Waking up from his reverie, Naruto looked at the strange old man who suddenly appeared and shook his head vigorously.

""Dan, this is my dinner. If I give it to you, I'll be hungry."

Little Naruto refused, wondering in his heart whether Brother Huayue would change his mind. The spiritual figure standing in the air narrowed his eyes slightly, full of sarcasm.

The important military commander of the Land of Fire, the third generation Hokage of Konoha Village, the legendary ninja professor.

Not only did he shamelessly try to get close to the child, but he also wanted to take the opportunity to cheat the child's dinner. If the long-lost shock department knew about this, it would be enough to expand it into a hundred shocking news with different opinions.

""What a pity, I am an old man and I am all alone. If I go home, there is no one to cook for me. Alas!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed. Standing in the air, Huayue twitched her mouth. She wanted to watch your performance quietly, but she didn't expect you to be so shameless. As the

Third Hokage, you can get a meal wherever you want. Whenever you appear in front of a store, every Konoha villager will welcome you warmly. At the very least, you can get a stew from Maruboshi Kosuke.

Upon hearing this, the Nine-Tails, which had been silently paying attention to little Naruto, sneered. In the battle three years ago, you were very energetic, but now you have become a lonely old man?

After being stunned for a while, seeing that the strange old man in front of him was indeed pitiful, little Naruto was about to hand over the grilled fish when he heard a familiar voice in his mind.

‘Don't believe him, he is lying to you. Take a closer look, does this face look familiar?......’

After Huayue's reminder, the usually nervous little Naruto realized that the old man in front of him was very similar to the third shadow rock from the left to the right on the Hokage Rock he often went to.

‘Really! Then this weird old man is the third generation Hokage, why would the Hokage have no food to eat? People in the village often say that the Hokage is the strongest and most respectable person, and even a respectable person would have no food to eat?

The young Naruto didn't understand what expression management was, and subconsciously asked in his heart. Huayue silently froze the little Naruto to the image just now, and then explained

"Because he is lying to you. As the village chief and the most respected person in Konoha Village, how could he have no food to eat?"

"Remember I told you that once I was discovered by others, especially the Third Hokage in front of you, I would have to disappear from your life."

"In this way, I can only leave the village alone, and it will be difficult for us to be friends like we are now."

Instantly, Naruto's pupils shrank, and the loneliness in his heart was just dispelled. This weird old man in front of him is going to take away his friend?

No, absolutely not!

"Brother Huayue, what should I do then?"

"Don't panic, follow my plan......."

Outside, the Third Hokage saw that Naruto was a little hesitant, so he struck while the iron was hot again, pretending to be an old man with weak arms and legs.

"If you really don't want to, I won't force you......."

"Grandpa, wait here for a moment, I'll be back soon."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked puzzled, and saw little Naruto running deep into the woods with a few grilled fish, and soon he came back with a simple fishing rod.

"Here, Grandpa has finished fishing. I heard from those people in the village that only those who earn their own living are useful people. Grandpa should strive to become a useful person."At this moment, if Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of his pipe at this time, he would definitely be choked to death.

Who is he? The pillar of Konoha Village, the head of this big family, even he has become a useless person, then who else in Konoha Village is useful?

But it happened that Sarutobi Hiruzen took the fishing rod and climbed down the pole.

"This makes sense. When you grow up, you have to be a self-reliant person who is useful to the village. As long as you have good intentions towards others and study hard in the future, you can become an excellent ninja......."

Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke softly, reciting the words about the will of fire that he had honed for many years, his cloudy old eyes flashing with a different spirit.

He did not notice at all that the child in front of him, who was listening to him seriously, had a distracted look in his eyes.

In his inner world, little Naruto looked at Kagetsu with doubt.

"By becoming a ninja, I can get recognition from others and make them become friends with me. I always feel that this old Hokage is a little weird. Are ninjas really that good?"

"No, only power can change people's opinion of you. Becoming a ninja is just a way to gain power......."

Seeing that Naruto was concentrating, Huayue immediately spoke, her tone full of infinite magic, enough to lure anyone into the abyss.

Huayue:"Then let me ask you, who is the one who rules this village now?"

Naruto:"Yes, it's the Hokage." Huayue

:"What kind of person can become the Hokage?"

Naruto:"The strongest person in the village, the person who is most worthy of the trust of the people in the village......."

Huayue:"That's right, only the strongest person in the village can protect others when the village is in danger. It is because of this protection that the Hokage is the Hokage."

Little Naruto suddenly realized that without strength, he could not protect himself and others, so he could not be trusted by others and could not change himself from"that" to"Uzumaki Naruto".’

"Then, as long as I have the power to become a Hokage, others will recognize me, right?"

Little Naruto looked at Huayue eagerly, and saw a pale and powerful hand under the demon fox mask, rubbing his hair vigorously.

"It is not that you can become a Hokage just because you have the power to become one, but only when people trust you from the bottom of their hearts can you gain recognition from others, and this requires......"

In the real world, Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and asked the little Naruto who was"thinking for a long time" beside him:

"child,���What kind of person do you want to be in the future?"

His eyes were full of expectation. Although Naruto was still young, the guidance of the Third Hokage would surely inspire Naruto's interest in becoming a Hokage.

"Why do I want to be a human? It's so complicated. I've decided that I'll become a nine-tailed demon fox. Anyway, those guys say I'm 'that'. If I become 'that', I can get recognition from others, right?"

Because others call Naruto the nine-tailed demon fox, Naruto decided to become the nine-tailed demon fox himself to express his recognition of his identity as a demon fox.......

This amazing logical loop instantly made Sarutobi Hiruzen dumbfounded. After he came to his senses, he could only force a smile when he was about to get angry.

"Naruto, the meanings of recognition and approval are somewhat different. Regarding positive and negative recognition......"

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was about to give a long speech, suddenly turned his head. The Anbu hiding in the shade of a tree held up an important document in his hand. The word"Top Secret" on it made Sarutobi's heart sink.

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