Seeing Uzumaki Kushina being bullied and shedding tears, Chiyu's blood rushed to his brain like crazy.

He had sworn to protect Uzumaki Kushina's smile!

Chiyu's eyes were bloodshot, and he slightly bent his body to concentrate the lightning chakra. The

Genin who looked down on Chiyu at the beginning, saw the lightning flashing on Chiyu's body, and his face suddenly changed.

As a Genin, he has only learned one C-level ninjutsu so far.

And the sight of Chiyu's body full of lightning and thunder showed that this ninjutsu was of a very high level. The Genin didn't dare to be arrogant now, and let go of Uzumaki Kushina's hair, and quickly formed seals with both hands.

"Earth escape: Rock Pillar Spear"

A sharp earth spike stabbed upward from the ground.

But the earth spike was too slow, and there was only one, so Qianyu dodged it with a step back.

Qianyu pushed open the sword guard with his left thumb and slightly unsheathed the sword.

"Breathing of Thunder·Type 1·Thunderbolt Flash!"

‘As soon as the word"flash" fell, Qianyu turned into a flash of lightning and rushed straight towards the Genin.

The Genin first heard the roar of thunder, then a flash of blue light passed through his eyes, and finally...

The ninja suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood and fell straight to the ground.


The little ghost widened his eyes in shock. How could his brother suddenly lie on the ground, spitting blood.

Suddenly, the little ghost heard crackling thunder from behind him.

The little ghost turned his head stiffly and found that Qianyu had already picked up Uzumaki Kushina, looking at him with bloodshot eyes.

The little ghost's pupils shrank suddenly, and his whole body felt as if he fell into an ice cellar and couldn't stop shivering. He took a few steps back and sat on the ground.

The Genin also looked at Qianyu in disbelief.

Qianyu used the back of the knife to cut him, but his chest was now sunken and his ribs were obviously broken. He stabbed several of them, and the characteristics of the lightning chakra made his body numb.

He is obviously just a kid who is still in ninja school and not even a ninja, why does he master such a powerful ninjutsu?!

Uzumaki Kushina, who was in Chiyu's arms, stared at Chiyu's face in a daze.

Chiyu's current appearance was extremely terrifying in the eyes of the Genin and the kid, but in Uzumaki Kushina's eyes, he was very handsome.

Uzumaki Kushina's heart was beating wildly, and an inexplicable feeling was growing in her heart.

Chiyu said in a low voice:"Kushina, wait for me here."

After Chiyu gently put Uzumaki Kushina on the ground, he pulled out the sheathed sword again, and walked towards the Genin and the kid who were vomiting blood with murderous intent.

The Genin and the kid kept moving their bodies backwards in fear.

"You, what do you want to do?!"

"The village rules prohibit you from attacking your companions!"

Qianyu's expression was extremely ferocious:"You can't attack your companions? Then what were you doing just now? Don't worry, I won't kill you, I will break all your limbs!"

Just as Qianyu was about to take action, a kunai came straight at Qianyu.

Qianyu directly swung the knife to knock off the kunai.

Qianyu looked in the direction where the kunai came from.

Namikaze Minato stood on the tree trunk and said to Qianyu:"Stop it, Qianyu, they have been punished."

Qianyu asked with a gloomy face:"Have you been watching here?"

Minato Namikaze was stunned for a moment and didn't say anything.

He had indeed been watching here.

Minato Namikaze saw Kushina Uzumaki running towards here, so Minato Namikaze followed.

Minato Namikaze had a good impression of Kushina Uzumaki and had always wanted to get to know her.

But Minato Namikaze didn't expect that Kushina Uzumaki would be attacked by a Genin.

Although that kid had been looking for trouble with Kushina Uzumaki in the ninja school, Kushina Uzumaki always beat him up.

At that time, Minato Namikaze, who was a classmate, did not help that kid. So this time, Kushina Uzumaki was retaliated by the little devil and his brother, and Minato Namikaze didn't know whether to help.

In the ninja school, Minato Namikaze got along well with everyone.

Minato Namikaze felt that he didn't help the little devil when he was beaten up by Kushina Uzumaki before, but it's not good to help Kushina Uzumaki now.

Seeing that Minato Namikaze didn't say anything, Chiyu sneered:"So you have been here all the time, you saw Kushina being bullied, you turned a blind eye, and now I'm retaliating against them but you help them, Minato Namikaze, you are really great!"

Minato Namikaze hurriedly explained:"No, it's not like that!"

Chiyu pointed to the kunai on the ground:"No, what? You took out the real kunai and shot it at me, tell me, what are you like?"

Minato Namikaze's heart tightened:"This kunai is not mine, it's the kunai he used to attack Kushina Uzumaki and nailed it to the tree just now!"

Chiyu's already gloomy and ferocious face became even more angry:"Used a real kunai to shoot at Kushina?!"

Qianyu turned the sword, the back of the sword was facing outwards just now, now the blade is facing outwards.

"I'm going to chop off all your hands and feet!"

Chiyu exerted force with his feet and instantly jumped towards the imps and Genin who were looking at him in horror.

Minato Namikaze's scalp numbed, and he thought to himself,"Oh no, Chiyu is really serious this time," so he immediately rushed towards Chiyu. After picking up the kunai from the ground, Minato Namikaze blocked Chiyu's katana that was about to chop off the Genin's left leg.

The Genin was so scared that tears came out. If Minato Namikaze hadn't helped him block it, his leg would have been chopped off by Chiyu's sword.

Minato Namikaze tried to persuade Chiyu:"Chiyu! If you cut off their hands and feet, you will also be punished!"

Chiyu, with bloodshot eyes, said in a deep voice:"So what? They were the ones who shot kunai at Kushina first, so who can I blame for cutting off their hands and feet?

And Minato Namikaze, since you saw them shooting kunai at Kushina but were indifferent, why are you pretending to be a good person here now?!

I say it again, if you want to watch, get out of here and don't bother me. If you want to help them, I'll chop you down too!"

Namikaze Minato growled:"Chiyu! Calm down! After all, they are companions from the same village!"

Chiyu sneered:"Namikaze Minato, you are really hypocritical. They are your companions, but Kushina is not, right? Since you want to help them, that's your own choice!"

""Thunder Breathing·Type II·Rice Soul!"

In an instant, Chiyu slashed out five consecutive attacks in the shape of lightning.

Minato Namikaze's hair stood on end, and his top reaction speed allowed him to roll backwards and avoid Chiyu's five consecutive attacks. Minato Namikaze stood up from the ground. When Chiyu used Thunderbolt Flash before, he noticed that Chiyu's speed was very fast, and it was almost impossible to catch Chiyu's figure with the naked eye.

Now when he really faced Chiyu, Minato Namikaze really realized how fast Chiyu was.

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