Uzumaki Kushina visited Chiyu in her ward.

Although Chiyu was still in a coma, he was conscious. He heard every word that Uzumaki Kushina said clearly.

Chiyu heard that Uzumaki Kushina had made up her mind and would not care about other people's opinions and would be friends with him who was disliked by everyone.

Chiyu's little heart was beating wildly.

Oh no, it was a heartbeat.

Apart from the four years of living happily with his parents, Uzumaki Kushina was the first person to show kindness to him.

Since Uzumaki Kushina has made such a realization, what reason does Chiyu have to refuse?

Chiyu is thinking about future arrangements.

According to Chiyu's understanding, if you want to get witness points, you have to witness important people and things in the ninja world, and then get witness points.

Uzumaki Kushina is an extremely important figure in the ninja world.

After all, the future ninja world revolves around Uzumaki Naruto.

In other words, as long as you follow Uzumaki Kushina in the early stage, you can get a lot of witness points.

However, if Chiyu's guess is correct, then Uzumaki Kushina has fallen into a scam constructed by Konoha since she entered Konoha.

Since she wants to be friends with Uzumaki Kushina, Chiyu must change the fate of Uzumaki Kushina.

In this way, Uzumaki Kushina will not die, but similarly, Uzumaki Naruto will not be born, and Chiyu will lose a large number of ways to obtain witness points. However, witness points are the key to whether Chiyu can gain a foothold in the ninja world in the future.

Originally, Chiyu planned to stay in Konoha temporarily, wait until after the Nine-tailed Rebellion, leave Konoha, and then wait for Uzumaki Naruto to become a Genin, and then obtain witness points through Uzumaki Naruto.

But it is definitely not possible now.

Then Chiyu must change the plan, prepare to leave Konoha in advance, witness other events, and plunder all the witness points that can be looted.

There is another thing Chiyu needs to consider, that is the Nine-tailed.

If Uzumaki Kushina is willing to become a Jinchūriki, then he doesn't have to consider it.

But if Uzumaki Kushina is unwilling to become a Jinchūriki, Chiyu needs to prepare in advance.

Finally, she was about to have a friend, and a friend who was ready to be hated by everyone for him. Qianyu herself had to be worthy of this determination made by Uzumaki Kushina.

At this time, the voice of the system suddenly came into Qianyu's mind.

[Please note that the host does not obtain witness points by having the host witness something that happens next.]

After hearing this, Qian Yu asked in confusion:"What do you mean?"

[As long as it is an event that affects the ninja world, witness points can be obtained. It is not necessarily the important events in the host's memory that can obtain witness points.

For example, if the host now unilaterally declares war on Konoha, it is impossible to obtain witness points, because the host does not have the power to fight against this Konoha, and Konoha will not take you seriously, so naturally you cannot obtain witness points.

However, if the host is powerful and Konoha regards the host as a major threat, then this will be judged as an event and the host will obtain witness points.

At the same time, because the host participated in this event, after the event is over, the host will also obtain a large number of witness points.

Qianyu heard the system's explanation and was immediately excited:"In this case, I can rely on myself to obtain witness points!?"

[This is understandable, but there is one thing that needs to be reminded to the host, some major events are bound to happen.]

Qianyu's excitement suddenly disappeared, and he said solemnly:"That is to say...Is it certain that Uzumaki Naruto will be born?"

[That's right, but this person may not be the Uzumaki Naruto in the host's memory.

Qianyu calmed down and thought about the system's words, and murmured:"You mean, Uzumaki Naruto will definitely be born, but he may not be Kushina's child, maybe someone else's child, but this child will replace Uzumaki Naruto and do what should have been done by Uzumaki Naruto, right?"

[The host understands it without any problem.]

Qianyu fell into deep thought.

This is actually a good thing for Qianyu. In this way, Qianyu does not need to do anything specially. Certain major events will definitely happen, which will bring witness points for Qianyu.

So now we just need to proceed step by step, accumulate strength, and help Uzumaki Kushina change her original destiny.

Thinking of this, Qianyu felt much more relaxed, and at the same time had new expectations for the stagnant future.

Uzumaki Kushina was still chatting with Qianyu, telling her about her life in the past few days.

Somehow, everything that Uzumaki Kushina said now touched Qianyu's heartstrings.

When Uzumaki Kushina said that a group of little ghosts were blocking her and wanted to teach her a lesson, Qianyu was extremely angry.

But when Qianyu heard Uzumaki Kushina talking about how she beat these little ghosts to the ground and begged for mercy, she became very happy.

"Okay, Chiyu, it's getting late. I should go back, otherwise Grandma Mito will be worried. I hope we can meet at the Ninja School tomorrow instead of at the Ninja Hospital. See you tomorrow."

After Uzumaki Kushina said goodbye to Chiyu, Chiyu also said goodbye silently in her heart:"See you tomorrow, Kushina."

After Uzumaki Kushina left, Chiyu wanted to wake up very much and meet Uzumaki Kushina at the Ninja School tomorrow.

Maybe it was Chiyu's strong desire that moved her body, and her fingers moved.

Chiyu felt her fingers move, and she was immediately happy. Chiyu tried to regain control of her body with all her heart.

After her fingers moved, it was her toes, and then her arms, thighs, and neck....

Qianyu gradually gained control of her body and finally opened her eyes.

The bright light of the light bulb caught her eyes, and she subconsciously closed her eyes again.

Qianyu felt her body.

It was sore and painful, and it seemed that she had not recovered fully.

When Qianyu opened her eyes again, she vaguely felt that there seemed to be some movement outside the window. Qianyu turned her head to look out the window, and the branches of the tree outside the window were shaking.

"Dark part?..."

Chiyu's eyes were dark and unclear.

Chiyu knew very well that the damage caused by the Lightning Breathing Sword Type he used in the woods that day would definitely attract Sarutobi Hiruzen's attention.

Therefore, Chiyu did not feel strange that there were Anbu monitoring him.

Chiyu guessed that after he was discharged from the hospital, Sarutobi Hiruzen would summon him to ask him what means he used to destroy the woods into that state.

However, what Chiyu did not expect was that half an hour later, Sarutobi Hiruzen actually came to the ward to see him in person.

The moment Chiyu saw Sarutobi Hiruzen, he was stunned for a moment.

In Chiyu's opinion, although it was a bit outrageous for a ninja school student to cause such damage at such a young age, there was no need for Sarutobi Hiruzen to come to see him in person, someone he usually disliked, right?

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