Qianyu held the key in his hand and looked at his future new home. It looked old and was an apartment. Only this room belonged to him.

He didn't expect Sarutobi Hiruzen to be so efficient. He had arranged everything for him just last night.

However, there didn't seem to be any other residents in this apartment. It should be that Sarutobi Hiruzen arranged it for him on purpose.

After all, the villagers of Konoha hated him very much.

At the same time, Qianyu wanted to laugh.

He clearly said last night that the matter of ninjutsu was not urgent, but now he asked the ninja to remind him to go to the Hokage Building after his injury healed.

Isn't it urgent? It's obvious that the three words"I'm in a hurry" were written on his face.

Qianyu opened the door and went in.

The layout inside was very good, and it seemed that everything was complete.

Qianyu sat down on the sofa, which was quite comfortable.

Qianyu looked at the clock on the wall. It was already 9 o'clock in the morning. Qianyu didn't plan to go to the Hokage Building today, and planned to go there in a few days.

Since he was told to go to the Hokage Building after his injury healed, why did he go so early if there was nothing to do.

Chiyu's mind is now full of the words that Uzumaki Kushina said to him last night.

Chiyu can't wait to meet Uzumaki Kushina.

However, Chiyu, who hadn't showered for a few days, had a strong smell of sweat. Chiyu went back to his shabby little house and sorted out the things inside, including the exchanged standard sword.

It must be said that this standard sword is really good. After being tossed around by Chiyu last time, it only has a few cuts.

Chiyu packed up all the things and took them back to his new home. Then he took a shower and set off for the Ninja School.

The Ninja School was having lunch break at this time.

When Chiyu came to the classroom, he happened to see Uzumaki Kushina clenching her fists and beating someone.

When Uzumaki Kushina saw Chiyu, her expression became very surprised.

""Qianyu! You are discharged from the hospital?!"

Hearing Qianyu, everyone looked at Qianyu in unison.

No one knew that Qianyu was hospitalized. No one expected that Qianyu had disappeared for so many days and turned out to be in the Ninja Hospital.

But no one would care, but instead gloat over his misfortune.

Uzumaki Kushina let go of the guy she was pressing under her, trotted to Qianyu and asked,"When did you wake up?"

Qianyu smiled gently and said,"After you visited me and left last night."

Uzumaki Kushina widened her eyes, her face turned red, and she stuttered,"You, aren't you unconscious? How do you know that I went to the Ninja Hospital to visit you yesterday?"

Qianyu glanced around with a squint. He didn't want him and Uzumaki Kushina to be looked at like monkeys.

Qianyu reached out and grabbed Uzumaki Kushina's small hand:"This is not the place to talk, let's talk outside."

Uzumaki Kushina's already red face now looked like it was dripping with blood, her head was dizzy, and she was mechanically pulled out of the classroom by Chiyu's hand.

Chiyu pulled Uzumaki Kushina to the grove behind the Ninja School, and after letting go of Uzumaki Kushina's hand, he discovered that Uzumaki Kushina's face was too red, and her eyes were dull, as if she was stupid.

Chiyu stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Uzumaki Kushina:"Kushina, Kushina, wake up!"

Uzumaki Kushina came back to her senses and saw Chiyu in front of her, and took a step back in fright:"You you you..."

Uzumaki Kushina couldn't even say a complete sentence now.

Chiyu laughed and explained,"I was still in a coma last night, but I was conscious and could hear things."

Uzumaki Kushina lowered her head slightly, and her voice was so soft that Chiyu couldn't hear it clearly if she didn't listen carefully:"Is that so?..."

Uzumaki Kushina is currently struggling with her inner thoughts. She has clearly made up her mind to be friends with Chiyu, but at this moment she can't utter a word.

Uzumaki Kushina was so nervous that sweat broke out on her forehead, and wisps of white smoke floated above her head.

Seeing how adorable Uzumaki Kushina was, Chiyu exhaled a breath and said to Uzumaki Kushina seriously:"Kushina, I am also prepared!"

Uzumaki Kushina raised her head and looked at Chiyu with a confused look in her eyes, not understanding what Chiyu meant by preparation.

Chiyu said with a firm look in her eyes:"I also want to be your friend, your friend for life! So...Kushina, are you willing to be friends with me?"

Chiyu stretched out her hand to Uzumaki Kushina, waiting for her reply.

Uzumaki Kushina's brain was completely down and her ears were buzzing.

Uzumaki Kushina didn't make any movement, and Chiyu was not in a hurry either. She kept stretching out her hand and silently waited for Uzumaki Kushina's reply.

After a few minutes, Uzumaki Kushina's downed brain finally restarted. She stretched out her little hand and held Chiyu's hand together, and whispered,"Well, it's a deal. We'll be friends for life."

Qianyu smiled brilliantly, and Uzumaki Kushina also smiled like a flower.

Both of them were very happy because they finally made their first friend.

Qianyu swore in his heart that he must protect this smile.

Uzumaki Kushina was still reluctant to let go at first, but after gradually letting go, she opened up and told Qianyu about her experiences of the past few days.

Those little devils who had troubled Uzumaki Kushina were all beaten into rotten tomatoes by her.

And Uzumaki Kushina has a new nickname in the Ninja School, Blood Red Pepper.

Qianyu chuckled.

Uzumaki Kushina pouted and said unhappily:"Qianyu, do you also think that I am very suitable for this nickname?"

Qianyu smiled and shook his head:"Of course not, I just think that Kushina you are so powerful, you can beat them all by yourself."

Uzumaki Kushina proudly put her hands on her waist and said:"Of course! I have never lost a fight!"

Then Uzumaki Kushina lowered her head a little disappointed.

Qianyu asked puzzledly:"Kushina, what's wrong?"

Uzumaki Kushina pinched a handful of hair, pouted and asked:"Qianyu, do you think my hair is ugly?"

Qianyu put her hands on Uzumaki Kushina's shoulders, looked into her eyes, and said seriously:"Kushina, your hair is very beautiful, and you are very cute. You will be more beautiful in the future, so don't doubt yourself because of what others say. You are very good, no, you are the best!"

Uzumaki Kushina's cheeks, which had finally recovered, turned red again after Qianyu said this. She punched Qianyu's chest, turned around shyly, held her cheeks and said:"I'm not as good as you say."

Qianyu's face froze, and she reached out to rub her chest.

It must be said that Uzumaki Kushina is really strong.

Qianyu almost couldn't catch her breath when she was hit just now.

At this time, the bell rang, and the afternoon class was about to begin. This time, it was Uzumaki Kushina who took the initiative to grab Qianyu's hand, turned around and gave Qianyu a playful smile

"Let’s go to class!"

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