Namikaze Minato dodged Chiba's rice soul.

Chiba's speed made Namikaze Minato extremely difficult.

Namikaze Minato did not expect Chiba to be so strong. Chiba was obviously suppressed by him in the ninja school before.

Chiba was also a little surprised that Namikaze Minato could dodge his slash now.

As expected, he is a man who can learn the Flying Thunder God Technique in the future. His reaction speed is really fast.

But Chiba was just a little surprised.

Namikaze Minato is still in the growth period, and so is he?

Chiba is very confident that if he is at the peak, his thunder breathing will not be slower than Namikaze Minato's speed!

Uzumaki Kushina was extremely anxious. She did not expect things to become so troublesome.

Uzumaki Kushina was very moved that Chiba fought with the two people who bullied her and Namikaze Minato to protect her, but she was also worried that Chiba would be punished for this.

Uzumaki Kushina shouted to Chiba,"Chiba, I'm fine."

Chiba held the sword tightly and whispered,"I swore from that day on���I must protect your smile, but after just a few days, I broke my promise..."

Chiba turned to look at Uzumaki Kushina,"I will never forgive anyone who hurt you! Never!"


Looking at Chiyu's back, Uzumaki Kushina's eyes were red, and she was muttering to herself.

Chiyu looked at Minato Namikaze again, and sheathed the katana in her hand.

Minato Namikaze tightly grasped the kunai. He didn't think Chiyu sheathed the katana to stop, but more like a starting move.

""Thunder Breathing·Type 3·Gathering Mosquitoes into Thunder!"

Qianyu spun around Minato Namikaze at high speed, leaving wavy blue lightning in its own trajectory.

Due to the existence of these wavy blue lightning, Minato Namikaze could not retreat and escape. Once he retreated, he would inevitably touch these lightning.

Qianyu kept slashing at Minato Namikaze.

Qianyu's speed was very fast, and the slash was also very heavy. It was already quite difficult for Minato Namikaze to resist. Coupled with the characteristics of the lightning chakra, Minato Namikaze's body gradually began to numb. The paralysis of the body slowed down Minato Namikaze's reaction speed.

Minato Namikaze judged that he would not be able to block Qianyu's next slash.

Minato Namikaze tried his best to raise his right hand, but it was still useless.

Seeing that Qianyu's slash was about to fall on Minato Namikaze's arm, suddenly a tall figure fell behind Minato Namikaze

""Ninjutsu: Needle Jizo!"

A ball of white hair wrapped around Minato Namikaze.

Chiyu's katana landed on the white hair, and it actually made a 'ding' sound.

And Chiyu's katana broke into two pieces.

Looking at the figure in front of him, Chiyu's eyes condensed.

One of the three ninjas, Jiraiya.

Jiraiya released his Needle Jizo and scratched his hair:"Oh my, what happened? I just returned to the village and saw such a scene."

Seeing Jiraiya coming back, Minato Namikaze was very excited:"Lord Jiraiya!"

Jiraiya looked at Minato Namikaze beside him and asked:"Minato, what happened?"

Minato Namikaze hesitantly said:"We are classmates, and we just had a little conflict."

Jiraiya also set his sights on Chiyu's broken katana:"This is not like an ordinary little conflict. Although the little guy saw that you couldn't resist and turned to use the back of the knife, if it fell on your arm, your arm would definitely be broken."

However, what Jiraiya and Minato Namikaze did not expect was that Chiyu suddenly used the broken sword in his hand and shot it at the left leg of the Genin who was completely frightened.

Another figure landed in front of the Genin and punched the ground.

The powerful impact blew away the broken blade thrown by Chiyu.

Tsunade, one of the three ninjas, appeared. Tsunade crossed her arms and looked at Chiyu with a frown:"Kid, you're going too far." Jiraiya asked seriously:"Why do you have to be so heavy-handed towards a fellow villager?!"

Chiyu asked coldly:"Companion? As a Genin, when he shot the real kunai at Kushina, did he regard Kushina as a companion?

And you, Minato Namikaze, you clearly saw everything. You saw with your own eyes that the real kunai was shot at Kushina. You had no intention of helping, but when you shot the real kunai that was shot at Kushina at me, did you regard me as a companion?"

Jiraiya asked Minato Namikaze:"Minato, what's going on?"

Namikaze Minato told Jiraiya what happened, and explained that because Chiyu had already fractured the sternum of the Genin, Chiyu wanted to break their limbs, and he had no choice but to shoot Chiyu with the real kunai. After learning the whole story, Jiraiya felt that Namikaze Minato did nothing wrong.

Jiraiya stared at Chiyu and said,"You have already punished them, and you still want to break their limbs. Don't you think you've gone too far?"

Uzumaki Kushina ran in front of Chiyu and opened her hands to block Chiyu:"It's obviously them who went too far, why blame only Chiyu?!"

Chiyu pulled Uzumaki Kushina behind him, looked at Jiraiya and sneered sarcastically,"Too much? What if the real kunai really hurt Kushina? Do you still think I've gone too far?

By the way, you will not think it is excessive, because Kushina came to Konoha from another village, and I have a pair of traitorous parents, so in your eyes, they are companions, not us, right?"

Jiraiya was choked by Chiba's words and touched his nose:"I didn't say that."

Tsunade looked at Uzumaki Kushina in surprise:"What's your name?"

When Uzumaki Kushina came to Konoha, Tsunade was not there. It should be said that Tsunade had not been there for several years.

The same was true for Jiraiya.

After the Second Ninja World War, Tsunade did not stay in Konoha Village due to the death of her brother Nawaki and her lover, as well as suffering from hemophobia. Instead, she wandered around with Kato Dan's niece Shizune.

Jiraiya continued on his journey of cultivation. Jiraiya returned to the village this time just to accept Namikaze Minato as his disciple. At the same time, he happened to meet Tsunade on the way, so he returned to Konoha with Tsunade.

As the granddaughter of Uzumaki Mito, Tsunade had correspondence with Uzumaki Mito.

She knew that a member of the Uzumaki clan had come to Konoha.

Uzumaki Kushina's red hair and the fact that she was from another village made Tsunade think that the cute little girl in front of her might be a member of the Uzumaki clan.

Uzumaki Kushina replied:"Uzumaki Kushina."

Tsunade thought to herself that it was true. Tsunade said to Jiraiya:"Jiraiya, let the old man solve this matter."

Jiraiya realized from Tsunade's attitude that this child named Uzumaki Kushina might be a little special, so he nodded and said,"Okay, Minato, take them to the Ninja Hospital."


Namikaze Minato helped up the injured Genin, woke up the frightened kid, and ran towards the Ninja Hospital.

Chiba's eyes flickered. With Jiraiya and Tsunade around, he had no chance.

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