Chiyu is undergoing rigorous training in Orochimaru's base.

Orochimaru's training is not like other teachers, who give you heavy training tasks right from the start to prepare you mentally.

Instead, it looks easy, and you think you can complete it easily, but when you go on with the training, you find that it is not the case at all.

It is a double torture of the body and the mind, and it feels like the kind of despair that there is no hope for your future.

However, Orochimaru's teaching level is indeed top-notch.

Orochimaru teaches students in accordance with their aptitude. If Chiyu has any problems, he will point them out immediately, and strengthen the training for the weak points.

It would be better if Orochimaru summoned fewer snakes.

Chiyu has been training in the underground base for nearly a month.

Ordinary snakes can no longer threaten Chiyu.

Now Chiyu is not only tied with weights, but the snakes that cooperate with Chiyu in training are all snakes from the Ryuchi Cave, and they are all snakes with real chakra, which are much stronger than ordinary snakes.

Chiyu has been embarrassed by these snakes many times.

And now Chiyu has learned the Shadow Clone Technique, not the A-level ninjutsu Multiple Shadow Clone Technique listed as a forbidden technique, but just an ordinary Shadow Clone Technique, Chiyu can only create one Shadow Clone.

Chiyu wants to try to practice with the Shadow Clone like Naruto.

Good guy, Chiyu almost fainted that time.

The memory and experience of the clone will return to the main body, and the same fatigue will be transmitted back to the main body.

Double fatigue, that feeling, as if to go to heaven.

But it is still not as sour as the time when the system used his body to simulate the Thunder Breathing. Even now, Chiyu can't help but shudder when he thinks about it.

Therefore, Chiyu now lets his Shadow Clone learn ninjutsu knowledge, and then transmits the memory back to the main body to save time.

Every day, Chiyu's physical strength and chakra are exhausted.

But every day Orochimaru will give Chiyu a cup of special liquid.

I heard from Orochimaru that this is the nutrient solution he developed, which can not only replenish the nutrients needed by the body, but also eliminate fatigue.

Chiyu drank the nutrient solution every night, and after sleeping until dawn, all the fatigue in his body disappeared.

It can be said that Chiyu can do such high-intensity training every day thanks to this nutrient solution.

Today, Orochimaru was rarely away from the underground base. In the morning, he left after saying"train on your own".

But even if Orochimaru left, Chiyu did not slack off in training.

After all, training is for oneself, not for others.

The morning training ended quickly. Chiyu took off the weights on her body, wiped the sweat with a towel, and prepared to eat something and rest for a while before starting the afternoon ninjutsu training.

Orochimaru cooks every day, and Chiyu only needs to train.

Today, Orochimaru is not here, so Chiyu can only cook by herself.

Just when Chiyu was preparing to make udon noodles for lunch today, Orochimaru came back.

Orochimaru changed into a ninja costume and said to Chiyu,"I've got a C-rank mission for you, let's go straight away."

Chiyu put down the vegetables that she was going to use as a side dish and said in surprise,"Hey, so sudden?"

Orochimaru crossed his arms, leaned against the door frame, looked at Chiyu and said,"It's almost done. This C-rank mission is to wipe out a group of bandits. It's time to test the results of your training for this month."

Chiyu shook off the water stains on his hands:"Okay, I'll take my sword."

At this time, Orochimaru threw something to Chiyu.

After Chiyu caught it, he saw that it was a ninja tool bag.

Five kunai, some shurikens and several detonating talismans were neatly placed in the ninja tool bag.

"Thank you, Master Orochimaru."

Qianyu wore the ninja tool bag.

As a poor man, Qianyu couldn't afford such ninja tools, especially the detonating tags, which were extremely expensive, and the price was several times that of the kunai.

Now Qianyu completely eats, drinks and lives with Orochimaru.

Now Orochimaru is still buying ninja tools for Qianyu, which makes her feel embarrassed.

Qianyu took the katana and left Konoha with Orochimaru.

After many years, leaving Konoha again made Qianyu feel a little dazed.

Thinking of his parents, Qianyu felt a little depressed.

They are really a good pair of parents and love him very much.

If it weren't for those four happy years, let alone whether Qianyu could survive, Qianyu felt that in this cannibalistic ninja world, he would most likely become a walking corpse without any hope or goal.

Because he has experienced happiness, Qianyu is now fighting for himself, for Uzumaki Kushina, and for the future.

"What, did you think of something?"

Orochimaru is very sensitive to people's emotional changes and noticed Chiyu's low mood.

Chiyu took a deep breath and said with a smile:"Nothing, I just thought that this is my first time out of the village since I returned to Konoha, so I was a little excited."

Orochimaru glanced at Chiyu and chuckled:"Really?..."

Orochimaru could tell that Chiba was not excited, but was obviously remembering something.

As for what he was remembering, Chiba's only friend in Konoha was Uzumaki Kushina, who was still alive, so he would not remember Uzumaki Kushina.

So Chiba must be remembering his parents....

The destination of this mission is in the Land of Rice.

The Land of Rice is a small country bordering Konoha, and there is no ninja village.

Due to the inaction of the Daimyo of the Land of Rice, bandits are rampant in the Land of Rice. This time, Orochimaru helped Chiyu accept a C-level mission, which is to wipe out the bandits who have burned, killed and looted several villages in the Land of Rice.

Chiyu and Orochimaru stood on the top of the mountain, overlooking the noisy village at the foot of the mountain.

Now the village is full of bandits, and the villagers have been slaughtered.

It looks like they should be holding a banquet to celebrate.

Orochimaru said:"For this mission, you have to kill all the bandits in this village. At the same time, you cannot use Thunder Breathing, but you can use your swordsmanship, ninjutsu, taijutsu, and Sharingan. Do you understand?"

Chiyu nodded and said,"I understand"

"Then let's get started."

Qianyu used the instant body-flickering technique and disappeared instantly.

Qianyu came to the village alone.

Qianyu first explored the village and confirmed the number of people.

This village had experienced a massacre by bandits. The houses were full of corpses. No one, young or old, male or female was left. Only bandits were left in the village.

All the bandits gathered in the field in the center of the village for a banquet.

It was much more convenient for Qianyu to gather all the bandits together.

After Qianyu made some arrangements, he approached the gathering place of the bandits secretly.

The bandits held wine in their hands, and the looted property was placed in the middle of the field. The blood on their bodies turned black and brown. They laughed wantonly, and talked about how many people they killed and how they killed them.

Qianyu took out a kunai from the ninja bag and looked at the bandits celebrating in front of him with murderous intent.

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