Uzumaki Kushina took Chiba's hand and entered the classroom, which stunned all the little ghosts.

Chiba and Uzumaki Kushina held hands, so close that it was obvious that the two had become friends.

The two people they hated the most actually became friends.

They couldn't beat Uzumaki Kushina, nor could they beat Chiba.

After the blood-red pepper and the traitor joined forces, how would they get back at each other in the future?!

Chiba didn't pay attention to these little ghosts, but focused on Minato Namikaze.

At this time, Minato Namikaze stared at the hand held by Uzumaki Kushina and Chiba.

Chiba's eyes narrowed slightly.

Has Minato Namikaze fallen in love with Uzumaki Kushina now?

But this time, Uzumaki Kushina will never be with you!

Uzumaki Kushina blushed and pulled Chiba to her seat and sat down.

The reason why she was so bold was that she wanted to tell everyone that Chiba was her friend.

Masada Hayabusa came to the classroom and started the class.

Chiba adjusted her state and took the class seriously.

Although the lessons taught in the ninja school are very basic, the basics are often the most important.

The afternoon classes passed quickly.

After Masada Hayabusa left, everyone packed up and prepared to leave.

Uzumaki Kushina, however, looked as if she was facing a great enemy, and looked around vigilantly.

Chiyu asked curiously:"Kushina, what's wrong?"

Uzumaki Kushina said seriously:"Be careful, those annoying guys will cause trouble for me every day after school!"

Chiyu felt sorry for Uzumaki Kushina, who was regarded as a candidate for the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki and entered Konoha, but was bullied by some ignorant kids.

And those Jinchuriki, who were obviously for the village, were not regarded as heroes, but were still discriminated against like that.

Chiyu took the initiative to walk in front of Uzumaki Kushina and said:"I'll go in front. If they cause trouble for you, I will beat them with you!"

Looking at Chiyu protecting her from behind, Uzumaki Kushina felt warm in her heart. From today on, she also had friends.

Chiyu took Uzumaki Kushina out of the ninja school and was not troubled.

Uzumaki Kushina looked very puzzled:"They block me every day, what happened today?"

Qianyu said with a smile:"Maybe Kushina, you have already defeated them."

Uzumaki Kushina excitedly waved her fist:"Really? That's great! I'm so annoyed with them, finally I can have some peace and quiet." Qianyu naturally took Uzumaki Kushina

's hand:"Let's go, I'll take you back"


Kushina Uzumaki, who was held by the hand by Chiyu, seemed to have become a different person. She no longer spoke carelessly, but in a very low voice.

Along the way, although the villagers looked at Chiyu in a very strange way, no one scolded or ridiculed him in the street.

Chiyu guessed that the news that Sarutobi Hiruzen went to the Ninja Hospital to visit him had spread.

Under the guidance of Kushina Uzumaki, Chiyu sent Kushina Uzumaki to the door of Mito Uzumaki's mansion.

Chiyu let go of Kushina Uzumaki's little hand and said goodbye:"Kushina, see you tomorrow."

Kushina Uzumaki ran to the door and waved her little hand at Chiyu:"See you tomorrow Chiyu!"

Kushina Uzumaki jumped into the mansion, and Chiyu turned and walked towards his new home. He was in a good mood and his steps were much lighter.

Kushina Uzumaki, who entered the mansion, saw Mito Uzumaki sitting on a chair, and Kushina Uzumaki happily called out:"Grandma Mito, I'm back!"

Uzumaki Kushina suddenly threw herself into Uzumaki Mito's arms.

Uzumaki Mito lovingly stroked Uzumaki Kushina's red hair:"Why are you so happy today? Let me guess, Chiyu was discharged from the hospital and became friends with you, right?"

Uzumaki Kushina shyly buried her head in Uzumaki Mito's arms and said in a muffled voice:"Yeah."

Uzumaki Mito smiled with relief and said:"Tell Grandma Mito how you became friends."

Uzumaki Kushina told Uzumaki Mito this process.

Uzumaki Mito's expression became more and more doting.

"So it was Chiba who took the initiative. Since you have agreed to be lifelong friends, you two must always be good to each other."

Uzumaki Kushina nodded firmly and said,"Yes, I will!"

In the next few days, Chiba and Uzumaki Kushina were almost inseparable. They went to school and went home together every day.

Moreover, the relationship between the two became deeper and deeper, and they could talk about anything.

Three days later.

After sending Uzumaki Kushina back to Uzumaki Mito's mansion after school, Chiba came to the Hokage Building.

He had promised Sarutobi Hiruzen that he would give the Breathing of Thunder to Konoha, and now was the time.

If Sarutobi Hiruzen waited too long, it would be troublesome.

Chiba entered the Hokage Building.

In an instant, some strange eyes fell on Chiba.

Chiba walked forward as if he had seen nothing, and came to the door of the Hokage's office on the second floor without any obstruction and knocked on the door. It seemed that Sarutobi Hiruzen had already greeted him in advance.

"Please come in."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice came from the office.

Chiyu pushed open the door and entered the office. Sarutobi Hiruzen saw Chiyu, smiled and said to Chiyu:"Chiyu, are you healed?" Chiyu said gratefully:"

Thanks to Lord Hokage, my injuries are all healed now." Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded:

"It's good that your injuries are healed. Chiyu, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Chiyu complained in his heart, isn't this asking knowingly? Did he come to talk to him.

Chiyu took out a scroll and respectfully presented it to Sarutobi Hiruzen with both hands:"Lord Hokage, this is the practice method of the full sword type of Thunder Breathing, the ninjutsu that I practiced. I recorded it on a scroll so that people in the future can learn it."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took the scroll and opened it. The training method was recorded in great detail.

For example, Lightning Breathing·First Form·Thunderbolt Flash, you need to use Lightning Chakra to activate the legs and hands, and wrap the lightning chakra around the weapon, and then burst it out with one last breath.

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked:"To wrap the lightning chakra around the weapon, does it need a weapon made of chakra metal?" Qianyu shook his head and said:"You only need to change the form of the lightning chakra and wrap it around the weapon.

Of course, if you use a weapon made of chakra metal, it will be better, and the power will be much greater.

" Sarutobi Hiruzen smoked while looking at the training method on the scroll.

The more Sarutobi Hiruzen read, the more shocked he was.

This is not a ninjutsu, but a ninjutsu.

Some basic characteristics of ninjutsu are: first, you need to refine chakra, second, you can launch it without making hand seals, and third, the attack method is physical skills.

This Thunder Breathing Sword Type fully meets the characteristics of ninjutsu.

And it can be passed down as a secret technique passed down from generation to generation in the clan.

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