Inside the Ninja School.

Today is the day of the graduation examination.

The content of the examination is the Three Body Technique.

This kind of examination is a piece of cake for Chiyu. The graduation examination of the Ninja School is actually quite simple.

Even for Minato Namikaze who graduated early, it is not a matter of being a Chunin or being able to survive a certain amount of time under the hands of a Chunin to pass this kind of examination.

Candidates like Minato Namikaze who graduated early, in addition to the Three Body Technique, also have to take the examination of basics such as physical skills and shuriken throwing.

In short, if you show all the knowledge you have learned in the Ninja School and prove that you have become a qualified ninja, you can graduate early.

The examination is coming soon.

Chiyu came to the classroom where the examination was conducted.

The teacher conducting the examination was Hayabusa Masada.

Chiyu knew that Hayabusa Masada looked down on him very much, so he was too lazy to say anything to him.

After waiting for Hayabusa Masada to announce the start of the examination, Chiyu directly performed the Clone Technique, Substitute Technique and Transformation Technique.

Hayabusa Masada could not find any fault with Chiyu's Three Body Technique. After stamping the examination certificate with the seal of"Examination Passed", he handed the forehead protector to Chiyu.

Chiyu silently took the forehead protector and left the classroom without even a glance at Masada Hayabusa. Masada Hayabusa was so angry that he blew his beard and glared. After the exams, other candidates would express their gratitude to him for his hard work and teaching over the years.

However, Chiyu was so cold.

Masada Hayabusa muttered unhappily:"He is really a traitor, with a cold nature. I really don't want such a guy to become a ninja." Chiyu waited at the gate of the Ninja School for a while, and not long after, Uzumaki Kushina also came out. Uzumaki Kushina couldn't wait to put on the forehead protector.

"Qianyu, does it look good?"

Uzumaki Kushina, wearing a forehead protector, turned around in front of Qianyu.

"It looks very good."

Looking at the forehead protector on Uzumaki Kushina's forehead, Qianyu felt mixed emotions.

After officially becoming a ninja, the beginning is about to begin. Soon the ninja world will become a meat grinder, the weak will die, and the strong will survive.

"It's time to go."

At some point, Orochimaru appeared behind Chiyu.

Chiyu turned around and bowed, saying,"Teacher Orochimaru."

When Uzumaki Kushina saw Orochimaru, she felt a chill on her back.

Because of Orochimaru's pale skin and snake-like vertical pupils, in Uzumaki Kushina's eyes, Orochimaru was like a poisonous snake that would choose its prey.

Tsunade and Jiraiya, two of the other three ninjas, looked quite normal, so why did this Orochimaru look so scary?

Uzumaki Kushina shrank back behind Chiyu in fear.

But because Orochimaru was Chiyu's teacher, Uzumaki Kushina still plucked up the courage to greet him,"Sir Orochimaru...."

Orochimaru just glanced at Uzumaki Kushina and didn't say anything.

Chiyu turned to Uzumaki Kushina and said,"Kushina, Orochimaru teacher is here to see me. You go back first. Remember, ring the bell if you have anything!" Uzumaki Kushina nodded and said,"I understand, Chiyu."

Chiyu rubbed Uzumaki Kushina's head and said,"Then go back quickly and tell your grandmother Mito the good news that you have become a ninja." Uzumaki Kushina knew that after this separation, she might not be able to see Chiyu again for a while, so she left reluctantly, looking back every few steps.

Chiyu was also reluctant, but he didn't want to let Uzumaki Kushina be exposed to Orochimaru's eyes for too long.

No one knows what his teacher is thinking now.

Being targeted is not a good thing.

Chiyu turned to Orochimaru again and said,"I'm sorry, Teacher Orochimaru, I kept you waiting for a long time."

"Let's go then."

Chiyu followed Orochimaru and left the Ninja School.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Chiyu followed Orochimaru to an underground base on the edge of Konoha.

Chiyu looked at the dim surroundings with a somewhat strange look in his eyes.

Did Orochimaru already have the habit of building underground bases during this period?

Orochimaru took Chiyu to an office that looked like a workplace, with all the open ninjutsu scrolls on the table.

Orochimaru sat on a chair, looked at Chiyu and asked,"Do you know the attributes of your chakra?"

Chiyu answered truthfully,"I only know that I have a thunder attribute." Orochimaru took out a piece of paper,"This is a chakra test paper, which can detect the attributes of the chakra possessed by a ninja. Just inject your chakra into the chakra test paper."

Chiyu took the chakra test paper and injected the chakra into it.

The chakra test paper began to change.

One area became wrinkled, one area caught fire, one area became wet, and the last area shattered.

Orochimaru looked at the changes in the chakra test paper and said in surprise,"Oh? Do you have the four chakra attributes of lightning, fire, water, and earth? You only need one wind attribute to have all five attributes."

Orochimaru closed his eyes and thought about how to teach Chiyu.

Chiyu did not disturb Orochimaru, but stood quietly beside Orochimaru and waited.

Half an hour later, Orochimaru opened his eyes and said to Chiyu,"I am not very proficient in the three escape techniques of lightning, fire, and water, but it should be enough to guide you.

As for physical skills, you have practiced the full sword type of Thunder Breathing, as long as you continue to improve. I don't have any better physical skills than the full sword type of Thunder Breathing.

You have mastered the changes in the form and nature of lightning attribute chakra, so temporarily focus on lightning escape, continue to improve, and then gradually master the escape techniques of fire, water, and earth.

I found that you are not very skilled in using the Sharingan, and the use of the Sharingan should also be carried out and included in the training plan. As one of the three major pupil techniques in the ninja world, even the Sharingan with a single magatama is of great use to ninjas.

The Insight Eye of the Single Magatama Sharingan, combined with the full sword form of Thunder Breathing, should have a significant improvement.

Then my secret technique needs to be used in conjunction with the summoning technique, so you must also master the summoning technique.

This is the plan for your training during this period. Do you have any objections?"

Chiyu replied:"Teacher Orochimaru, I have no objection!"

Orochimaru got up from the chair and said:"Since there is no objection, let's start from tomorrow. I will take you to your room."

Orochimaru took Chiyu out of the office and came to a room.

This room can be said to be in full view. Except for a bed and a bedside table, there is nothing else.

Orochimaru instructed Chiyu:"You can go almost everywhere in this base, but don't go into the sealed room."

"Yes, Mr. Orochimaru."

After Orochimaru left the room, Chiyu lay on the bed where he might sleep for a long time.

Orochimaru is worthy of being Orochimaru. When Chiyu heard the plan given to him by Orochimaru, he felt that his next days would definitely be very fulfilling.

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