Chiyu and Kakashi were about to fight with the Kirigakure ninjas.

The Kirigakure ninjas all rushed towards Chiyu and Kakashi.

Chiyu murmured in a low voice:"It's a good time to try the Lightning Chakra Mode that I copied from the Third Raikage before."

Chiyu shouted in a low voice:"Lightning Chakra Mode!"

Chiyu concentrated the Lightning Chakra on his whole body, so that his whole body was covered with chakra and lightning.

Chiyu clenched his fists and showed a wanton smile on his face:"It's really compatible with me. Through fully concentrated breathing to enhance physical abilities, now with this Lightning Chakra Mode, the degree of physical activation and the speed of nerve conduction are increased to another level, and the speed of thunder breathing can be increased to another level."

Then Chiyu glanced at Kakashi beside him and felt a little regretful.

If Kakashi hadn't transplanted the Sharingan, then this Lightning Chakra Mode would definitely be very compatible with Kakashi.

But now...

It's a pity that even if Kakashi learned it, he couldn't use it.

It can be said that if Kakashi dared to use it, he would faint the next moment.

"Fight, Kakashi."

Qianyu used the lightning flash and arrived at the crowd in the blink of an eye.

""Thunder Breathing·Land Type·Lightning Boom!"

Qianyu used herself as the center and instantly released countless lightning-like slashes in all directions.

The Kirigakure ninjas approaching Qianyu were killed or injured in an instant. In the range of 50 meters around Qianyu, only Qianyu was standing.

Seeing this scene, Kakashi's pupils shrank:"Teacher's speed...It's getting faster again."

Kakashi made hand seals

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

Kakashi created two shadow clones, and then the two shadow clones used Chidori at the same time

"Chidori: Thunderbolt!"

The Chidori of the shadow clones were connected together, pulled into a chain, and pulled by the two shadow clones, rushing forward at a rapid speed.

Wherever Kakashi's two shadow clones passed, many Kirigakure ninjas were cut in half by the Chidori chain.

This move alone consumed almost half of Kakashi's chakra.

Kakashi took out two soldiers' grain pills and threw them directly into his mouth.

Then Kakashi moved his forehead protector upwards, revealing his Sharingan, drew out his ninja sword, rushed towards the Kirigakure crowd, and fought the Kirigakure ninjas together with Chiba.

After Chiba had a little fun with the Thunderbolt Chakra mode, he fought while observing Kakashi to prevent Kakashi from having any accidents.

Kakashi killed more and more people. Blood had soaked Kakashi's whole body and kept dripping down.

Kakashi's mind was now filled with Hatake Sakumo, Uchiha Obito and Nohara Rin.

These people who were most important to him were all dead.

If they had died in battle, Kakashi would never have been so aggrieved.

But these three people who were most important to him did not die at the hands of the enemy, but at the hands of their own people.

Hatake Sakumo was betrayed by his subordinates and the village he loved, and chose to commit suicide. Uchiha

Obito was betrayed by his recognized companion Takei Katsuhiko, and finally died to save him.

Nohara Rin was abducted, the Three-Tails was sealed in her body, and finally she was killed by two teammates.

In the fight In the battle, Kakashi vented his emotions to his heart's content.

Kakashi is very strong now, and he is not at a disadvantage in the battle with so many Mist Ninjas.

But unfortunately, Kakashi has the Sharingan, and he is still using it.

At the same time, Kakashi is only 12 years old, and his physical fitness and chakra are not at their peak.

So the high-intensity battle can't last long.

Even if Kakashi deliberately uses physical skills to fight the enemy, the Sharingan is consumed very quickly.

Chiyu has been locking Kakashi with his observation Haki.

The battle has only lasted about 20 minutes now, and Kakashi's chakra is almost exhausted.

This endurance makes Chiyu a little... It's hard to explain in a few words.

Kakashi glanced at Chiyu and signaled to him that his chakra was almost used up.

Kakashi had already eaten the Hyoryang Maru, and the effect would be greatly reduced if he continued to eat it. With the current rate at which Kakashi consumes chakra, even if he ate it, it would be a drop in the bucket.

Chiyu nodded to Kakashi.

Chiyu was quite relieved, as it meant that Kakashi was very calm now.

After getting Chiyu's response, Kakashi took a deep breath and arched his body slightly.

Kakashi had never been able to successfully release that move, but Kakashi felt that he could do it now.

Kakashi condensed all the remaining chakra, and blue lightning burst out from his body.

""Thunder Breathing·Seventh Form·Fire Thunder God!"

Kakashi rushed forward and slashed at a super high speed that was completely imperceptible to the naked eye. When released, the trajectory of the slash produced a blue thunder dragon.

The thunder dragon shuttled through the crowd of Mist Ninjas, and wherever it passed, the Mist Ninjas were instantly killed.

Chiyu pulled it, there was only a little chakra left, and he still used the Seventh Form·Fire Thunder God. He was really willful.

However, after so many years, he finally succeeded in releasing the Seventh Form·Fire Thunder God.

After all, Kakashi's chakra has run out, and it is impossible to release the complete Fire Thunder God by forcibly releasing it now.

Just when Kakashi was halfway through the charge, the thunder dragon disappeared instantly, Kakashi's chakra was completely used up, his legs softened, and he was about to fall to the ground.

Seeing this, the Mist Ninjas rushed towards Kakashi in a swarm, and a large number of shurikens and kunai rushed towards Kakashi.

However, Kakashi was not panicked at all, and looked at these Mist Ninjas calmly.

The next second, Chiyu instantly appeared in front of Kakashi

"Breathing of Thunder·Type 3·Gathering Mosquitoes into Thunder!"

Chiyu revolved around Kakashi at high speed, leaving wave-like lightning in its own trajectory.

These wave-like lightning blocked all shurikens or kunai directed at Kakashi, and at the same time, Chiyu's slash killed all the Mist Ninjas who were close to Kakashi.

Chiyu carried Kakashi and used the instant body technique to take Kakashi away from the battlefield.

This Chiyu is a shadow clone, and Chiyu's original body is still fighting among the crowd of Mist Ninjas.

Chiyu's shadow clone checked Kakashi's body:"He suffered some minor injuries, and his meridians were also damaged to varying degrees due to the forced use of Type 7·Fire Thunder God, but overall he is fine."

Chiyu's shadow clone reproached:"Just when you said you were calm, you gave me a 'big surprise'. It would be bad if you didn't make it in time. You should always leave some room for yourself, understand?"

Kakashi forced a smile under his mask:"Because I believe in Mr. Chiba, Mr. Chiba is my Yu. Thank you, Mr. Chiba, for everything so far."

Chiba's shadow clone reached out and rubbed Kakashi's head:"Okay, you just take a good rest, and then, let me fight."

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