Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the Thunder Breathing Sword Type that Chiyu gave him.

For this Thunder Breathing Sword Type, it was no longer a question of whether he was satisfied or not, but a surprise.

But from the perspective of Sarutobi Hiruzen, a ninjutsu doctor, the power of the first five of the seven Thunder Breathing Sword Types can only reach the level of B-level Ninjutsu at most, and only the last two sword types, the Land Type and the Seven Type, can reach the level of A-level.

If the entire set of Thunder Breathing Sword Types is evaluated, it can reach the level of A-level.

But this is enough to surprise Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Because this is a complete set of Ninjutsu, it is very precious.

Sarutobi Hiruzen put away the scroll and looked at Chiyu with satisfaction:"Chiyu, on behalf of Konoha, I am very grateful for your contribution of this Thunder Breathing Sword Type. What reward do you want?"

Chiyu shook his head and said,"This is what I should do. I am honored to contribute to Konoha. This is my reward."

Sarutobi Hiruzen is now more and more satisfied with Chiyu.

Chiyu's talent is beyond doubt. Not only does he master the changes in the form and nature of the lightning chakra, he also masters the full set of lightning breathing and full sword form. As long as he grows step by step, it should be a foregone conclusion that he will become a jonin.

The most important thing is that Chiyu is very loyal to Konoha, and he directly contributed this set of A-level ninjutsu without reservation.

Originally, Sarutobi Hiruzen thought that Chiyu still had some resentment towards Konoha, but now it seems not.

Otherwise, Chiyu would not have had to contribute the entire set of A-level ninjutsu.

Sarutobi Hiruzen thinks Chiyu is a promising talent and can train Chiyu well in the future.

Moreover, Chiyu has half of the Uchiha bloodline in his body. With this identity, Chiyu may be able to play a special role in the Uchiha plan in the future.

Sarutobi Hiruzen walked in front of Chiyu, patted Chiyu on the shoulder and encouraged him:"Chiyu, you must ensure your own safety when practicing in the future. Work hard and don't let me down."

Chiyu lowered his head slightly, with a strange expression.

Does Sarutobi Hiruzen mean to reuse him?

That can...That's great.

The more Sarutobi Hiruzen uses him, the more smoothly Chiyu can carry out his plan.

Chiyu raised his head, looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with burning eyes, and said,"I will definitely not disappoint the Hokage!"

After Sarutobi Hiruzen encouraged Chiyu a few more words, Chiyu said goodbye and left. Chiyu breathed a sigh of relief after leaving the Hokage building.

For a long time to come, Chiyu basically had nothing to do except practice.

After all, Konoha, which is now in a peaceful period, will not have any important events, and it is impossible to get any witness points.

Now Chiyu is a veritable pauper, with no witness points on him.

Chiyu almost suspected that the system was intentional. A standard katana has 10 witness points, and then replenishing chakra once is 30 points. After replenishing three times, it is exactly 100 witness points.

Chiyu took a deep breath, looked at the sunset sun, and still had to work hard to become stronger!

Five days later.

Ninja school is not going to school today.

Yesterday Chiyu and Uzumaki Kushina agreed to go to the place where Chiyu practiced before today.

Because Chiyu mentioned yesterday that the place where he practiced before had a great view, especially now that it was the season for cherry blossoms to bloom.

Cherry blossom petals were falling everywhere on the streets.

The time they agreed to meet was one o'clock in the afternoon.

Uzumaki Kushina was extremely excited for her first time going out to play. After having lunch with Uzumaki Mito at noon, she went out immediately.

Uzumaki Kushina planned to reach the meeting place before Chiyu, and then hide to scare Chiyu.

Uzumaki Kushina ran towards the meeting place happily.

Looking at the blooming cherry trees around, Uzumaki Kushina smiled, imagining the scene of walking with Chiyu under the cherry blossom rain later.


Uzumaki Kushina stopped, the smile on her face disappeared, and she looked ahead angrily.

There was a person standing next to the cherry tree in front.

That person was the kid who had always troubled Uzumaki Kushina when she was in the ninja school.

The kid also stared at Uzumaki Kushina with an expression that said,"I'm going to trouble you today."

From behind the little ghost, a boy who was a head taller than him appeared, and this boy was wearing a forehead protector. He was a Genin from Konoha.

The Genin put his hand on the little ghost's shoulder, and the two of them smiled evilly at Uzumaki Kushina.

The Genin crossed his arms and walked towards Uzumaki Kushina:"It's you, always making my brother cry."

Uzumaki Kushina pointed at the little ghost and argued:"It's always him who provokes me! He's obviously a coward."

The Genin looked at the little ghost, and the little ghost turned his head away guiltily. The

Genin looked at Uzumaki Kushina again, pointed at his forehead protector and said proudly:"I'm a Genin, very powerful, right? The bad guys who bully my brother, I have to teach them a lesson!"

The Genin pinched his fingers, making a 'click' sound.

Uzumaki Kushina's eyes condensed, and without any hesitation, she jumped onto the tree and ran forward.

The Genin immediately followed and chased Uzumaki Kushina relentlessly.

The Genin threw a kunai directly at Uzumaki Kushina, and the kunai pierced Kushina's side and nailed to the tree.

Uzumaki Kushina was shocked. She didn't expect that this Genin would actually use a kunai on him, and it was a real kunai. Uzumaki Kushina jumped onto the tree trunk in front of her, exerted force with both feet, and took the initiative to rush towards the Genin.

The Genin didn't expect Uzumaki Kushina to fight him head-on. He was caught off guard and was hit by Uzumaki Kushina's fist and fell to the ground.

Before Uzumaki Kushina could breathe a sigh of relief, a burst of white smoke came out of the Genin's body and turned into a wooden stake.

It was a substitution technique.

The Genin landed behind Uzumaki Kushina, hit Uzumaki Kushina's neck with a hand knife, and then kicked Uzumaki Kushina in the back, kicking Uzumaki Kushina to the ground.

The Genin grabbed Kushina Uzumaki's hair and lifted her up. Kushina Uzumaki cried out in pain and said sarcastically,"You didn't even notice the Substitution Technique? You're still just a brat! It's so red and as hard as a thread. This hair is really an eyesore!"

The brat also laughed at Kushina Uzumaki:"Hahaha, you deserve it!"

Kushina Uzumaki sobbed.

When Chiyu came here, she saw Kushina Uzumaki being grabbed by the hair and crying.

Chiyu's brain was roaring, and an extreme anger rushed to his forehead.

The kid spotted Qianyu not far away, pointed at him and said,"Brother, that traitor showed up, and he's with this guy!"

The Genin twisted his neck and grinned,"Then let's teach this traitor a lesson as well. I've always wanted to do this!"

Uzumaki Kushina saw Qianyu and shouted at him,"Qianyu, run!" Qianyu

's brain had almost lost its mind at this time. The standard katana with many notches in his hand was already in his hand. At the same time, he slightly arched his body, and lightning began to flash on Qianyu's body.

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