The light flickered, intermittently.

The thin figure with his back to the three people stopped his mechanical movements, and the cold scalpel was dripping with bright red.

"What on earth are you doing here? Answer me, Orochimaru!"

The Third Hokage, no.......Sarutobi Hiruzen, Orochimaru's teacher, had some guesses in his heart, but he still didn't want to believe it.

Holding on to the last glimmer of hope, a hope that was so slim that it was almost non-existent, he asked.

However, Orochimaru's words were like the cold wind in the middle of winter, tearing the fig leaf between them.

"It's just an experiment of ninjutsu. For some experimental specimens, only senior ninjas who have experienced wars for many years and have concentrated their chakra for a long time can meet the standards."

"What kind of experiment requires sacrificing the lives of fellow villagers?......"

His eyes were full of shock. Although he had noticed Orochimaru's dangerous thoughts earlier, it was not until today that Sarutobi Hiruzen realized that he had not seen clearly how serious the consequences of Orochimaru's actions had caused.

"That's right, it's just what you thought, Sarutobi-sensei, a forbidden technique that can give others eternal life, the technique of immortality!"

The lights dimmed, and the two Anbu accompanying him clenched their ninja swords tightly and spoke to dissuade him.

"Lord Third Hokage, you must not let Orochimaru escape from the Land of Fire. If you let him leave the Land of Fire, he will become a serious threat to the village!"

"That's right, kill him right here, give the order, Third Hokage!"

The turbid old eyes were already filled with memories. He vaguely remembered that day when Orochimaru was at the grave of his parents, and the white snake slough that Orochimaru picked up.

‘Orochimaru, the white snake is a symbol of rebirth and longevity. It may be God's arrangement that you can pick up this snake slough.......’

Did he not notice that his disciple, whom he once regarded as the successor of his will, had strayed from the right path?

No, it was because the situation at that time was such that the village really needed a talented ninja who could help reduce the casualties. Therefore, he ignored, or turned a blind eye to, Orochimaru's dangerous thoughts.

"Spiritual Communication Technique·Ape King·Ape Demon!"

Surrounded by white mist, an old ape with a white beard and a red face appeared. After glancing around, his expression was subtle.

"What's going on? Are you planning to teach your beloved disciple a lesson, or just kill him? I warned you long ago that his behavior was very strange. Don't you think it's a little late for you to realize it now, Sarutobi?

Seeing the Monkey Demon appear, Orochimaru put down the scalpel and clasped his hands together.

"Do you want to fight? Sarutobi-sensei!"

The wind blew up, and the cold chakra created gusts of wind, and countless bottles and jars exploded. The cold murderous aura made the two Konoha Anbu feel like they were facing a great enemy. The person in front of them was one of the famous three ninjas, a snake that was famous for its cold blood.

"Sarutobi, what are you waiting for!"

Sarutobi watched Orochimaru's every move, and when he saw that Sarutobi Hiruzen had not given any instructions for a long time, he looked back and saw that Sarutobi Hiruzen's wrinkled old face had already shed a clear tear.

In a few seconds, there were two thuds, and the two Konoha Anbu had died. Orochimaru stood at the door of the laboratory, looked back deeply, and chose to leave without hesitation.

""Sarutobi Hiruzen! What on earth are you doing? If you let Orochimaru leave today, he will become your biggest worry sooner or later, and you will regret it." Sarutobi Hiruzen remained silent, and the demon snorted coldly and disappeared in the laboratory.

After Sarutobi Hiruzen left, ripples appeared in the space, and a hint of playfulness flashed under the demon fox mask.

"How is the record going?"

In the dark, pieces of origami gathered from all directions. Xiaonan's eyes were indifferent, and a trace of memories flashed through his mind.

"The entire process is recorded. Why do you want to do such a thing? If you want Konoha Village, you can easily take it with your strength. Why?"

"The position obtained through war will inevitably alienate the noble families of Konoha who swore allegiance to the throne. I want a complete Konoha, not a ruined ruin."

In response to Huayue's explanation, Xiaonan snorted with disdain on his face.

"Despicable guy"

"Meanness is the passport of mean people, and nobility is the epitaph of noble people. I am just a mean player in this war without gunpowder."

The two figures disappeared with the ripples of space, as if they had never appeared in this bloody laboratory.

That night, except for the Konoha Anbu who were carrying out the mission, all members arrived and dispersed to the territory of the Land of Fire to hunt down Orochimaru.

At the same time, the Uchiha clan, the Kazuki mansion.

The maple leaves in the forest were as bright as fire. Xi Yan and Kazuki, who were quietly enjoying the night view, heard the chaotic footsteps.

"What happened?"

"Orochimaru defected, and the charge was that he violated the ninja code, developed forbidden techniques without authorization, and harmed his fellow Konoha members."

Xiyan looked worried, subconsciously grabbed Huayue's hand, and shook her head at him.

"Don't go help him. Orochimaru is being hunted by all the Anbu now. Just stay at home. The Third Hokage won't suspect that you have anything to do with Orochimaru."

Before Huayue could answer, she heard a cheerful laugh, but the tone was a little sour.

"Wow, hahahaha, Lord Red Bean has arrived.......Is it not the right time for me?"

Hongdou, as carefree as ever, stared at the two little hands holding together suspiciously, her brown eyes full of strangeness.

"No, you're here just in time."

With a hook of his finger, he silently pulled the black wire wrapped around Hongdou's waist and abdomen, causing Hongdou to fly into the air and fall into his arms.

The moonlight was like water, reflecting the red maples in the yard. The three of them were silent for a long time, and Hongdou was the first to break the silence.


"He is obsessed with magic and wants to master all the magic in the world. To this end, he developed the art of immortality, which is in line with his habits and his pursuit of truth, even though it is very crazy."

From the perspective of an observer, Hongdou gave the most straightforward evaluation. He subconsciously touched the back of his neck. The curse mark left by Orochimaru in the past had long been transformed into a part of the Static Blood Suit, which protected him several times.

"However, he also taught me a lot of ninjutsu and forbidden techniques, and he was a good teacher. Why did he betray Konoha?"

Hongdou was confused, but Huayue shook her head slightly.

"Everyone has their own aspirations. We cannot decide for others what path they should take. It's almost New Year's Eve again. Do you want to go together?"

After quietly inviting her, Xi Yan thought about it for a moment and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, both are tasks."

"Eh? Just a mission? You are so cunning, Xiyan."

The sound of warm breathing gradually came from my shoulder, and my previously calm inner world was now in turmoil.

"Hey, Uchiha kid, I succeeded"

"Well, let's go over there and take a look. After this year, little Naruto will be three years old. It's time to officially meet him and let this stage that has been prepared for many years begin......."

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