Chiyu came to Kakashi's room and found that Kakashi was pressing his left eye's Sharingan tightly.

""Teacher Chiba, you're back."

Kakashi wanted to get up, but Chiba pushed him back to his seat.

Chiba was now sure that the news of Nohara Rin's death had not yet reached Kakashi.

Otherwise, based on Chiba's understanding of Kakashi, Kakashi's current state should be very depressed.

Chiba sat opposite Kakashi and asked,"Teacher Orochimaru said that you are not in a good state. What's wrong?"

Kakashi shook his head,"Actually, nothing happened. A few days ago, my Sharingan suddenly felt a sharp pain, leaving a line of blood and tears, and then I fainted. Before that, I saw some..."

Kakashi paused, frowning:"I also saw some bad scenes."

Qianyu silently picked up the kettle, poured a glass of water and took a sip, and he also understood Kakashi's condition.

Kakashi's Sharingan suddenly felt a sharp pain, leaving a line of blood and tears, and then he fainted. It was because Uchiha Obito opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, and Kakashi's Sharingan belonging to Uchiha Obito also opened the Mangekyō Sharingan at the same time.

But because Kakashi now has too little chakra, he can't bear the chakra consumed by the sudden opening of his eyes and fainted.

As for some of the bad scenes he saw, it should be the scene of Nohara Rin's death.

Qianyu put the cup of water back on the table and said to Kakashi:"Kakashi, there is something I want to tell you. It's about your companion Nohara Rin...."

Kakashi's body suddenly trembled, and he looked at Qianyu in disbelief.

Seeing Kakashi's expression, Qianyu knew that Kakashi had guessed something.

"Kakashi, Nohara Rin is dead."

After hearing Chiyu's answer, Kakashi's face suddenly turned pale, and he shook uncontrollably, his lips trembled, and his breathing became rapid.

Kakashi was silent for a very long time before he asked in a hoarse voice:"Teacher,...Rin, how did she die?"

Chiyu replied,"Nohara Rin was captured by the Kirigakure ninja, and the three-tailed beast, Isobu, was sealed in her body. She was controlled to go to Konoha, intending to release the tailed beast to destroy Konoha, and was finally killed by her two teammates."

Kakashi's right eye was full of bloodshot, and his hands were clenched into fists:"Where is Namikaze Minato? Isn't he the Yellow Flash? Why could Rin be captured by the Kirigakure ninja?!"

Chiyu said,"He was performing other tasks at the time and was not at the scene."

Kakashi suddenly seemed to lose his strength, and the whole person slumped against the back of the chair, very decadent:"Teacher Chiyu...I suddenly feel so tired. My relatives and friends died one by one. Why did it happen? What went wrong?"

Chiyu looked at Kakashi and said in a deep voice:"Kakashi, let's go."

Kakashi looked at Chiyu blankly, not understanding where Chiyu meant to go.

Chiyu said coldly:"Instead of letting you doubt yourself here, it is better to take you to the Hidden Mist Village to take revenge and vent. The Hidden Mist Ninja killed your companion, so you can kill ten or a hundred to vent your anger! Let's go, let's go now, I will take you to the Hidden Mist Village."

Chiyu took Kakashi to find Orochimaru without saying anything, and explained to Orochimaru that he was going to the Hidden Mist Village for a retaliatory strike.

Orochimaru looked at the decadent Kakashi and did not refuse:"I will give you 15 days."

In 15 days, it takes 6 days to go to the Hidden Mist Village at full speed, plus the return journey, which means that Orochimaru only has three days for Chiyu to take Kakashi to avenge the Hidden Mist Village.


Qianyu took Kakashi to the Hidden Mist Village immediately.

Six days later.

Qianyu and Kakashi stood on the land of the Land of Water, and five kilometers ahead of them was the location of the Hidden Mist Village.

After entering the Land of Water, Kakashi's decadence disappeared, replaced by deep hatred.

Qianyu explained to Kakashi:"I know you are very angry, and the purpose of this time is also to retaliate, but I don't want you to lose your mind and lose your life here, so this battle is led by me.

Once you are in danger, or the battle can no longer continue, I will take you away immediately.

Kakashi, I hope you can turn the anger in your heart into motivation to become stronger, instead of losing your mind and dying in vain to disappoint me."

Kakashi nodded and said:"Teacher Qianyu, I am indeed very angry now, but I am also very calm now. I am very clear about my current state. I will not do anything irrational, and I will not disappoint you, Teacher Qianyu!" Qianyu raised an arc at the corner of his mouth:

"I have always believed in you. After all, I have children in the future, and you will definitely be my child's teacher."

Qianyu exchanged a high-quality ninja sword from the exchange shop and threw it to Kakashi:"You don't have a good weapon after the White Fang short blade is broken, so this ninja sword is for you to use."

Kakashi caught the ninja sword and put it on his waist:"Thank you."

"All right, let's get started!"

Chiyu and Kakashi rushed forward and killed all the patrolling Kirigakure ninjas they encountered.

Because they killed the patrolling ninjas who discovered them very quickly, Chiyu and Kakashi arrived not far from the gate of Kirigakure very smoothly.

The Kirigakure ninjas guarding the gate were stunned when they saw Chiyu and Kakashi, and immediately prepared for battle when they saw Chiyu and Kakashi's forehead protectors from Konoha.

Chiyu's ninjutsu had already been completed, and he jumped into the air.

"Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation!"

Chiyu gathered almost all of his chakra in his throat and spit out a fireball that looked like a falling meteorite.

When the meteorite hit the ground, the entire ground trembled, and then the flames spread to form a sea of fire.

With Chiyu's current total chakra, the Great Fire Annihilation caused serious damage to the Hidden Mist Village.

A large number of ninjas filed out of the Hidden Mist Village and appeared opposite Chiyu and Kakashi.

"Blood-eyed Shura?!"

Some Kirigakure ninjas have recognized Qianyu's identity.

These Kirigakure ninjas were extremely excited. Whoever killed Qianyu would become famous in the ninja world.

And it seemed that there were only Qianyu and the little ghost beside him. Even if Qianyu was a good fighter, he would be exhausted to death by fighting in a round-robin battle.

After all, there was a precedent.

The Hidden Rock Village was the one that killed the Third Raikage by fighting in a round-robin battle with the number of people.

Although Qianyu injured the Third Raikage, it was only an injury. It was said that the Third Raikage severely injured Qianyu.

Now Qianyu is at the gate of their Kirigakure Village. Even if Qianyu is strong, he would be exhausted to death by fighting in a round-robin battle. The Kirigakure ninjas were ready to attack Qianyu.

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