Half an hour after Chiyu woke up, Sarutobi Hiruzen's arrival was unexpected by Chiyu.

And from Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression, Chiyu actually saw a hint of kindness and amiability.

Chiyu quickly brainstormed in his mind and immediately guessed several possibilities.

But now Chiyu needs to disguise, which is the most important thing.

Chiyu knows very well that now is an opportunity.

If he has a good chat with Sarutobi Hiruzen this time, his life in Konoha will be a little better in the future.

Chiyu excitedly wanted to get up from the bed:"Hokage-sama, why are you here?" Sarutobi

Hiruzen immediately stepped forward and held down Chiyu who wanted to get up, and said gently:"Your injury has not healed yet, take a good rest, don't force yourself."

Chiyu's"touched" eyes were slightly red, and he choked and said:"Thank you, Hokage-sama." Sarutobi

Hiruzen sat on the chair beside the bed and sighed:"Chiyu, you have suffered all these years."

After hearing this, Chiyu bit his lips tightly, and tears slid from the corners of his eyes, as if he was crying because of grievance.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the tears on Chiha's face and asked,"Chiha, do you hate Konoha?"

Chiha immediately shook his head and said,"How could I hate Konoha? It was my father and mother who defected from Konoha. Konoha was willing to take me in as the son of a rebel ninja, and I am already very grateful. Before my mother died, she also asked me to make up for their previous mistakes in Konoha, so I will never hate Konoha!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't say anything when he heard Chiha's answer, and his expression didn't change.

After looking at Chiyu for a while, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked again:"Do you hate Uchiha?"

Chiyu's expression suddenly became gloomy, and the word that came out almost jumped out from between his teeth:"Hate! The reason why my parents betrayed Konoha was because of the Uchiha clan's dictatorship, which prevented my parents from being together.

After I returned to Konoha, they not only did not recognize me, but also bullied me wantonly, saying that I was a bastard.

And it was also because of the Uchiha that the villagers hated me.

Obviously I didn't want to be an Uchiha, they didn't want to recognize me, and I didn't want to recognize them, but they treated me so much that I was isolated from the entire Konoha, all because of Uchiha!"

This time, when Sarutobi Hiruzen heard Chiyu's answer, his expression finally changed.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed and said,"I have always felt guilty about your situation, Chiyu. Although I am the Hokage, this is an internal matter of the Uchiha clan, and it is not convenient for me as the Hokage to interfere. I hope you can understand.

Here, I will give you a chance, Chiyu. I can let you return to the Uchiha clan and become a real Uchiha. Are you willing?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Chiyu with burning eyes.

But Chiyu refused without any hesitation:"I'm sorry, Lord Hokage, I don't want to!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen narrowed his eyes and asked:"Why?"

Chiyu replied:"I don't want to join the Uchiha clan in a humbly manner. Even if I rely on Lord Hokage to join now, I can't change my current situation!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen puzzled:"But if you join the Uchiha clan, at least the villagers will not discriminate against you, and it will greatly improve your living conditions. Don't you want to change your current situation?"

Chiyu said unconvinced:"Hokage, I know why the villagers discriminate against me, it's because I have half the blood of the Uchiha clan, and the Uchiha clan relies on the identity of the Konoha Guard to bully Konoha and make almost all the villagers hate them.

And if I re-join the Uchiha clan, maybe the villagers will not discriminate against me openly, but they will still look down on me in their hearts...."

Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly interrupted Chiyu and said seriously:"Be careful with your words! The Konoha Guard of the Uchiha clan was founded by the Second Hokage, and the Uchiha clan also contributed to Konoha. As a member of Konoha, Chiyu, you can't slander a ninja clan that contributed to Konoha like this!" Chiyu complained in his heart.

This old fox, if he didn't know that he was troubled by the Uchiha clan now, he might really believe that he was protecting the Uchiha clan. Chiyu knew very well in his heart that Sarutobi Hiruzen was just pretending to do it for him.

Otherwise, Sarutobi Hiruzen would not have specifically mentioned that the Konoha Guard was founded by the Second Hokage, and said something like"as a member of Konoha".

Chiyu said firmly:"Hokage, I don't want to join the Uchiha clan. I want to become a ninja and then contribute to Konoha. First, to make up for the mistakes of my parents, and second, I want to make all the villagers recognize me through my own efforts.

I want the villagers to know that I, Chiyu, am not a member of the Uchiha clan, nor am I a traitor. I am a ninja loyal to Konoha, that's all!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded with satisfaction:"It is an arduous task to make all the villagers recognize you. Are you ready, Chiyu?" Chiyu

's expression was incomparably firm:"I am ready, Hokage!" Sarutobi

Hiruzen now looks at Chiyu as if he is looking at an excellent junior:"Okay, Chiyu, I believe you can do it!

Since you don't want to join Uchiha, I won't force you. The house you lived in before is too remote. After you are discharged from the hospital, I will arrange a new house for you, closer to the ninja school, so that it will be more convenient for you to go to the ninja school."

Chiyu said with gratitude:"Thank you, Hokage."

Chiyu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

It's really tiring to talk to Sarutobi Hiruzen, the old fox.

At the beginning, if he was asked directly whether he hated Konoha, would he dare to hate it?

After saying that he hated it, Chiyu felt that he might not live long. The current Sarutobi Hiruzen is not in his old age.

Maybe when he is old, Sarutobi Hiruzen may become kind-hearted, but now Sarutobi Hiruzen is in his prime, and his methods will definitely not be gentle.

Then asked Chiyu whether he hated the Uchiha clan, Chiyu guessed that as long as he said he didn't hate it, then Sarutobi Hiruzen would probably not believe him again.

Facing the isolation and abuse of the whole village, and the Uchiha clan was the cause of all this, how could anyone not hate it.

And if he said he hated the Uchiha clan, Chiyu could take the opportunity to show his loyalty and show Sarutobi Hiruzen that he wanted to be a ninja of Konoha, not a ninja of Uchiha.

This answer would never be wrong.

As for Sarutobi Hiruzen's suggestion that Chiyu join the Uchiha clan, Chiyu knew that this was all bullshit.

Sarutobi Hiruzen just wanted to confirm his true thoughts.

Now that Chiba has been asked to move to a place close to the Ninja Academy, it means that Sarutobi Hiruzen basically believes in him.

If nothing unexpected happens, Chiba will become a ninja in the Hokage department after graduating.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen will not care about the discrimination against him by the villagers and the Uchiha clan, at least Chiba will not be marginalized after becoming a ninja.

After all, even ninjas have to rely on relationships.

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