Qianyu, who has now become a disciple of Orochimaru, limped home in the moonlight.

Although his legs were painful, Qianyu's expression could not hide his excitement.

Qianyu, who had no background, could only show off the full sword form of Thunder Breathing. But Thunder Breathing could not make Qianyu a one-trick pony, so Qianyu needed other means to strengthen.

If there was no Orochimaru, Qianyu wanted to strengthen, then he could only obtain the required ability by obtaining witness points.

But when he saw the witness points required in the system's exchange store, Qianyu's eyes went black.

With only 40 witness points, he couldn't afford what he wanted.

And if he wanted to get a large number of witness points, there was only the third Ninja World War.

By then it would be too late.

Because the ability to exchange, according to Qianyu's mastery of Thunder Breathing, was not directly allowed to be fully mastered.

The system was only responsible for letting him learn, and then let Qianyu practice and improve himself.

But this also has an advantage. Qianyu has his own understanding of Thunder Breathing and will not copy it mechanically.

At the same time, it is also plastic.

Just like Thunder Breathing·One Form·Thunderbolt Flash·Six Connections.

Although Chiyu imitated the user Agatsuma Zenitsu, Chiyu figured out how to change the direction of the charge to minimize the burden on the legs. Chiyu took a deep breath and encouraged herself in her heart that she must be like a sponge and try her best to absorb the knowledge taught by Orochimaru.

With Orochimaru's teachings, Chiyu is confident that she can stand on her own when the war comes!...

Four days later at the Ninja School,

Uzumaki Kushina was sitting in her seat, complaining to Chiba.

"Chiyu, you don't know how difficult the sealing technique is. You need to remember so many knowledge points. Chiyu, do you know the"Basics of Sealing Techniques"? It's as thick as my palm, and Grandma Mito actually wants me to memorize it all!"

Uzumaki Kushina's little face was bitter, and she complained to Chiyu.

Chiyu smiled and rubbed Uzumaki Kushina's head:"It's a little harder now, and it will be easier in the future. Kushina will definitely become the most powerful female ninja in the future."

Hearing Chiyu's comfort, Uzumaki Kushina, who should have smiled at ordinary times, still pouted:"Actually, it doesn't matter if it's a little harder, but Grandma Mito said that after graduation, I can stay with her to learn the sealing technique. Only after I learn it, will I be allowed to perform missions.

I obviously want to team up with you, Chiyu, and perform missions together. I have been looking forward to it for a long time...."

Uzumaki Kushina shrugged her head, looking unhappy.

Chiba laughed and said,"Kushina, actually I have something to tell you. After I graduate, I probably won't team up with anyone to carry out missions, because I was accepted as a disciple by Orochimaru four days ago. I will practice with Orochimaru from now on."

Uzumaki Kushina tilted her cute little head and asked in confusion,"Teacher Orochimaru? I haven't heard of him."

Orochimaru has been living in seclusion for a long time now, and basically no one has seen Orochimaru.

And now, apart from the ninja school, Uzumaki Mito's mansion, or Chiba's house, Uzumaki Kushina has no place to get news about Orochimaru, so Uzumaki Kushina doesn't know Orochimaru.

"You know that Kushina, Tsunade and Jiraiya are one of the three ninjas, right?"

"Yeah, I know."

"Sensei Orochimaru is also one of the Three Ninjas."

Uzumaki Kushina covered her mouth in shock, and lowered her voice to confirm:"Did one of the Three Ninjas accept you, Chiyu, as his disciple?"

Chiyu smiled and nodded:"Yes, that's right, I passed Sensei Orochimaru's test four nights ago, and now I am his disciple. According to what Sensei Orochimaru said that day, he will come to me today."

Uzumaki Kushina said in surprise:"It's great that Lord Orochimaru, one of the Three Ninjas, accepted you as his disciple, Chiyu."

Chiyu said with some guilt:"But Kushina, I will practice with Sensei Orochimaru in the future, and the time we spend together may be very short, and we won't be able to meet every day anymore."

Uzumaki Kushina smiled and patted Chiyu's shoulder:"Oh, it's okay, Chiyu, when you have achieved success in your studies, we will have plenty of time."

In fact, Kushina Uzumaki was still very disappointed.

Ever since she met Chiyu and became friends, she had met Chiyu every day for the past few years, without missing a single day. She had gotten used to having Chiyu around her.

Now they were going to separate after graduation, and Kushina Uzumaki was very reluctant.

But in order not to worry Chiyu, Kushina Uzumaki tried hard to act like nothing was wrong.

Chiyu and Kushina Uzumaki had been together for so many years, and she knew Kushina Uzumaki well.

Chiyu naturally understood what Kushina Uzumaki was really thinking.

But now was not the right time, the crisis was imminent, and now Chiyu had to do everything she could to stop her. Become stronger, so that he and Uzumaki Kushina can survive the future crisis.

Chiyu took out a bell from his pocket.

This is one of a pair of bells that Chiyu exchanged at the exchange store with a huge sum of 30 witness points.

This pair of bells has no special function, only one function.

When one bell rings, the other bell will also ring, and the two bells can guide each other to find each other.

The purpose of Chiyu exchanging this bell is to prepare for the kidnapping of Uzumaki Kushina by the ninja of the Hidden Cloud Village in the future.

Chiyu handed the bell in his hand to Uzumaki Kushina:"This is for you, Kushina."

Looking at the small bell in Chiyu's hand, Uzumaki Kushina took it very happily, and asked expectantly:"Is this a gift for me?"

Looking at Uzumaki Kushina's expectant expression, Chiyu smiled and said:"Yes."

Uzumaki Kushina smiled very brightly:"I like it very much, thank you Chiyu."

Qianyu touched her nose. Could a bell make Uzumaki Kushina so happy?

Qianyu looked at Uzumaki Kushina seriously and warned:"Kushina, this bell has some special functions. I also have an identical bell here. As long as you ring your bell, my bell will also ring, and no matter where you are, the bell will guide me to find you.

So you must carry this bell with you at ordinary times. If you encounter anything, you must ring the bell, and I will rush over as soon as possible. Do you understand?"

Seeing that Qianyu was so serious, Uzumaki Kushina also responded seriously with her little face:"I will definitely carry this bell with me all the time!"

After that, Uzumaki Kushina couldn't help shaking the bell, and then listened carefully to the movement of Qianyu.

When she heard the sound of the bell coming from Qianyu's body, Uzumaki Kushina smiled very sweetly.

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