In the village where the bandits had slaughtered all the people,

Qianyu opened her Sharingan and confirmed the number of bandits, a total of 34 people.

Qianyu locked her eyes on the four bandits who were moving the wine.

"It was such a refreshing feeling. The sight of the two people I killed kneeling on the ground begging me to spare their lives was so pleasing!"

"Who says it isn't? ?"

"But this village is a bit poor. This is all the money we have left after looting. By the time it’s our turn, there might not be much left."

"It's already pretty good. You forgot that the previous village was even poorer. When it came to us, there was no money to share."

"Don't worry, didn't the boss say that there is no more money to be made in Tian Country? He said he would take us to the neighboring Moon Country to make a fortune."...

Qianyu appeared silently behind one of the bandits like a ghost, and the cold light of the kunai flashed and wiped the other person's neck.

The other two smelled a familiar smell of blood and looked at the bandit whose throat was cut.

And this look was their last.

The necks of the two bandits were cut by Qianyu.

The last bandit did not notice that their companion's neck was cut by Qianyu, and he was still talking about the future looting plan.

"I heard that although the Moon Country is a small country like the Field Country, it is very rich. Robbing a village in the Moon Country may earn more money than we robbed the villages in the Field Country combined. We will definitely make a lot of money by then. I am very excited just thinking about it. Don’t you think so? Life is getting more and more promising. I said that the profession of bandit is very promising. Do you believe it now?

Hey, why don’t you speak?"

The bandit who was still talking nonstop found that the other three people were silent. With the help of the firelight, he looked at them and his hair stood up.

The three bandits covered their necks and spit out blood from their mouths. They wanted to say something, but because their trachea was cut, they spit out blood instead.


The bandit felt a pain in the skin on his neck, subconsciously touched it, and the warm liquid covered his entire hand.

Then the feeling of suffocation came, his whole face flushed, and finally he fell to the ground with his companions.

Qianyu shook the blood on the kunai and glanced at the corpse on the ground with indifference.

Hmm...It feels exciting.


Qianyu muttered a number and then disappeared into the dark to continue the assassination.

Qianyu's plan was to first eliminate the lone bandits and then catch the remaining bandits.

"29...26...twenty three..."

Qianyu harvested the lives of the bandits.

The bandits were still immersed in the joy of the banquet.

"Eh? Where's Shinichi? Didn't he say he was going to pee? Why hasn't he come back yet?"

"Could he be drunk and fell asleep? This guy can't drink so much, it makes me laugh"

"Something is not right! Sota, Tsukasa, Ryusuke and Uya, the four of them went to get the wine and they are nowhere to be seen."

"Feng Dou is missing too!"...

After Qianyu assassinated so many people, the bandits realized that something was wrong.

The bandit leader immediately organized himself, gathered the remaining bandits together and counted them.

There were 34 people in total, but now there were only 21 people left, 13 of them were gone.

The bandit leader made a prompt decision and shouted,"Take up your weapons!"

The bandit leader led the bandits to look for Qianyu.

When the bandits saw the bodies of their companions on the ground, they felt a chill down their spines.

So many people died, but there was no movement at all. This kind of unknown was the most terrifying.

"Earth escape·Turbo Spear!"

Qianyu appeared behind the bandits, and pressed his hands on the ground after making seals.

Qianyu created sharp rocks on the ground below the bandits, and several bandits were directly pierced through the body by the sharp rocks.

The bandits who reacted quickly immediately retreated to avoid the attack.

The bandit leader looked at Qianyu in horror, who was in the shadow and whose figure could not be seen clearly.

It turned out to be a ninja!

In the ninja world, even Genin has an extremely high status.

And this status is brought by strength.

Before the emergence of chakra, the highest status was the samurai.

Now there is only one country left for samurai, the Iron Country.

And even samurai have practiced chakra, and no longer purely practice swordsmanship.

These bandits are just ordinary people. Facing ninjas, even Genin can hardly defeat them.

So after discovering that it was a ninja, the bandits were all scared.

The bandit leader knew very well that if he retreated now, he would most likely be chased and defeated, and he had to fight to have a chance.

And the bandit leader felt that the opponent's strength would definitely not be very strong, otherwise, there would be no need to use assassination methods.

"Don't panic! We have more people! The other side has only one person! Don't panic! Listen to my instructions, let's charge together!"

The bandit leader calmed everyone down and shouted,"Let's charge together! Charge!" After hearing the boss's order, all the bandits rushed towards Qianyu.

Qianyu quickly formed seals with both hands.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

Qianyu gathered his chaklala in his throat and blew out a huge fireball from his mouth.

The bandits who were at the front were blown into the air by the fireball, and the flames covered their entire bodies.

"Don't be afraid, keep charging! As long as you get close to him, you can kill him! If you retreat now, it will be completely over!"

The bandit leader stood at the back and shouted at the top of his voice.

Qianyu's hands formed seals again.

"Water Style: Water Wave!"

He spit out a stream of water from his mouth to attack the bandits.

However, this stream of water could only push the bandits back, but could not cause effective damage to them.

But now a small pool of water appeared on the ground, and most of the bandits were covered in water.

After Qianyu made a seal, he touched his hand on the pool of water.

"Lightning Release: Thunder!"

Qianyu's hands burst into dazzling lightning, illuminating the dark surroundings.

The lightning was conducted in the water, and the bandits were electrified with black smoke.

Qianyu drew the sword from his waist and rushed forward, beheading the bandits who were paralyzed and unable to move one by one. The bandits who were not wet looked at Qianyu with horror. They didn't even touch anyone, but most of them were already dead or injured.

How could they fight?

The bandits turned around and ran away in panic.

In the process of running away, they found that their boss had disappeared long ago.

After Qianyu beheaded all the bandits who were paralyzed by the lightning escape, he whispered a"9", slightly bent his body, exerted force with his legs, and rushed out like a cannonball. After three years of training in the ninja school, plus the targeted training of Orochimaru in the past month.

Now Qianyu can reach the speed when Qianyu just learned the breathing of thunder even if he does not use the lightning escape chakra to activate his body.

Qianyu is like the god of death, ready to harvest the last remaining bandits.

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