Uzumaki Kushina heard Uzumaki Mito say that she knew where Chiba was.

Uzumaki Kushina hurriedly asked,"Grandma Mito, where is Chiba?"

"In the Ninja Hospital, he seems to have been injured during training and has been in a coma for several days...."

Before Uzumaki Mito could finish her words, Uzumaki Kushina rushed out of the room impatiently.

"Grandma Mito, I'm going out for a while and will be back soon!"

Uzumaki Mito looked at Uzumaki Kushina lovingly as she left.

Yesterday, Sarutobi Hiruzen came to visit and inquire about Uzumaki Kushina's situation. Uzumaki Mito specifically asked Sarutobi Hiruzen about Chiba.

When he learned that Chiba might have been injured due to training and was in a coma in the Ninja Hospital, and had been in a coma for several days, Uzumaki Mito was very surprised.

If training can put oneself in the hospital, then to what extent must one be in a coma for several days.

However, Uzumaki Mito clearly felt that Sarutobi Hiruzen's attitude was a little different.

Before, when Sarutobi Hiruzen mentioned Chiba, he looked indifferent.

But when talking about Chiba yesterday, it seemed that Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to begin to take it seriously. Chiba.

Although he didn't know what happened, in Uzumaki Mito's heart, this was a good thing.

As for Uzumaki Kushina, Uzumaki Mito actually felt that he owed her.

After all, Uzumaki Kushina came to Konoha for the purpose of becoming the new Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, and brought her to Konoha.

Uzumaki Mito also felt a little guilty about Chiba.

Because Chiba has half of the blood of the Senju clan in her body.

As the wife of the former patriarch of the Senju clan, she was unable to protect Chiba.

Uzumaki Mito also knew very well why Sarutobi Hiruzen asked Uzumaki Kushina to transfer to Chiba's class.

In that class, there was a genius ninja, Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato was a civilian ninja with a very poor foundation. Clean. I heard that Jiraiya, one of Sarutobi Hiruzen's disciples, planned to accept Minato Namikaze as his disciple after he graduated.

Sarutobi Hiruzen once talked to Uzumaki Mito about making Uzumaki Kushina feel a bond with Konoha, identify with Konoha, and become a part of Konoha.

And this Minato Namikaze was the person chosen by Sarutobi Hiruzen to be the bond of Uzumaki Kushina and make Uzumaki Kushina feel an identity with Konoha.

As a civilian ninja, Minato Namikaze does not belong to any ninja clan in Konoha. It can also be said that Minato Namikaze belongs to the Hokage faction.

This can also prevent some ninja clans from having certain thoughts about the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

Uzumaki Mito had no reason to stop Sarutobi Hiruzen's plan, and no way to stop it..

Because Sarutobi Hiruzen is the Hokage, and she is only the wife of the first Hokage.

But compared to Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Mito is more optimistic about Chiba.

The reason is simple, just because Chiba is a descendant of the Senju clan, and Uzumaki Mito can be regarded as Chiba's elder.

Sarutobi Hiruzen can take a fancy to Chiba, and if Uzumaki Kushina and Chiba get together, the resistance will be less.

Chiba, who is not recognized by the Uchiha clan, also does not belong to any ninja clan in Konoha.

Uzumaki Mito's eyes flashed with determination.

Her time is coming, but at least she can see Uzumaki Kushina come of age.

If Uzumaki Kushina and Chiba can really get together, then she is willing to help them....

Uzumaki Kushina rushed to the Ninja Hospital.

Because she didn't know which ward Chiyu was in, she asked the busy medical ninja.

The inquiry about Chiyu's ward went smoothly unexpectedly, but the attitude of the medical ninja made Uzumaki Kushina very uncomfortable.

""Ah, that little traitor, he's in the innermost ward in the corridor ahead."

That disgusted expression and tone made Uzumaki Kushina feel suffocated.

Uzumaki Kushina walked to the innermost ward.

Because Chiyu was in a coma, Uzumaki Kushina opened the door and walked in. Uzumaki Kushina saw Chiyu lying flat on the bed with bandages on his hands and feet. There was no flowers or fruits on the bedside table, not even a glass of water.

Only the instruments were working"beep, beep, beep".

Uzumaki Kushina felt a little sad when she saw Chiyu's appearance.

Uzumaki Kushina forced a smile and said,"I'm here to see you, Chiyu."

Qianyu, who was in a coma, naturally would not respond.

Uzumaki Kushina immediately ran out of the ward and planned to go to the flower shop to buy a bouquet of flowers.

Although Qianyu was in a coma, his consciousness was very clear, but he could not control his body.

The system took over his body to simulate the changes in the form and nature of the lightning attribute chakra and the full sword form of Thunder Breathing. The burden on the body was beyond Qianyu's imagination. For the first time, Qianyu experienced what it meant to be worse than death.

Every inch of muscle and every organ in his body was painful.

However, the power of the full sword form of Thunder Breathing made Qianyu feel that these pains were not unacceptable. Qianyu is only 9 years old now. With the chakra of a 9-year-old, he can use such a powerful Thunder Breathing. How powerful will it be when Qianyu becomes an adult in the future?

Qianyu was already conscious yesterday, and he kept recalling the feeling of using the full sword form of Thunder Breathing in his mind, wishing he could do it right away. Move, try the Breath of Thunder himself.

However, what Chiyu never expected was that Uzumaki Kushina actually came to the Ninja Hospital to see him, not to mention how surprised he was.

He and Uzumaki Kushina were just classmates that day, and after school that day, he clearly declined Uzumaki Kushina's offer to make friends.

Logically speaking, Uzumaki Kushina should not have any contact with him anymore, so why would she come to the Ninja Hospital to visit him?

And it seems that Uzumaki Kushina came to see him specially.

Chiyu was puzzled.

Just when Chiyu was about to continue to savor the Breath of Thunder, the door of the ward opened again.

Uzumaki Kushina took a bouquet of lilies, found a vase and put the lilies in it.

After arranging the lilies, Uzumaki Kushina sat on the chair, looked at Chiyu's sleepy face and said to herself:"I don't know what flowers to buy to see the patient. I told the flower shop owner that my friend was injured and hospitalized in the Ninja Hospital and I wanted to buy a bouquet of flowers to visit him.

The owner of the flower shop recommended me to send lilies, which symbolizes blessing, purity and good luck. They are pretty, right?

Mito Grandma said that if I want to be friends with you, I might be disliked by many people, so I should be prepared.

I have made up my mind. I want to be friends with you because you were the only one who didn't laugh at me at that time, and you helped me to knock away the hand of that annoying guy who grabbed my hair.

Mito Grandma said that Chiyu, you are a victim between two ninja clans. I don't understand this, but as a good friend, you won't change your mind because of other people's opinions, right?"

Uzumaki Kushina mustered up her strength and announced:"I will try my best to make you my friend! Just wait!"

Hearing Uzumaki Kushina's declaration, Chiyu suddenly felt that her heart seemed to be beating very violently, and she seemed to feel the warmth that she had never felt in the five years in Konoha.

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