let the members of the Root monitor him 24 hours a day. If he has any idea of getting close to the rebels, we will kill him before he grows up."

The real purpose of Danzo was exposed. He was only 10 years old and could fight against the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki.......

With a little training, it can become a weapon that helps Danzo ascend to the position of Hokage.

Whether it is assassination, seizing power, or protecting his personal safety, the Flying Thunder God Technique is the most suitable space-time ninjutsu.

Since the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama created this space-time ninjutsu, there has been no other ninja who can use it flexibly, except for Namikaze Minato of Sarutobi Hiruzen's faction.

However, now there is one more person, and he is a member of the Uchiha clan who gave Danzo a legitimate reason to take action.

"No way, whether it's killing him or handing him over to the 'root', I will never agree to either......."

"Sarutobi Hiruzen!"

"I am the Third Hokage!"

The old hand holding the cane showed blue veins, took a deep breath for a moment, and said in a cold tone

"Sarutobi, you will regret this."

The old bastard only knows how to suppress him with the status of Hokage. One day he will personally pull Sarutobi Hiruzen down from the position of Hokage.

"I have never regretted my decision."

After Danzo left the meeting room, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but sigh deeply, wondering why his old friend had become so strange.

"Sarutobi, actually what Danzo said is not without reason, the power of the Uchiha clan is too dangerous, just like the rebellion that broke out during the reign of the Second Hokage."

"Led by Uchiha Setsuna, the Anbu dispatched three battalions to quell the riot. That man's will was like a ghost that lingered on the Uchiha clan."

"This is why we have been on guard against Uchiha until today."

Utatane Koharu's whisper made Sarutobi Hiruzen feel helpless, and after a long silence, he spoke his mind.

"At the same time, Konoha has no more energy to guard against Uchiha. It is unknown when this war, which consumes national strength and manpower, will end."

"Excellent ninjas who can quickly end a war are often so-called geniuses. They often have the possibility of tilting the advantage to Konoha at a critical point."

At this point, he gently exhaled smoke, and his slightly turbid old eyes flickered with complex colors.

Orochimaru is like this, Namikaze Minato is like this, and the current Uchiha Kagetsu may not be without this possibility.

"The existence of geniuses can greatly reduce the possibility of young buds being sacrificed. Judging from the fact that Uchiha Huayue is willing to rescue those ninjas with whom he had bad relations in the past, he may not be without the possibility of becoming a flame. He just needs to be properly guided."

"Where the leaves flutter, the fire will also continue. The fire will illuminate the village, allowing the new buds to grow into towering trees, and Uchiha Kagetsu will eventually appreciate the good intentions of the village."

The two Hokage advisors looked at each other. Since Sarutobi Hiruzen had already made a decision, as Hokage advisors, they couldn't do much to stop it.

"I understand. I'll leave it to you to handle, but you must be vigilant, otherwise Uchiha Kagetsu is likely to become the second Uchiha Madara."

Mitomon Yan's voice trembled slightly. Even this name was a taboo that could not be mentioned. It contained endless magic power.

"This is too exaggerated. Even if that kid has talent, he can't be compared with the two people who are the lifelong rivals of the first Hokage, Hashirama Senju, and are known as the gods of ninjas."

After everyone dispersed, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the specific details of the encounter with the Fourth Raikage in his hand, and his fingers kept stroking his pipe, wondering what he was thinking.

At the same time, in the ordinary ward of Konoha Medical Hospital,

Uchiha Kagetsu sneezed subconsciously and couldn't help looking around.

"Who? Who is plotting against me, Danzo or Sarutobi, or the entire F4 of Konoha?......Forget it, compared to this kind of thing, how long are you going to pretend to sleep?"

The breeze blew, the grass was green, the whistling mountain wind gently caressed the body, and the regular breathing sounded like thunder.

"You're so annoying, kid. Compared to hanging around here all day, aren't those eyes on you less important?"

"The Anbu directly under the Third Hokage, or the Root of Danzo, these guys can be easily dealt with if I want to, they are just insignificant trash."

"But, do you really not know about the Sage Mode? Jiraiya should have handed it over to Minato Namikaze, and then Minato handed it over to Menma, didn't you hear it?"

The inner world that should have been light blue was now stained with green, which also made Huayue feel a little flustered.

"I've already told you, I don't know what Sage Mode is, so be careful if you come near me with bad intentions." Her pupils shrank, and she instantly withdrew from her inner world. Hua Yue opened her eyes, and then closed them again.

‘One, two, three......A standard three-man team, a guy from the Anbu, testing me? '

While I was still wondering whether it was the Third Hokage's men or Danzo's signal, I heard deep and steady footsteps approaching, pushing open the door to the ward.

"You were able to escape unscathed from the hands of the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki with only excessive chakra consumption. Your talent is higher than what I have seen."

"I have never made mistakes in judging people. I am worthy of being a genius who bears the name of Uchiha. Are you interested in becoming my disciple?"The person who came into view was not the Anbu, nor the Third Hokage and Danzo, but a person who claimed to be a mentor to the jonin, but actually disappeared without a trace in less than half a day, Orochimaru.

"What can I gain by becoming your disciple? What good will it bring to me? Please don't talk about those empty and useless wills and dreams. If you lose your life, any dream will become empty talk."

Hearing these almost indifferent words, Orochimaru's eyes flashed with surprise, and then turned into a smile.

"You are not one of those little kids who are immersed in dreams, so I will give you an offer that you absolutely cannot refuse, that is......"

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