Time flies, and about three years have passed since the night of the Nine-Tailed Fox Rebellion.

Although the hatred was buried, the pain and sorrow left to everyone still emerged involuntarily during the memorial service.

Because of this, the anger of the incompetent, indulgence, indifference, and neglect made the child, who was already sensitive to emotions, even more confused and lost.

"Look, that child, that's the one. Why did the Third Hokage keep this scourge in the village? I really don't understand."

"Hey, you bastard, bring the salt over here quickly. That guy has been here. Hurry up and spread the salt to drive away the evil spirit!"

"Damn you, why are you getting close to here? Get out of here, don't come over here, it's bad luck......."

A young figure, even if just walking on the side of the road, will attract criticism and drive away from everyone.

The unreserved disgust and malice in the eyes of every adult made the already sensitive and fragile child run away desperately.

The sky was as blue as a clear sky, and those disgusted and hateful eyes had become familiar and even accustomed without knowing it.

The vicious words also became like wind around the ears, but deep in the heart, there was still some sadness.

It was noon now, the time of the day when the breeze was the coolest.

Little Naruto crossed the street and stood alone on the Hokage Rock. The breeze was blowing, and the loneliness and solitude filled the young heart with peace of mind and helplessness.

‘What? Who is that? My name is Uzumaki Naruto, why are you looking at me like a monster? I'm not a monster, I'm a human! Bastard!' He threw the stone in his hand down in a fit of anger, not caring whether it would hit the passers-by or not. Anyway, when everyone saw him, they ran away as if they were avoiding a monster.

Lying on the rock, looking at the white clouds that kept changing, his eyes were full of curiosity.

Do you have a family? What do your father and mother look like? Where are they now, and will they come back?

The wind was whistling, and flocks of swallows flashed by in the distance. My already lost mood became even more depressed.

‘Even birds have friends, where are my friends? Why am I here, what am I living for? My life......’

Unconsciously, Naruto closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

At this time, the Bagua seal hidden in his abdomen quietly revealed its existence, and it was reflected in the distant edge of Konoha Village.

The sound of dripping water came into his ears, and in the distance, the roar of wild animals was faintly heard.

When Naruto opened his eyes, he found himself lying in a corridor made of wet stones, and water from an unknown source slowly flowed by his side.

"Where is this?"Hey!"

He shouted, but only his own voice echoed. Naruto couldn't help but be curious. He walked quickly through the forked roads and came to the end of the corridor.

The light flashed, and Naruto blinked hard. The mysterious scene in front of him immediately shocked him.

"this......What is this place? A forest?"

Inside the huge space, green vines were winding and crawling, decorating the huge iron cage in the vines into a vibrant and magnificent scenery.

Inside the cage, a red fox about 100 meters tall was staring at the figure sitting on the throne of the forest with wide eyes like him.

The figure was dressed in black clothes and robes, and the nine pure white magatama behind him were extremely eye-catching. The strong wind raised by the big fox made a flag-like sound.

The figure stretched out his hand and waved to him, signaling him to come over.

"Eh? Is that me? I can really......"

At this moment, Naruto felt that he was in heaven!

He was not driven away, nor was he despised. The handsome guy was waving at him.

"Long time no see, no, in your opinion, this should be our first meeting, Naruto."

This short shout made little Naruto a little confused, and he asked timidly

"Don't you hate me?"

"Why should I hate you?"

Until then, Naruto, who had come closer, keenly sensed that the mysterious and handsome man in front of him, who looked very cool, really did not hate him.

"But everyone else......"

"Time is running out, choose the question you care about most, that old man really won't relax for a moment."

Holding her cheek with her hand, purple light flickered under the three-eyed demon fox mask, looking down at the innocent eyes full of expectation, Huayue remained silent.

Yes, all along, the people she met had hatred and malice towards her, and even the nanny who took care of her on weekdays did not have a good face towards her.

In such an environment, meeting a person with a mysterious origin and who did not hate herself, it is inevitable that she would develop a kind of longing-like dependence. Since

Naruto could remember, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had been hiding in the dark to take care of him, was also silently observing Naruto's attitude towards the village.

As the head of a village, such a choice is understandable, and it is precisely because of this that the"gag order" in the village recently strictly prohibiting the discussion of the Nine-tailed Demon Fox has also forced the villagers of Konoha to use"that" instead.

"What does it have to do with me what happens to other people? It's just the anger of a group of cowardly and incompetent people. My first impression of you is not that I like you, but I don't hate you either. You are Uzumaki Naruto, that's all."

Tears fell down, and little Naruto burst into tears.

It was the first time, the first time someone called his name, not 'that', and spoke to him like a normal person instead of looking at him like a monster.

"Woo woo woo......That’s right, I’m Uzumaki Naruto, brother, can you tell me your name?"

"Huayue, don't cry, you didn't do anything wrong. By the way, how about I introduce you to a new friend?"

His eyes flickered, and under the mask, the corners of his mouth were drawn with a smile.���The Nine- Tails

Jinchuriki, the Child of Destiny, and the Son of the Hokage, these three identities are added to the same child, which is a bit cruel. He spent his whole life for the so-called destiny, but in the end, nothing changed. Whether it was the promise to his senior brother or the peace he was committed to maintaining, it was just a dream.

‘Rather than becoming a waste in the ninja system, let me lead you on the road to real change. '

Thinking of this, Huayue slowly stood up. Although he was being looked down upon by the giant fox in front of him, at this moment, he seemed to be the god who dominated everything.

"Really? I can really have a friend, where is he?"

At this time, Huayue raised his right hand and pointed forward. Little Naruto followed his finger and looked into the huge cage. The fox flashed a dangerous look, and the nine tails behind it swayed slightly.

"Hey! Brother Huayue, is it this fox who wants to be my friend?"

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