Konoha Village, in the Hokage's office.

As the extremely secret scroll unfolded, Sarutobi Hiruzen's face, which was filled with sorrow, slightly dissipated.

"Finally, the long-awaited peace is coming. I don't know how long this peace will last. I hope it can last until the next generation of young shoots grows strong."

The document on the scroll was written by the Fourth Raikage himself. Since the beginning of the Third Ninja World War, only Kumogakure was unwilling to sign the armistice agreement with Konoha.

As a result, the end of the Third Ninja World War has not yet ended.

Now, Kumogakure is finally willing to give in, which also makes Sarutobi Hiruzen completely relieved.

"Before the Kumogakure envoys arrived, the Anbu did a good job of policing......."

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen hesitated for a moment and kicked the idea of handing it over to the Uchiha clan out of his mind.

"The police work for the day was handed over to the three tribes of Ino, Deer and Chou. At the same time, the Uchiha were notified to strictly suppress the unstable factors in Konoha Prison and the surrounding areas of the Land of Fire."The Anbu took the order and left. Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep puff of his pipe and looked at the lights of thousands of houses outside the window. There was also a trace of emotion in his eyes.

"I hope this peace can last until I die. Another year has passed in the blink of an eye......."

Late at night, the moonlight was dim and gloomy.

In the backyard of the Hyuga clan's branch house, the young child had a painful look on his face. He seemed to be venting his anger, and he kept hitting the wooden stake hard, splashing sawdust.

The next moment, he made the opening move of the Hyuga clan, and his painful expression turned into indifference at this moment.

"Soft Fist Technique - Eight Diagrams Thirty-two Palms."

The speed was far beyond what one should have at this age. Chakra gathered at the fingertips, and in just a few seconds, the wooden stake in front of him was completely broken.

Behind him, the head of the branch family, Konoha Jonin Hyuga Hiashi, who had been silently observing all this, had a faint flash of self-blame in his eyes.

Some time ago, the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan was not yet three years old, and the head of the Hyuga clan, his brother Hyuga Hiashi and the elders of the Hyuga clan could not wait to let his child...

Less than four years old, Hyuga Neji became a slave of the caged bird.

In order to let his child understand what kind of vicious curse the mark engraved on the forehead of the Hyuga branch family was, he did not hesitate to release murderous intent to the little girl himself.

As a result, Hyuga Hiashi launched the caged bird in front of everyone.

While learning what he really loved, it also made Neji truly understand what he loved, and he completely restrained the carefree innocence that should have belonged to a child.

In the world of ninja, innocence and kindness mean death and carelessness.

Similarly, Neji has become more taciturn since that day, and his daily training has become more diligent.

"That's enough, Neji."

"Not enough, not enough! Father, why can such a weak person be free? Are we born inferior to others?"

Neji attacked the wooden stake that had already turned into debris, but his wrist was grabbed by Hizashi.

"Perhaps, this is fate."

Ningji, immersed in hatred and pain, did not notice the self-blame and regret in Hizashi's eyes.

Until the end, he failed to protect the freedom and purity of his child. The impact of the caged bird on the optic nerve undoubtedly weakened Neji's talent.

"In the Hyuga clan, no one can be so outstanding at your age. Tomorrow is the birthday of the eldest daughter of the clan, and it is also the day when the war between Kumogakure and Konoha officially ceases. Let's go and see how grand the signing of the armistice agreement is."

Even at the risk of not attending the birthday party, he also wants to make Neji as happy as possible. This is the only thing that he, a useless father, can do.

"No, I want to continue to practice and learn the Eight Diagrams Sixty-four Palms as soon as possible. I want to prove myself who is the orthodox with talent."

Seeing that Neji was full of ambition, Hizashi no longer dissuaded him. As long as his son was happy, did he do something wrong that day?

He shook his head slightly. Being born in the Hyuga branch family, Neji was destined to have a deep understanding of his own destiny and bear the weight that did not belong to this age.

The next day, the weather was fine.

White clouds floated in the blue sky, and the breeze came slowly, comfortable and pleasant.

The envoys representing the Hidden Cloud Village discussed the specific terms and conditions with the Third Hokage and two Hokage advisers. A long peace is about to come.

The villagers of Konoha lined the streets to welcome them, and the person in charge was even more smiling, waving to the crowd from time to time.

When the group passed through the bustling center of Konoha, a street in the distance was decorated with lights and colors, which attracted the attention of the person in charge of the Hidden Cloud Village.

"It seems very lively there, what are they celebrating?"

The Third Hokage glanced around, frowned, and then answered.

"Good things have all come together. Today is the birthday of the daughter of the Hyuga clan's head family. That girl should be very blessed in the future. It is a good omen that peace comes on her birthday."

As soon as these words came out, the head of Kumogakure's eyes flickered. He had long been drooling over the fertile land, prosperous streets and atmosphere he had seen along the way.

‘How could such a village without any sense of crisis possibly be a match for Kumogakure, especially after the death of the Fourth Hokage, the Third Hokage had to take over with his old arms and legs. All this should belong to Kumogakure. '

Although he was thinking about it, the person in charge of Kumogakure still looked a little surprised. A dark thought immediately came to his mind.

"I have always heard that the Hyuga clan is one of the three major eye-jutsu families in the ninja world. There are many masters in the clan and a rich history. I wonder if we can have a chance to visit and learn more?"

What does he want to do? He exchanged glances with Utatane Koharu and Mito Kado En without leaving any trace. This request was not reasonable, but it was not offensive either.......

Peace was imminent, so he would not be so foolish as to go to the Hyuga clan's land to investigate the secrets, so there was no reason to refuse.

Later, the Third Hokage and the Kumogakure envoys came together, and Hyuga Hiashi was flattered. The elders of the Hyuga clan were even more honored and warmly received the group.

At the same time, in the training ground of the Hyuga branch, the sweat dripping on the ground gathered into a shallow puddle.

"What are you hesitating about? What do you hate? What do you hate? Keep attacking, or is this all you can do?"

Ningji slowly raised his head and roared for the last time. The speed at which his chakra was condensed and released was far faster than that of ordinary people of the same age.

"Soft Fist Technique: Eight Diagrams Sixty-four Palms!"

Afterimages passed by one after another, and as the last palm was thrown, a pale and powerful palm grasped Neji's wrist.

"Qualified, but only qualified."

With veins popping out of his eyes, Neji stared at the figure in front of him, his tone puzzled.

"Who are you?"

"I am the one who can change your destiny."

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